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Animal hazards - 245 entries found

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  • Animal hazards


CIS 88-452 Hog dressing safety and health guide
Step-by-step guide to safety and hygiene in the pig slaughtering and dressing industry. Special concerns: diseased animals, personal hygiene, housekeeping, materials handling, personal protective equipment, knives, saws, electric stunning, CO2 stunning, captive bolt stunning. The book can also be used as a training manual.
Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 2 Bloor Street East, 23rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3C2, Canada, 1981. 53p. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 83-245 Thiele W., Bergmann K.C., Lehnigk K., Thiele E., Wittig M.
Airborne organic dust in animal sheds - a risk factor in the occurrence of occupational diseases in animal husbandmen
Organische Stäube der Stalluft als Risikofaktor für die Entstehung arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen bei Werktätigen der Tierproduktion [in German]
Research in the German Democratic Republic has shown chronic non-specific pulmonary disease to the more common among animal husbandmen than in the population as a whole, indicating the role of occupational factors, especially organic dusts, in the aetiopathogenesis. The methodology and results of a health survey in industrial pig fattening plants are described: microclimate, dust counts and particle size analyses, pathogenesic bacteria counts, pathogen counts in relation to climatic factors and dust levels, precipitating antibodies and degree of sensitisation. There is a need to analyse organic dust composition when assessing the health conditions and the medical supervision of exposed workers.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Mar. 1981, Vol.27, No.3, p.180-182.

CIS 82-1983 Katila M.L., Mäntyjärvi R.A., Ojanen T.H.
Sensitisation against environmental antigens and respiratory symptoms in swine workers
Study on 20 workers in pig houses and 18 controls who were tested for sensitisation against dusts encountered there. Immunoprecipitation and enzyme-linked immuniassay (ELISA) were used to test for IgG antibodies; IgE antibodies against swine epithelium were tested using solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Precipitins against swine antigens were found in 2 swine workers, and ELISA revealed sensitisation in 6 workers. Sensitisation against swine antigens correlated with exposure but not with the presence of symptoms. No IgE antibodies were found. Precipitins against feed antigens were found in 12 workers (in 9 of the 12 symptomatic and 3 of the 8 asymptomatic workers). No single antigen was of special importance as an inducer of sensitisation. In cases of persistent symptoms, IgG class antibodies may be used as corroborative evidence of an occupation-associated disease. A large panel of antigens should be used in testing for sensitisation because of the many immunogenic dusts present in the air of pig houses.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Nov. 1981, Vol.38, No.4, p.334-338. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 82-781 Robertson M.H., Clarke I.R., Coghlan J.D., Gil O.N.
Leptospirosis in trout farmers
5 cases of leptospirosis, ranging in severity from an influenza-like illness to a fatality, are documented. Leptospiral antibodies were found in these workers. Pond water or trout food contaminated with rat urine is believed to have caused the outbreak. An additional case, at a different location, resulted from a fish farmer wading in rat polluted water with defective rubber boots.
Lancet, 19 Sep. 1981, Vol.II, No.8247, p.626-627. 5 ref.

CIS 82-461 Mouret A.
Les morsures de serpents [in French]
For the benefit of building and civil engineering workers who are more than usually exposed to the danger of snakebite, a description and illustrated classification is given of the snakes encountered mainly in France. Action to be taken in the event of snakebite: limit blood spread of venom; neutralise venom (where and when to inject serum and appropriate dose); control effects of venom; treat wound. Safety measures: do not go barefooted or wearing only slip-on sandals; beat or shake bushes and make a noise; do not handle snakes carelessly - even dead ones; keep a wary eye for snakes; have an ampoule of serum at hand.
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Sep-Oct. 1981, No.5, p.217-222. Illus.

CIS 81-1391 Cockcroft A., Edwards J., McCarthy P., Andersson N.
Allergy in laboratory animal workers.
179 people working with small laboratory animals were studied by questionnaire, lung function tests, skin tests, and serology. 49 had symptoms related to animal contact, most commonly rhinitis but also asthma and skin rashes. Asthma particularly was asociated with positive skin tests. Atopic individuals were not more likely than non-atopics to have symptoms, but were more likely to have asthma. Lung function measurements were normal. Exclusion of atopic individuals from work with laboratory animals will not eliminate the problem.
Lancet, 11 Apr. 1981, Vol.I, No.8224, p.827-830. 19 ref.

