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Workers' compensation - 729 entries found

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CIS 74-1187 Decree No. 73-1012 of 8 Oct. 1973 prescribing the list of compulsorily notifiable diseases of an occupational nature in agriculture
Décret n°73-1012 du 8 oct. 1973 fixant la liste des maladies ayant un caractère professionnel en agriculture, qui doivent obligatoirement donner lieu à une déclaration médicale. [in French]
The list is subdivided as follows: chemical agents; physical agents; infectious or parasitic diseases; skin diseases; disorders of the respiratory tract; other disorders.
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ministry of Public Health and Social Security, (Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural et Ministère de la santé publique et de la sécurité sociale), Paris. Journal officiel de la République française, Paris, France, 8 Nov. 1973, No.260, p.11882-11883.

CIS 74-696
Department of Health and Social Security, London.
National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act 1965 - Occupational deafness.
Report by the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council under the above Act, on the question whether there are degrees of hearing loss due to noise which satisfy the conditions for prescription under the Act, and for which compensation may be claimed. The Council was required to find, inter alia, if noise-induced hearing loss was a "disease" within the meaning of the Act, and could the extent of occupational noise injury be distinguished (problems of diagnosis and assessment)? The Council concludes that occupational deafness may fullfil the conditions laid down by the Act, provided that deafness due to occupational noise is substantial, appropriate technical and medical services are available for diagnosis and assessment, and there is a closely drawn occupational cover. It is recommended that occupational deafness should be prescribed under the Act and that a benefit scheme should be started. The prerequisites for the scheme are indicated.
H.M. Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London S.E.1, United Kingdom, Oct. 1973. 54p. Price: £0.365.

CIS 74-816 Clague E., Dorosin H., Palli B.
The health-impaired miner under the black lung legislation.
This study, prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor, was undertaken to evaluate the success of the provision of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 whereby miners with X-ray evidence of coalminers' pneumoconiosis may request transfer to less dusty jobs in the mine. The procedures by which the miner learns about his health condition and the possible actions under the Act are described: X-ray programme, transfer option, compensation, retirement and rehabilitation. Out of about 3,700 working miners whose radiographs have shown some degree of black lung, only 650 had requested a transfer by the end of Jan. 1973. The results of a coalminers' attitude survey are given. Even at further risk to their health, miners who are eligible for transfer choose to keep their mine jobs because of their vested training, experience, high wages and retirement credits. Statistical tables, questionnaires and 12 case studies are appended.
Leo Kramer Inc., 1835 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, USA, Mar. 1973. 147p.

CIS 74-405 Coles R.R.A., Martin A.M.
Medico-legal aspects of occupational hearing loss.
A review of the medico-legal situation concerning occupational hearing loss in the United Kingdom, covering the events leading up to the present situation and probable future trends. Individual sections are devoted to: the sections of the United Kingdom Factories Act, 1961 related to noise hazards; the terms of the United Kingdom National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act, 1965 which provide for financial compensation to be paid for disability arising from employment accidents but which does not cover noise-induced hearing loss of slow onset; and common law provisions in the United Kingdom under which action against an employer for damages in respect of occupational hearing loss was first brought in 1968.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 8 June 1973, Vol.28, No.3, p.369-373. 9 ref.

CIS 74-296
Minister of State for Social Affairs, Paris, France.
Decree No.73-215 of 23 February 1973 to revise and supplement the schedule of occupational diseases annexed to Decree No.46-2959 of 31 December 1946
Décret n° 73-215 du 23 février 1973 revisant et compléant les tableaux de maladies professionnelles annexés au décret n°46-2959 du 31 décembre 1946. [in French]
This decree, which came into force on 2 Mar. 1973, adds to the statutory list of occupational diseases the following new tables (Nos.59 to 63): occupational poisoning due to hexane; occupational poisoning due to pentachlorophenol or sodium pentachlorophenolate; diseases due to cadmium and its compounds; diseases due to organic isocyanates; diseases due to proteolytic enzymes. Table No.34 is amended. [The text of this decree is also reproduced in Travail et sécurité, Paris, Mar. 1973, No.3, p.223-227, with comments, followed by the text of the administrative circular of 7 Mar. 1973 on this subject].
Journal officiel de la République française, 2 Mar. 1973, No.52, p.2321-2322.

