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OSH training - 3,682 entries found

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CIS 06-1047
Health and Safety Executive
The Work at Height Regulations 2005: A brief guide
This booklet provides guidance for employers, the self-employed and anyone who works at height on how to comply with the Work at Height Regulations 2005. It describes the scope of the Regulations and when they apply and summarises the responsibilities of duty holders: planning of work, worker training, selection of equipment and protective measures, safety inspections, safety of workers near fragile surfaces, protection against falling objects.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. 11p. 4 ref.

CIS 06-1022
Health and Safety Executive
A short guide to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
This booklet explains the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 1992 (see CIS 93-6). Guidance is given on assessing suitable PPE, hazards and types of PPE, training in the use of PPE, and maintenance. Other relevant regulations are listed. Replaces CIS 95-566.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. 6p. Illus. 6 ref. [in English]

CIS 06-1211 Workplace transport safety: An overview
This booklet provides guidance on the avoidance of accidents among workers involved in transport in the workplace. Contents: risk assessment, organizing for safety; safe design and maintenance of work sites; safety of vehicles; managing the risks (driver training); safety during reversing, parking, coupling and uncoupling, loading and unloading and tipping; avoiding overturns and falls. Previously published as 'Managing vehicle safety at the workplace' (see CIS 00-1576).
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, United Kingdom, rev. ed. Nov. 2005. 27p. Illus. 5 ref. [in English]

CIS 06-1046 A toolbox talk on leaning ladder and stepladder safety
This talk can be used to help improve the competence of workers using leaning ladders and stepladders across all industry sectors. Contents: hazards in the use of ladders and pre-use checks; safe positioning of ladders; safe use of all types of ladders.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. 10p. Illus. [in English]

CIS 06-1045 Safe use of ladders and stepladders. An employers' guide
This booklet provides guidance for employers on deciding when a ladder is the most suitable access equipment, selection of the right sort of ladder for the particular job, understanding how to position and use the ladder correctly and pre-use checks and detailed visual inspections.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. 10p. Illus. 11 ref. [in English]

CIS 06-1084 Le Roy A.
Safety training - Regulatory requirements
Formation à la sécurité - Obligations réglementaires [in French]
Safety training for employees is one of the legal duties of enterprise managers and is an integral part of the prevention policy that they are required to implement. The first part of this document concerns the general safety training requirements laid down in Article L. 231-3-1 of the French Labour Code. The second part describes training requirements for specific workplaces, materials or equipment and for members of occupational safety and health committees. Replaces CIS 02-159.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 5th ed., Dec. 2005. 25p. Index. Price: EUR 4.00. Downloadable version free of charge.$FILE/ed832.pdf [in French]

CIS 06-1144 3 steps to effective worker education and training
The objective of this guide is to help employers and supervisors keep new and young workers safe on the job and prevent painful and costly work-related injuries. It is aimed in particular at small enterprises. The approach involves three steps: providing new and young workers with safety orientation and basic training before they start working; training new and young workers for the tasks specific to their jobs; providing supervision and ongoing training for workers to ensure that they continue to work safely.
Worksafe BC (Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia), Canada (, 2005. Internet document (pdf format). 24p. Illus. [in English]

CIS 06-1032 Hiba J.C., Ciciliani A., Cóppola A.
How to improve working conditions and productivity in farming and in the farm-derived products industry - Practical guide
Comment améliorer les conditions travail et la productivité dans les entreprises agricoles et agroindustrielles - Guide pratique [in French]
Cómo mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y la productividad en empresas agrícolas y agroindustriales - Guía par la acción [in Spanish]
This guide for small enterprises in farming and the farm-derived products industry in Argentina explains how to improve working conditions and productivity. It is divided into two sections. The first includes practical advice on the layout of premises and workplaces, work organization, materials handling and transportation, workplace design, safety of tools and machinery, environmental control and welfare facilities. The second part proposes tools for improving productivity (in particular the WISE system), a brief introduction to the most common dangerous chemicals and the efficient use of agrochemicals, together with checklists for implementing the improvements mentioned.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. 196p. Illus.