CIS 81-1355 Slovak A.J.M., Hill R.N.
Laboratory animal allergy: a clinical survey on an exposed population.
Workers exposed to laboratory animals in a pharmaceutical company (animal handlers, experimental workers, technicians, auxiliaries) were studied. The overall prevalence of allergy was 30%, and 2 syndromes, regional and progressive, were distinguished. The first consists of rhinitis with negative prick tests; the second of rhinitis leading to asthma with positive prick tests. Atopic subjects were not at special risk, but if they developed the allergy they were more likely to have the progressive form. Measures for further study are proposed.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Feb. 1981, Vol.38, No.1, p.38-41. 6 ref.


CIS 82-222 Henneberg W., Müller B.
Safe work with animals
Sicherheit beim Umgang mit Tieren [in German]
Compendium of OSH regulations and standards in force in the German Democratic Republic, principally applying to work with farm animals. Contents: zoonoses, transport and slaughtering of animals, cold storage of meat, special provisions for work in livestock rearing and work with farm animals.
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1980. 139p. Price: M.4.20.

CIS 81-182 Dubos M., Susperregui A., Drouet J., Niaussat P.M.
Experimental study of the sensitizing effect of the marine bryozooïd Alcyonidium gelatinosum (L.) - Cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction
Etude expérimentale du pouvoir sensibilisant d'Alcyonidium gelatinosum (L.) (Bryozoaire marin) - Réaction d'hypersensibilité cutanée [in French]
Following an outbreak of acute eczematous dermatitis in fishermen the authors investigated the sensitising role of the zooïd of the phylum Bryozoa by experiments with guinea pigs (percutaneous administration and inhalation). Short-term sensitisation is sufficient to produce hypersensitive reactions. Repeated sensitisation, however, can modify the nature of the allergic response. The skin reactions observed would appear to be an intrication of cell-mediated and humoral hypersensitivity.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, 1980, Vol.41, No.1, p.9-13. 5 ref.

CIS 80-854 Taylor S.W.C.
A prevalence study of virus warts on the hands in a poultry processing and packing station.
The prevalence of viral warts in these workers was 38.2% (11.9% in a control population of textile workers). The common human papova virus was identified from scrapings. The possible reasons for the high prevalence of warts is discussed: the cause may be that the workers' hands are frequently wet rather than contact with the chickens themselves. Wearing gloves significantly protected workers against warts, but the prevalence was still 32% in those who always wore gloves.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Jan. 1980, Vol.30, No.1, p.20-23. 9 ref.


CIS 81-1121
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (Ministerium für Land-, Forst- and Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft).
Protection against hazards of work with live animals [German Democratic Republic]
Schutz vor Gefährdungen durch lebende Tiere [in German]
This standard lays down the basic principles of protection from hazards due to live animals - from mammals to unicellular organisms: separation, safe distances, layout of premises and design of equipment, collective and personal safety measures, organisation, behaviour, prohibited access (unauthorised persons), required qualifications, prevention of injuries and damage to property which may be caused by free-roaming animals, first-aid equipment and trained first-aid personnel, declaration of exceptional and unknown hazards.
Staatsverlag der DDR, Postfach 1068, 7010 Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, Oct. 1979. 2p.

CIS 80-1988 Thélier.
Report of an investigation on existing methods for destroying wasps and hornets
Communication d'une enquête sur les différents moyens existant actuellement pour détruire les guêpes et frelons. [in French]
Communication to the Joint Regional Technical Committee for the Food Industries (Comité technique régional de l'alimentation interprofessionnel), Lille, France. Contents: statistical aspects (absenteeism due to insect stings; site of injury); inventory of methods for destroying wasps and other winged insects (destruction of swarms by fire brigades; electrical methods; insecticides; ultrasound); pharmaceutical treatment of stings.
Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie du Nord de la France, 11 boulevard Vauban, Boîte postale 3008, 59024 Lille Cedex, France, 13 Sep. 1979. 7p. Gratis.