CIS 74-180 Maillard J.M.
Occupational lung diseases not related to dust
La pathologie pulmonaire professionnelle non coniotique. [in French]
Review of causative agents of lung diseases not related to dust, as recorded in Switzerland, and the diagnostic difficulties connected with the limited possible responses of the bronchopulmonary system. Various types of extrinsic allergic alveolitis are found, particularly in agriculture, but Switzerland does not recognise these as occupational diseases.
Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift - Journal suisse de médecine, 28 July 1973, Vol.103, No.30, p.1073-1074. 17 ref.

CIS 74-178 Occupational dermatoses - Examination of problems concerning skin protection in industry, intended for the dermatologist, industrial physician and safety officer
Berufsdermatosen - Industrielle Fragestellung und Hautschutz für Dermatologen, Werksärzte und Sicherheitsbeauftragte [in German]
Text of papers submitted at a seminar held on 12 Dec. 1972 at the Esslingen Technical Academy, Fed.Rep. of Germany. Introductory lecture on how dermatoses occur, followed by papers on: skin protection; judgements and expert opinions concerning occupational dermatoses; prevalence of occupationally hazardous substances; microbiological problems connected with aqueous coolant emulsions in mechanical engineering and the metal trades; occupational health measures in work with coolants (working rules expressed in brief precepts).
Berufs-Dermatosen, Apr. 1973, Vol.21, No.2, p.45-76. 10 ref.

CIS 74-62 Krückmeyer K.
Clinical picture of talc pneumoconiosis - Medico-legal problems arising out of its long latent period
Das Krankheitsbild der Talkpneumokoniose - Versorgungsrechtliche Schwierigkeiten infolge langer Latenzzeit [in German]
Study of a rare case of pulmonary fibrosis due to talc dust. A 59-year old woman who had worked for many years in talc production experienced respiratory distress. Differential diagnosis revealed a case of talc pneumoconiosis. The patient was admitted to hospital for marked dyspnoea and cyanosis and died 2 days later following heart and circulatory failure, after having received oxygen therapy. The post mortem revealed an advanced case of diffuse fibrosis due to talc dust with severe hypertrophy of the right ventricle. The diagnostic problems raised by this unduly long latent period are discussed.
Ärztliche Praxis, 19 June 1973, Vol.25, No.49, p.2420. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 74-59 Ehrenreich T., Mackler A.D., Langer A.M., Selikoff I.J.
Asbestos fibres in human lungs: Forensic significance in environmental disease
Les fibres d'amiante dans les poumons humains: leur signification médico-légale dans les maladies de l'environnement. [in French]
Exposure to asbestos may be direct, indirect or due to the environment. Affections due to exposure to asbestos include asbestosis, pleural calcifications, pleural plaques, lung cancer and malignant mesotheliomas of the pleura and peritoneum. The discovery of asbestos bodies in tissue sections does not necessarily imply a case history of asbestosis, particularly in the absence of any documentary evidence of exposure to asbestos. It is virtually impossible to ascertain by microscopic examination of an ordinary tissue section whether a presumed "asbestos body" really has an asbestos fibre at its centre. To be absolutely certain other measures must be used, such as the ashed stacked tissue method followed by optical or electronic microscopy.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Apr.-May 1973, Vol.34, No.4-5, p.189-204. Illus. 34 ref.