CIS 80-1118 Hoskin A.F., Miller T.A.
Farm accident surveys: A 21-State summary with emphasis on animal-related injuries.
Farm accident surveys were conducted in 21 states of the USA using standardised definitions, forms and sampling techniques. The pooled data included 24,703 farms on which 4,176 injuries or illnesses were recorded. Information on exposure to farm work was also collected and used to calculate detailed work injury rates. An overall rate of 18.8 work injuries (mainly related to handling cattle) per million man-hours exposure was found. Of the 2,760 work injuries, 18% were animal-related and 414 in-depth reports on these injuries were available for analysis. A computer programme was used to identify characteristics and circumstances of accidents involving animals that occur with statistically significant frequency.
Journal of Safety Research, Spring 1979, Vol.11, No.1, p.2-13. 18 ref.

CIS 80-549 Disposal of potentially contaminated animal wastes.
This data sheet outlines the planning and procedures necessary for safe handling and disposal of potentially contaminated animal wastes encountered in: biochemical laboratory facilities; veterinary, clinical, research, or teaching institutions; animal quarantine units; and other facilities where diseased animals are housed. Definitions; general and specific requirements for safe handling programmes, training programmes, pre-employment and periodical medical examinations, isolation facilities, air locks, sterilisers, shower and changing rooms, personal protective equipment, waste handling procedures (solid wastes - combustible and noncombustible; liquid wastes; radioactive biological wastes).
Data Sheet 1-679-79, Revised 1979, National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA, 1978. 4p. 19 ref.

CIS 80-472 Patterson R., Wang J.L.F., Fink J.N., Calvanico N.J., Roberts M.
IgA and IgG antibody activities of serum and bronchoalveolar fluid from symptomatic and asymptomatic pigeon breeders.
Serum IgA and IgG antibody activities against pigeon serum were measured in 16 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic pigeon breeders and 3 normal subjects by radioimmunoassay. The antibody activities against pigeon antigen in the diseased group were significantly greater than in the 2 other groups. Overlap between the symptomatic and asymptomatic breeders limits the diagnostic value of individual IgA or IgG antibody determinations. Bronchoalveolar fluid and serum samples from 10 asymptomatic and 6 symptomatic breeders were studied. IgG and IgA antibody activities were detected in both fluids. IgA antibody activity was higher in the respiratory secretions.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Nov. 1979, Vol.120, No.5, p.1113-1118. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 80-508 Ingram C.G., Jeffrey I.G., Symington I.S., Cuthbert O.D.
Bronchial provocation studies in farmers allergic to storage mites.
9 atopic farm workers (3 symptom-free, group 1; 2 with rhinitis and conjunctivitis, group 2; 4 with asthma, group 3) and 3 non-atopic controls were studied. Group 3 patients had a greater than 20% fall in FEV1 and forced expiratory flow (FEF), and group 2 patients a greater than 20% fall in FEF. The clinical responses suggested an immediate type-I hypersensitivity. The mite population in the hay ranged from 8 to 1,700 mites/g (up to 46 million in a 27kg bale). Storage mites may be an important cause of asthma in the farming community and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of farmer's lung.
Lancet, 22-29 Dec. 1979, Vol.II, No.8156/7, p.1330-1332. 6 ref.

CIS 80-199 Rodey G.E., Fink J., Koethe S., Schlueter D., Witkowski J., Bettonville P., Rimm A., Moore V.
A study of HLA-A, B, C, and DR specificities in pigeon breeder's disease.
The frequencies of HLA-A, -B, and -C antigens were determined among 51 symptomatic pigeon breeders, 102 asymptomatic pigeon breeders, and 100 normal controls. The HLA-DR specificities were also studied in 32 symptomatic and 29 asymptomatic pigeon breeders. All subjects were white. Symptomatic subjects were defined by the development of respiratory symptoms or decreased pulmonary function after aerosol challenge with pigeon serum. Asymptomatic subjects were comparably exposed to pigeons but had no pulmonary signs or symptoms after aerosol challenge. No significant association was found between any of the tested HLA specificities and pigeon breeders.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, May 1979, Vol.119, No.5, p.755-759. 23 ref.