CIS 74-985 Gaensler E.A., Carrington C.B., Coutu R.E., Tomasian A., Hoffman L., Smith A.A., Rommich W., Blumenfeld H.L., Moritz H., Anderson W.H., Lane E., Weller W., Ulmer W.T., Baving G., Reichel G., Penman R.W., O'Neill R.P., Hunter M.B.
Disability and treatment in coal workers' pneumoconiosis.
Text of the 7 papers which constitute Part 7 of the International Conference on Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (New York, 13-17 Sep. 1971), sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences. These papers deal with: pathological, physiological and radiological correlations in pneumoconiosis; evaluating residual capacity to work in miners under 65 with simple coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), under the U.S. Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act; the dyspnoeic miner and "black lung" benefits; polyvinylpyridine-N-oxide (P204) treatment of pneumoconiosis caused by coal-quartz dusts; physiopathological considerations in the treatment of simple CWP; the complications of CWP and their diagnosis and treatment; clinical problems of the miner with simple CWP. An account of the discussion of these papers follows.
Coal workers' pneumoconiosis. Volume 200, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10021, USA, 1972, p.574-660. Illus. 95 ref.

CIS 74-158 Coudray P.
Cadmium poisoning as an occupational disease - An attempt at a medico-legal definition
L'intoxication par le cadmium, maladie professionnelle - Essai de définition médico-légale. [in French]
This M.D. degree thesis first recalls the properties of cadmium and describes how it is prepared, its uses in industry, its toxicity and the symptoms of acute and chronic poisoning. Passing symptoms denote impregnation: cadmium "yellow tooth", general health disturbances, irritation of upper airways, digestive or nervous troubles, cardiovascular impairment. Some symptoms are definitive and indicate more severe poisoning: pulmonary, renal and bone disorders. Discussion of biological data, animal experiments, pathogenesis and treatment. Definition of the medico-legal aspects of the problem. Review of cadmium hazards in industry and methods of detecting this substance. Recalls French regulations on the subject. Health engineering and medical prevention.
Université Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Saint-Antoine, Paris, France, 1972. 86p. 215 ref.

CIS 74-130 Desprairies J.
Forensic medicine as applied to occupational radiodermatitis
Problèmes médico-légaux posés par les radiodermites professionnelles. [in French]
MD thesis. A review of the physical characteristics and biological action of ionising radiation as well as histological and clinical aspects of radiodermatitis is followed by a selection of statistics from the world literature and an examination of data supplied by the Paris Regional Sickness Insurance Fund for the years 1960-1971. 17 studies on forensic medicine and legal aspects are presented, and the difficulties of recognising the occupational nature of certain diseases are studied. The prevention of radiodermatitis, the French legislation establishing protective measures for workers, and administrative and technical measures related to equipment generating ionising radiation are discussed. In conclusion, a critique of the existing legislation is offered and the necessity of observing safety rules is emphasised.
Université Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Saint-Antoine, Paris. Editions médicales et universitaires, 40 rue Pascal, 75013 Paris, France, 1972. 125p. Illus. 72 ref.

CIS 72-2824 Schaetti R.
Fundamentals of legal responsibility in occupational accident and disease prevention
Grundsätzliches über die rechtlichen Verantwortlichkeiten auf dem Gebiete der Verhütung von Unfällen und Berufskrankheiten [in German]
Considérations de principe sur la responsabilité juridique dans le domaine de la prévention des accidents et des maladies professionnelles [in French]
The responsibilities of employers and employees under Swiss occupational safety and health legislation are explained. The basic federal legislation is supplemented by federal ordinances, departmental decisions, and instructions and rules issued by the Swiss National Accident Insurance Institute and private organisations. The accident and its implications are evaluated on the basis of legal provisions. Penalties are imposed on offenders. Organigrams, etc. are included.
Schweizerische Blätter für Arbeitssicherheit - Cahiers suisses de la sécurité du travail, July 1972, No.110, 16p. Illus.

CIS 73-110 Schnabel F.
Accident costs with particular reference to the Salary-payment Continuation Act
Unfallkosten unter besonderer Berücksichtingung des Lohnfortzahlungsgesetzes [in German]
Whereas until recently the indirect costs of accidents (mainly insurance premiums) where heavier than the direct costs, the Federal German Act of 1969 which grants a worker the right to continue receiving his salary for a maximum period of 6 months in the event of illness (the Federal German Salary-payment Continuation Act) has significantly altered the situation. The insurance companies are now relieved of the obligation to pay sickness benefit during the first 6 weeks and have thus been able to reduce their premiums. On the other hand, as a result of the Act, the financial burden placed on the firms has been considerably increased. The result is that the ratio of direct to indirect costs has been modified from 1:3 to 1:1. The economic aspects of in-plant safety and health policy thus become more important.
Moderne Unfallverhütung, 1972, No.16, p.9-12. 10 ref.

CIS 73-551
Workmen's Compensation Board, St. John's, Newfoundland
An Act to further amend the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1962 (Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) (No.2) Act, 1972)
This Act recognises disablement and death due to silicosis, pulmonary carcinoma and other pulmonary diseases amongst St. Lawrence (Newfoundland) fluorospar miners as subject to compensation under the Newfoundland Workmen's Compensation Act 1962.
Statutes of Newfoundland, 18 July 1972, Bill 88. 5p.


CIS 95-1560
Ministère du travail et des affaires sociales
Order of 1 July 1971 concerning the classification of occupational diseases [Algeria]
Arrêté du 1er juil. 1971 relatif à la classification des maladies professionnelles [Algérie] [in French]
This Regulation classifies the occupational diseases listed in the schedule of occupational diseases provided in the Order of 22 March 1968 into three classes: morbidities due to acute or chronic poisoning; microbial infections; conditions due to the working environment.
Journal officiel de la République algérienne, 22 Oct. 1971, p.1126.

CIS 72-2389 Pendás B.
Types of responsibility in the non-fulfilment of safety and health responsibilities
Pluralidad de responsabilidades por incumplimiento del deber de prevención [in Spanish]
Paper presented at the Ninth General Meeting of the Spanish Iron and Steel Industry Safety Committee: comprehensive historical review of the development of occupational safety legislation through the world in general and in Spain in particular and the four aspects of occupational safety and health responsibility: professional, administrative, penal and civil.
Documentación de seguridad No.4, Comisión de seguridad en la industria siderometalúrgica, Avilés, Spain, 1971. 40p. 70 ref.

CIS 73-269 Cloquet L.
Activities of the social security institutions and specialised institutes in the field of prevention of occupational accidents and diseases
Activités des organismes de sécurité sociale et des institutions spécialisées dans le domaine de la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles [in French]
Individual sections of this report are devoted to: social security and general prevention policy; the interest of social security institutions in the organisation of the prevention of occupational risks; the role of social security institutions in the prevention of occupational risks; the role and tasks of specialised institutions in the prevention of occupational risks; the organisation of international collaboration in the prevention of occupational risks; the activities of the International Social Security Association in the field of occupational risk prevention; the preventive activities of social security institutions and specialised institutes. (For the proceedings of this Congress, see CIS 73-267.)
VIth World Congress on the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases, Vienna, 10-15 May 1971, Wilhelm Maudrich, Buchhandlung für medizinische Wissenschaften, Alserstr. 19, 1081 Wien, Austria, 1971. Vol.1. 19p.

CIS 73-30 Essing H.G., Szadkowski D., Valentin H.
The significance of valency in chromium compounds when preparing expert medical opinions
Die Bedeutung der Valenzstufen von Chromverbindungen in der arbeitsmedizinischen Begutachtung [in German]
With reference to the literature, the author discusses the biological activity, general toxic potential, allergenicity and carcinogenicity of trivalent chromium compounds. Trivalent chromium ions can also be taken up by the body and produce disease and malignomata. Consequently it is not possible to dismiss a casual relationship between typical pathological signs and symptoms and occupational exposure to trivalent chromium compounds.
Der medizinische Sachverständige, Apr. 1971, Vol.67, No.3-4, p.35-39. 39 ref.