CIS 79-1103 Sauvaget J., Aerts J., Gacouin J.C., Reyboz F., Loriot J., Proteau J.
Respiratory disorders with corn weevil precipitins present
Manifestations respiratoires avec présence de précipitines au charençon de blé. [in French]
Corn weevil (Sitophilus granarius) may cause reaginic allergic manifestations or, more infrequently, troubles due to delayed hypersensitivity. The authors report on 2 case studies of occupationally-exposed subjects (1 baker, 1 bagger in a flour mill); presence of specific precipitins, the interpretation of which is discussed. A systematic search for these precipitins in exposed environments seems advisable.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Oct.-Nov. 1978, Vol.39, No.10-11, p.617-623. 15 ref.

CIS 79-173 Audebert C., Lamoureux P.
Occupational eczema of trawlermen due to contact with bryozoa in the Seine River estuary (first French case studies, 1975-1977)
Eczéma professionnel du marin pêcheur par contact de bryozoaires en baie de Seine (Premiers cas français 1975-1977) [in French]
As a result of proliferation in the Seine River estuary, in the summer season, of phytoplankton dinoflagellata, many trawlermen developed occupational eczema. A systematic investigation was carried out among 120 of these men, all engaged in fishing in the same area. This report gives by way of introduction general background information on skin and eye irritation due to contact with bryozoa, and with Alcyonidium gelatinosum in particular, followed by case studies among the trawlermen concerned, and the results of allergological studies showing the role of Alcyonidium gelatinosum in the allergic reactions in 13 fishermen, principally engaged in drag-net or trammel-net trawling. The eczema of 5 of the 13 fishermen was so severe that they had to seek other work.
Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie, 1978, Vol. 105, No.2, p.187-192. 8 ref.

CIS 79-237 Fish oil and meal factories
Fiskeolje- og fiskemelfabrikker [in Norwegian]
Contents of these directives: reference to other directives and pertinent Norwegian standards; instruction of personnel and organisation of an occupational safety and health service; workplaces (microclimate, prohibition of combustion engines within closed premises, etc.); machine maintenance (platforms, walkways, staircases and access ladders with guardrails, cage guards, etc.); noise control; hearing protection and audiometric examinations; natural and artificial lighting; conveyors and machinery (protective devices, general precautions); explosion and fire prevention; measures to lighten work; cloakrooms, drying rooms, etc.; unloading of ships; first-aid equipment; mechanised caustic soda handling.
Bestillingsnr. 358, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbeidstilsynet), Postboks 8103 Dep., Oslo 1, Norway, Mar. 1978. 11p. Gratis.

CIS 78-1671 Bessot J.C., Pauli G., Kerschen C., Moreau G., Hirth C.
Respiratory allergy to the migratory locust
Allergie respiratoire au criquet migrateur. [in French]
Two cases of occupational allergy to constituents of these arthropods are reported in biologists working in a laboratory where 15,000 migratory locusts were raised. Rhinitis and asthma occurred in both cases, after 6 months and 3 years respectively, recurring whenever there was contact with the locusts. History of this respiratory allergy and zoological notes. The principal allergenic fraction seemed to be in the cuticle and excreta. The hypothesis of a common antigen pattern between the different species is discussed. Prevention measures: wearing of airtight suits; special supervision of atopic subjects.
Revue française d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique, Jan.-Mar. 1978, Vol. 18, No.1, p.19-24. 19 ref.

CIS 78-1528 Sauvaget J., Aerts J., Gacouin J.C.
Two cases of respiratory disease with presence of grain weevil precipitins (Sitophilus granarius).
A propos de deux cas d'affections respiratoires avec présence de précipitines au charençon du blé (Sitophilus granarius) [in French]
The little-known role of the grain weevil in causing bronchopulmonary disease in subjects exposed to flour is pointed out. Two cases are reported: a millworker suffering from chronic pneumopathy with a severe obstructive syndrome and a flour bagger presenting type I allergy with asthma and positive skin tests and type III asthma with presence of precipitins. Comments on the significance of specific precipitins (anti-Sitophilus) found in both subjects. Conclusion: systematic screening for these precipitins in workers exposed to the grain weevil is useful.
Revue française d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique, Jan.-Mar. 1978, Vol.18, No.1, p.1-4. 15 ref.