CIS 93-1059 Laws coordinated on 3 June 1970 concerning the compensation of health damage resulting from occupational diseases [Belgium]
Lois relatives à la réparation des dommages résultant des maladies professionnelles coordonné[e]s le 3 juin 1970 [Belgique] [in French]
This law coordinates the texts of the Laws of 24 dec. 1963 and 24 Dec. 1968 and that of the Royal Order of 10 Nov. 1967, all concerning the compensation of occupational diseases. Contents: aim and scope of the Law; the Occupational Disease Fund; definition of occupational diseases (with reference to ILO Conventions Nos. 18, 42 and 121); compensation; procedures leading to compensation; financing of the Fund; notification and prevention of occupational diseases.
In: Les Codes Larcier, tome III (Droit social), Maison F. Larcier s.a., 39 Rue des Minimes, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1990 ed., p.565-573. Also in: Moniteur belge, 27 Aug. 1970.


CIS 93-1060 Royal Order establishing the schedule of compensable occupational diseases; R.O. establishing the list of industries, ... in which victims of occupational diseases are presumed to have been exposed to the risk of the disease in question [Belgium]
Arrêté royal dressant la liste des maladies professionnelles donnant lieu à réparation; A.R. fixant la liste des industries, ... dans lesquelles la victime d'une maladie professionnelle est présumée avoir été exposée au risque de cette maladie [Belgique] [in French]
The first Order (dated 28 March 1969), as modified till 1990, provides a list of compensable occupational diseases, classified by type: diseases due to exposure to certain chemical substances; skin diseases due to exposure to substances not listed elsewhere; diseases due to inhalation of substances not listed elsewhere; infectious and parasitic diseases; diseases due to physical agents (ionising and thermal radiation, noise, atmospheric pressure, vibration, repetitive strain, nystagmus). The second Order (dated 11 July 1969), as modified till 1990, provides, for each of the diseases listed in the Order of 28.3.1969, a list of the industries or occupations in which the disease in question can be deemed to have occurred as an occupational disease. Both Orders became effective on 1 July 1969.
In: Les Codes Larcier, tome III (Droit social), Maison F. Larcier s.a., 39 Rue des Minimes, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1990 ed., p.575-581. Also in: Moniteur belge, 4 Apr. 1969 and 15 July 1969.


CIS 92-702 Law No. 68-LF-18 of 18 November 1968 pertaining to the organisation of the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases [Cameroon]
Loi n° 68-LF-18 du 18 novembre 1968 portant organisation de la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles [Cameroun] [in French]
Contents of this Law: I. Creation and scope of jurisdiction of the Government Department in charge of the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases; II. Management and financing of the activities undertaken by the Department; III. Implementation of the policy on the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases; IV. Other provisions.
In: Médecine de travail au Cameroun - Problèmes de réparation des préjudices corporels, Editions Sopecam, BP 1218 Yaoundé, Cameroon, 1990, p.205-208.


CIS 91-353 Presidential Decree (D.P.R.) No. 1124 of 30 June 1965 containing the amalgamated provisions for the compulsory insurance of workers against occupational accidents and diseases [Italy]
D.P.R. 30 giugno 1965, n.1124, contenente il testo unico delle disposizioni per l'assicurazione obbligatoria contro gli infortuni sul lavoro e le malattie professionali [in Italian]
Part I of this Decree covers workers who use machinery, as well as those in most other fields of economic activity (except agriculture and domestic service). Contents: insured workers; employers covered by the Decree; benefits; insurance institutions; particular measures for silicosis and asbestosis; assistance to those suffering major handicaps arising out of an occupational accidents or diseases. Part II deals with the accident and sickness insurance of agricultural and forestry workers (including proprietors and their family members). Parts III and IV deal with the insurance of special categories of workers (e.g. sailors on foreign-registered ships). In annexes: percentage evaluation of permanent disabilities, depending on the nature of the injury; table of occupational diseases with corresponding industries and maximum periods of compensation. English translation available in the ILO's Legislative Series 1965-It.1.
In: L.R. Levi Sandri: Codice del lavoro, Milano: Giuffrè, Italy, 3rd ed., 1974, p.1262-1360. Also in: Gazzetta ufficiale, 13 Oct. 1965, No.257.