CIS 78-1406 Tick bites.
Description of the insects (Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor variabilis, Amblyomma americanum) and of the diseases they transmit to man (Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, relapsing fever, tularaemia, tick paralysis). Use of insect repellents and vaccines, precautions (appropriate clothing for people working in tick-infested areas, daily inspections of body skin, etc.) and first aid are explained.
National Safety News, Data Sheet 669, National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 1978. Chicago, USA, Apr. 1978. p.67-69. Illus.

CIS 78-1448 Hjorth N.
Gut eczema in slaughterhouse workers.
"Gut eczema" or "fat eczema" is so called because it occurs in workers handling swine intestines or mesenteric fat. The clinical features of this condition, which affects the hands and possibly other parts of the body, lasts for 1-3 weeks and can recur at intervals of months or years, are described. Prick tests in 23 swine slaughterhouse workers were negative. The aetiology is unknown.
Contact Dermatitis, Feb. 1978, Vol.4, No.1, p.49-52.

CIS 78-856 Seguela J.L.
Workplace studies in industrial poultry slaughtering
Etude de quelques postes de travail en abattage industriel de volailles. [in French]
MD thesis. The workplaces receiving the most attention are: hooking up the poultry, gutting, trussing, cutting up and boning. Aspects considered: work premises, workplace characteristics, hazards, prevention measures. The chief harmful factors are those related to the environment (humid atmosphere, cold, dust, noise), noxious properties of foodstuffs, standing posture, cutting instruments, work rhythm and working hours. Consequences of increasing mechanisation of work. Concerns of the occupational physician: female work force, lack of skills, control of harmful agents and stress due to the work rhythm. Mention of relevant French regulations.
Université de Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Broussais - Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, France, 1978. 64p. Illus. 22 ref.


CIS 79-2007
TGL 30125/01 to 08, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Industry (Ministerium für Land-, Forst- und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft), Berlin, Dec. 1977.
Work with breeding and domestic animals in agriculture
Umgang mit landwirtschaftlichen Zucht- und Nutztieren [in German]
These standards (effective 1 Sep. 1978) set out general requirements (definitions, general safety requirements, safe work practices), and specific requirements relating to cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, dogs, fur-bearing animals, and beekeeping.
Staatsverlag der DDR, Postfach 1068, 7010 Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, 1977. 18p.

CIS 78-1693 Dogs and occupational safety
Le chien et la prévention. [in French]
1976 statistics show that 35 officers of the French Electricity Board (chiefly meter readers and electricians) were bitten by a dog, most often in the presence of its owner. After brief remarks on the character of the dog, the article explains why it may become aggressive, describes the signs of aggressiveness and gives some rules for behaviour in this case. Possible prevention measures: a symbol (e.g. a dog's head) on the file card providing information on the user, notices sent to dog owners, surveillance of biting dogs. Relevant French regulations.
Vigilance, June 1977, No.56, p.48-55. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 78-821 Press E., Googins J.A., Poareo H., Jones K., Perlman F., Everett J.R.
Health hazards to timber and forestry workers from the Douglas fir tussock moth.
Results of personal interviews of 41 exposed loggers and of a questionnaire survey of 428 individuals in 3 groups at different degrees of risk plus a control group. There was a cause and effect relation between the adverse symptoms and exposure to the tussock moth larvae. Symptoms included itching of skin and eyes, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, chest pain, and asthma. The specific aetiologic agent was not identified, but it is supposed that secretions, hairs, or other substances in the larvae or cocoons acted as the allergens or primary skin irritant.
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep.-Oct. 1977, Vol.32, No.5, p.206-210. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 78-188 Aerts J.
2 case studies of respiratory disease with corn weevil precipitins present
A propos de 2 cas d'affections respiratoires avec précipitines au charençon du blé. [in French]
MD thesis. A review of the various immunological reactions in human pathology and the resultant disorders (especially extrinsic allergic granulomatoses) is followed by 2 case studies in occupationally exposed workers, a baker and a flourmill worker engaged in bagging flour. The first developed pulmonary fibrosis, the second asthma, but in both cases, in spite of the totally different types of lung disorder involved, specific precipitins of the corn weevil (Sitophilus Granarius) were observed. The first case would appear to fall within the category of extrinsic allergic alveolitis, but no precise conclusion could be drawn as regards the second. The studies are followed by a literature survey of the role of the corn weevil as an antigen. Health protection measures (use of face masks and exhaust ventilation of dust) are difficult to enforce in the case of manual workers and those performing heavy work in a hot environment. Treatment of cereals in storage bins with insecticides gives rise to other problems. Preventive medicine must rely chiefly on early diagnosis from the first clinical or radiological signs.
Université de Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France, 1977. 60p. 47 ref.

CIS 77-2019 Donham K.J., Rubino M., Thedell T.D., Kammermeyer J.
Potential health hazards to agricultural workers in swine confinement buildings.
Description of hazards: toxic gases (animal wastes, heating units), methane explosion hazard, acute toxic situations (hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2)), particulate matter. Studies at 30 swine confinement units are reported. The TLV for CO was exceeded in 3 units in winter; that for CO2 in 10 units in winter; for NH3 in 2 units in summer and in 12 in winter; for H2S in 2 in both summer and winter. Much of the dust was respirable and a large proportion of workers presented respiratory symptoms. Examination of 2 workers did not clarify the pathogenesis of their symptoms. 35 veterinarians (average time spent at the units, 7h/week) were also interviewed: 32 reported adverse effects, which are listed.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, June 1977, Vol.19, No.6, p.383-387. 24 ref.

CIS 77-1079 Kimbrough R.D., Carter C.D., Liddle J.A., Cline R.E., Phillips P.E.
Epidemiology and pathology of a tetrachlorodibenzodioxin poisoning episode.
An epidemiological and laboratory investigation of a poisoning outbreak that involved 3 riding arenas and killed 57 horses, 5 colts, and numerous other animals is described. The outbreak was traced to the spraying of the arenas with salvage oil contaminated with tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, trichlorophenol, and polychlorinated biphenyls. The contamination of the salvage oil resulted from the improper disposal of toxic industrial waste. In the tissues of the horses available for study, the most prominent lesion was a centrilobular fibrosis of the liver that arose in the wall of the central veins. This lesion resembled the chronic form of veno-occlusive disease of the liver in humans.
Archives of Environmental Health, Mar.-Apr. 1977, Vol.32, No.2, p.77-86. Illus. 31 ref.


CIS 78-190 Briatico-Vangosa G., Nava C.
Allergic disease in workers engaged in housing animals and in research laboratories in the pharmaceutical industry
Aspetti della patologia allergica negli addetti agli stabulari ed ai laboratori di ricerca nell'industria farmaceutica [in Italian]
In allergological studies in 97 pharmaceutical workers exposed to experimental animals, 50% presented symptoms (rhinitis and oculorhinitis, bronchial asthma, skin disorders), and 75% of these gave a positive reaction to animal skin products, feed or bedding materials. Prevention methods envisaged: hygiene of premises (problem of closed-circuit ventilation in sterile quarters, which increases the concentration of microscopic allergens in the environment); wearing of dust masks or respirators; removal of workers from allergens for hyposensitisation. Problems relating to Italian legislation.
Rivista degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali, July-Oct. 1976, Vol.63, No.4-5, p.507-514. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 76-1415 Smith T.F., Burgert E.O., Dowdle W.R., Noble G.R., Campbell R.J., Van Scoy R.E.
Isolation of swine influenza virus from autopsy lung tissue of man
Case report of a boy who until 5 days before his death from respiratory failure due to Hodgkin's disease had worked on a farm where swine were raised. Swine influenza virus was isolated from lung specimens at autopsy. The possibility that both the Hodgkin's disease, and the chemotherapy for it, had modified his resistance to infection by impairing immunological responses is discussed.
New England Journal of Medicine, 25 Mar. 1976, Vol.294, No.13, p.708-710. Illus. 15 ref.


CIS 76-2043 D'Haese R.
Safety and health in poultry slaughterhouses
La sécurité dans les tueries de volailles. [in French]
Communication to the Regional Technical Inter-occupational Committee for the Food Industries (Comité technique régional de l'alimentation-interprofessionnel), Lille, France. Background information on French legislation concerning abattoirs; description of a properly equipped poultry slaughterhouse and of the successive stages of poultry slaughtering and carcass processing; safety engineering, personal protection (non-slip floors; lighting; ventilation; cleanliness and hygiene; refrigerating plant and cold storage rooms; electrical hazards; noise; suitable equipment (knives, etc.); sanitary facilities and personal hygiene; first aid; lung disease; standing position; anti-tetanus vaccination (not compulsory)). Review of occupational diseases to which abattoir workers are exposed (especially zoonoses). In the author's opinion much is still to be done in France as regards the hygiene and health of abattoir personnel.
Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie du Nord de la France, 11 boulevard Vauban, 59024 Lille Cedex, France, 12 June 1975. 21p. 5 ref. Gratis.