CIS 89-1752 Convention 121 and Recommendation 121 concerning benefits in the case of employment injury [ILO]
Convention 121 et Recommandation 121 concernant les prestations en cas d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles [OIT] [in French]
The Convention prescribes the conditions for the compensation of occupational accidents and diseases. In annexes: list of occupational diseases (countries ratifying the Convention can add other diseases to this list); periodical payments to standard beneficiaries; the International Standard Industrial Classification (main categories). The Recommendation contains further prescriptions on the scope of compensation coverage, modalities of payment etc.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1964, 16p. + 4p.


CIS 91-1401 Industrial accident compensation insurance law [Republic of Korea]
This law was originally promulgated on 3 Nov. 1963, and was amended many times between 1963 and 1989. It specifies the various kinds of insurance benefits to be paid in compensation of occupational diseases, and of injuries, physical disabilities and deaths arising from occupational accidents, and it provides for insurance premiums to be paid by employers.
In: Labour Laws of Korea, Ministry of Labour, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1991, p.121-142.


CIS 01-947 Act No.12.839 - Establishment of illness, invalidity and medical assistance insurance for workers and employees in the construction industry and related activities ... Act No. 13.106 modifying the above [Uruguay]
Ley N° 12.839 - Seguro de enfermedad, de invalidez y de asistencia médica - Se establece para los obreros y empleados de la industria de la construcción ... Ley N° 13.106 - (Modificación) [Uruguay] [in Spanish]
Law establishing a system of workmen's compensation for workers in the construction industry and related activities. A tripartite honorary commission (CHAMSEC) was set up to administer the system. The 1962 law modifying the 1960 Act is also included.
Photocopy (5+2p.), 1960, 1962. [in Spanish] [in Spanish]


CIS 02-503 Accidents and Occupational Diseases (Notification) Act [Barbados]
This law specify the conditions under which employers, physicians and coroners (the latter when investigating a death suspected of being due to an occupational cause) are obliged to report cases of occupational accidents and suspected occupational diseases to the Chief Labour Officer. In annex: sample declaration forms; schedule of occupational diseases.
Government Printing Department, Bay Street, St. Michael, Barbados, 1985. Offprint, 13p.


CIS 91-1052 Act No.2 of 1951 to bring the Injuries Act No.33 of 1947 into operation throughout Indonesia; Government Regulation No.3 of 1951 to bring the Injury Regulation No.2 of 1947 into operation throughout Indonesia [Indonesia]
Undang-undang No.2 tahun 1951 tentang Pertanyaan Berlakunya Undang-undang Kecelakaan tahun 1947 No.33 dari Republik Indonesia untuk Seluruh Indonesia ... [in Indonesian]
The Act defines the details of providing workmen's compensation for occupational accidents and diseases. Contents: liability of the employer; enterprises covered by the law (virtually all economic sectors: manufacturing, mining, construction, transport, agriculture, forestry, fishing); workers covered (all except government employees, who are protected by other legislation, and most workers working in their homes); kinds and amounts of compensation payments and benefits; exemptions from the obligation to pay benefits; administration and supervision of the Act. The Regulation provides details on the enforcement of the Act. Both the Act and the Regulation is accompanied by explanatory texts.
In: Labour Legislation in Indonesia, Department of Manpower, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1988, Vol.II, p.302-326 (Indonesian-language section), p.270-292 (English-language section).


CIS 05-92 Compensation of silicosis - Union of South Africa - Great Britain - Germany
La réparation de la silicose - Union sud-africaine - Grande-Bretagne - Allemagne [in French]
When one considers the legislation adopted by various countries with respect to the compensation of silicosis, one observes that silicosis is covered according to several different systems that can be broadly grouped together under the following headings: compensation by means of specific legislation; compensation within the framework of accident insurance (based on lists or on special systems); blanket coverage under the general provisions of employment hazards. This publication presents in detail the measures enacted in three countries that can be considered as being representative of the main legislative systems: Union of South Africa (specific legislation); Great Britain (special systems); Germany (lists).
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1937. 140p. Index. Price: CHF 3.50.

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