CIS 76-1135 Durfee P.T., Pullen M.M., Currier R.W., Parker R.L.
Human psittacosis associated with commercial processing of turkeys.
After an introduction tracing the incidence of psittacosis epidemics in the USA, this report describes investigations of a series of such epidemics at turkey-processing plants, mainly in Texas, in May-Aug. 1974, involving 114 workers. The incidence in 80 workers at 3 plants is classified by occupation: the attack rate was directly related to exposure to the viscera and faeces of infected turkeys. Workers exposed to live birds did not fall ill. Serological studies suggested that non-clinical psittacosis may be relatively common in persons associated with turkeys. Control measures included screening turkey flocks before slaughter and treatment of infected birds.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1 Nov. 1975, Vol.167, No.9, p.804-808. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 75-1991 Czecholinski K., Veltman G.
Occupational sensitisaton of the respiratory tract by animal hair and dust
Berufsbedingte Sensibilisation der Atemwege durch Tierhaare und Tierstäube [in German]
Report on 3 cases of occupational sensitisation of the respiratory tract, caused in 1 case by direct and in 2 cases by indirect contact with hair and dust of laboratory animals. Symptoms observed were conjunctivitis, running nose, bronchitis and asthma. Intracutaneous tests showed marked or strong reactions to extracts of dust found in the laboratory cages; extracts of the animals' hair resulted in weak reactions only. These results confirmed the relationship between the occupational activity and the clinical symptoms of inhalation allergy. A true allergy to animal hair is relatively rare, whereas the mite-containing dust in the cages could be the more frequent antigen.
Berufs-Dermatosen, June 1975, Vol.23, No.3, p.87-96. 19 ref.


CIS 75-1107 Hansen P., Penny R.
The immune mechanisms and diagnosis of pigeon breeder's disease.
This article reviews past studies and the present knowledge of the subject, emphasising that the sera of individual symptomatic breeders are not distinguishable from the sera of asymptomatic breeders on immunological grounds. Prompt recognition of the offending antigen is however essential, as continued exposure may lead to chronic disability with pulmonary fibrosis, whereas early removal of the antigen from the environment usually leads to rapid recovery. A valuable diagnostic tool in this respect is offered by the cellular immune response to pigeon antigens as measured by lymphocyte transformation, permitting a clear separation of symptomatic from asymptomatic breeders.
Medical Journal of Australia, June 1974, Vol.1, No.25, p.984-987. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 75-477 Edwards C., Luntz G.
Budgerigar-fancier's lung: A report of a fatal case.
Report of a fatal case of extrinsic allergic alveolitis caused by contact with budgerigars. The clinical and morphological features are described in detail. The man, aged 56, had kept budgerigars for 20 years but manifested symptoms only in the last 2 years of his life. The case illustrates that because budgerigar-fanciers are exposed to small amounts of antigen for a long time, the onset of pulmonary fibrosis is insidious and illness may not be noticed in its earliest stages when the condition is reversible.
British Journal of Diseases of the Chest, Jan. 1974, Vol.68, p.57-64. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 74-1988 Lincoln T.A., Bolton N.E., Garrett A.S.
Occupational allergy to animal dander and sera.
27 members of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Biology Division had hypersensitivity reactions to experimental animals; all 27 were from a group of 238 persons reporting frequent exposure. The results of a history and skin test survey of the Biology Division members and a control group indicate that a large fraction of any working population has the potential to develop immediate hypersensitivity reactions to animal sera and dander. Preventive measures include employee selection (avoiding atopic individuals), use of filter-top cages, specially designed ventilation systems, protective clothing and respirators. Specific hyposensitisation and antihistamine treatment are of limited value.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, July 1974, Vol.16, No.7, p.465-469. Illus. 14 ref.

CIS 74-1698 Molina C., Aïache J.M., Tourreau A., Jeanneret A.
Respiratory disorders among cheese makers - Pathological action of acarids
Les troubles respiratoires des fromagers - Rôle pathologique des acariens. [in French]
Epidemiological survey carried out among 214 cheese makers, consisting of a questionnaire, a clinical examination including spirography and an immunological examination (skin tests and antigen search by immunoelectrophoresis), which disclosed the presence of a new allergen: an acarid of the genus Acarus siro present in cheese rinds, joint causative agent of these workers' respiratory disorders along with moulds of the Penicillium type. Out of 137 cheese makers examined, 32 had positive skin-test reactions to extracts from these acarids and in 54 cases serum precipitins against these antigens were found by immunoelectrophoresis.
Nouvelle presse médicale, 22 June 1974, Vol.3, No.25, p.1603-1605. Illus.


CIS 75-480 Pathology of tumours in laboratory animals - Vol.I: Tumours of the rat, Part 1.
This book is the first in a series intended to contribute to establishing a standard terminology in the field of tumours in laboratory animals, in order to facilitate communication and the comparability of data between laboratories. The volume on rat tumours is published in 2 parts, of which this is the first. In general the following scheme has been adopted by the various contributors: normal structure of the organ concerned, morphology and classification of tumours, spontaneous tumours, principal methods of induction of tumours and comparative aspects, with emphasis on the morphological description and classification.
IARC Scientific Publications No.5, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150, Cours Albert-Thomas, 69008 Lyon, France, 1973. 214p. Illus. 511 ref. Price: SF.50.00.

CIS 74-205 Unloading of fish for industrial use
Lossing av sild og fisk som råstoff til fabrikker [in Norwegian]
Information concerning the risks involved when unloading fish for industrial processing is followed by guidelines explaining the precautions to be taken to meet the requirements of the Norwegian Workers' Protection Act of 7 Dec. 1956: removal of hatch covers long before unloading; artificial ventilation of holds; measurement of oxygen and gas concentrations before entering hold; detailing a man to stand by the hatch and keep the workers in the hold under observation; men feeling ill must leave the hold immediately; 2 safe harnesses with lifelines must be kept in readiness; all workers must know mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Veiledning nr.2, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbeidstilsynet), Postboks 8103, Oslo-Dep., Norway, July 1973. 4p. Gratis.


CIS 72-2207 Böhm W, Braun W.
Occupational laboratory-animal hair respiratory sensitization
Berufsbedingte Sensibilisierungen der Atemwege durch Haare von Labortieren [in German]
Study of 19 cases of occupational respiratory sensitisation to laboratory-animal hair amongst research assistants, physicians and veterinarians in the pharmaceutical industry or research centres. The clinical picture was of instantaneous allergy with rhinitis and bronchitis degenerating to bronchial asthma. All 19 patients had been sensitised to rat hair, 8 to mice hair and 5 to guinea-pig hair. Prevention and compensation are considered.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Arbeitshygiene, Apr. 1972, Vol.7, No.4, p.94-97. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 73-215 Seamer J.
Safety in the animal house
This handbook examines safety and health hazards associated with work in animal breeding houses and in laboratories where experimental animals are employed. Chapters are devoted to: general hazards (the working environment, services and equipment, appointment of safety officers, first-aid treatment, health requirements of workers, fire precautions, possible emergency situations); hazards from animals (risk of bites and infection, dangers associated with specific laboratory animals); hazards and prevention of experimental infections; chemical agents (entry routes to the body, carcinogen hazards and precautions); radiation hazards; codes of practice (their importance, compilation and content concerning buildings, personnel, personal protection and hygiene, animal management and quarantine) and the administration of animal house safety. Curent legislation in the United Kingdom relating to work with laboratory animals is discussed in the last chapter.
Laboratory Animals Ltd., 7 Warwich Court, London WC1R 5DP, United Kingdom, Sep. 1972. 100p. 191 ref.

CIS 73-560 Dawson T.A.J., Scott K.W.
Contact eczema in agricultural workers
Report on 5 cases (3 male, 2 female) of severe contact eczema among pig-farm workers due to handling commercially prepared animal feed meals. It is believed that the allergen was quinoxaline dioxide which had been added to the meals as a growth promoter.
British Medical Journal, 19 Aug. 1972, Vol.3, No.5824, p.469-470.

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