CIS 06-838 Skarżycki A.
Auxiliary materials to conduct periodic training for blue collar workers in building engineering : Part III Occupational safety manuals for machinery operation and workplace operations
Materiały pomocnicze do prowadzenia szkoleń okresowych pracowników zatrudnionych na stanowiskach robotniczych w budownictwie : Cz. III Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa przy obsłudze urządzeń i wykonywaniu czynności na stanowiskach pracy jako materiał pomocniczy do szkolenia pracowników [in Polish]
General principles for the development of manuals for safe work operations and the safe operation of machinery and equipment are described. Basic information that should be included in the manuals is specified and discussed. Includes examples of the content of manuals for various workplaces and equipment.
Bezpieczeństwo i Higiena Pracy w Budownictwie, Gospodarce Komunalnej i Przemyśle, 2005, No.3, p.55-74.

CIS 06-760 Syllabus of a series of seven training courses on repetitive strain injury
Contenu d'une série de sept cours de formation sur les lésions dues à des efforts répétitifs [in French]
Syllabus of a series of seven training courses on repetitive strain injury: general introduction on occupational safety and health; ergonomics and design of a workstation; study of speed of work and work quotas; hazards and their effects; notification of occupational accidents and diseases; legal aspects; practical application of occupational safety and health, environmental protection and ergonomics in the textile industry.
Eurosafe Project, Internet document, ca 2005. 24p. [in French]

CIS 06-541 Delclos G.L., Bright K.A., Carson A. I., Felknor S.A., Mackey T.A., Morandi M.T., Schulze L.J.H., Whitehead L.W.
A global survey of occupational health competencies and curriculum
The World Health Organization has identified a worldwide shortage of occupational health professionals. Evidence suggests that the work and education of these professionals vary across countries. This survey examined the professional development of occupational physicians, occupational nurses, industrial hygienists, and ergonomists in terms of practice competencies and academic curriculum. Of 89 countries that received the survey, 48 responded. Important differences in competencies and curricula were identified for all groups. The study provides a reference point for discussion and development of competencies and curriculum.
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, Apr.-June 2005, Vol.11, No.2, p.185-198. Illus. 47 ref. [in English]

CIS 06-525
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
Training resource pack on the elimination of hazardous child labour in agriculture
This training resource pack aims to help farmer trainers to plan and run training activities with farmers, to raise awareness among farmers and their communities about the problem of child labour, to provide information on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour, to help farmers improve occupational safety and health on their farms and to promote the implementation of relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations. It comprises three books: a trainer's guide; training course activities for farmers; and additional resources for trainers (tackling OSH by strengthening risk management, risk assessment, specific hazards and risks to child labourers in agriculture).
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. 3 booklets: x, 74p., 20p., iv, 54p. Illus. [in English]

CIS 06-527 Quarry safety
This booklet provides guidance in the form of a check-list with illustrations showing the correct and the wrong way to act. Topics include: health and safety management; materials handling and musculoskeletal disorders; prevention of slips and trips; transport safety; and protection against falls from height.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, June 2005. 12p. Illus.

CIS 06-526 Guidelines for labour inspection in forestry
Principes directeurs pour l'inspection du travail dans la foresterie [in French]
Directrices sobre la inspección del trabajo en la silvicultura [in Spanish]
These guidelines describe international labour standards in forestry and provide guidance for labour inspectors on organizing an inspection, the inspection in practice, assessing working conditions and labour practices, feedback of results and follow-up. Introductory chapters cover the management of labour standards in forestry and the implementation of international labour conventions, including those relating to the prohibition of forced labour, child labour and occupational safety and health. Annexes include sample checklists for forestry management and inspectors.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. xiii, 104p. Price: CHF 30.00.

CIS 06-579 Reetoo K.N., Harrington J.M., Macdonald E.B.
Required competencies of occupational physicians: A Delphi survey of UK customers
This study involved a Delphi survey of employers and employees from public and private organisations, health and safety specialists and trade union representatives. It was conducted by a combination of telephone interviews and postal surveys. There was broad consensus about the required competencies of occupational physicians among the respondent subgroups. In the order of decreasing importance, the competencies were: law and ethics; occupational hazards; disability and fitness for work; communication; environmental exposures; research methods; health promotion; management.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, June 2005, Vol.62, No.6, p.406-413. Illus. 25 ref.

CIS 06-531 Workers' response to the use of pesticides in banana production
La respuesta de los trabajadores al uso de plaguicidas en la producción bananera [in Spanish]
Published by the National Federation of Food Industry Workers, Farmers and Free Indigenous Populations of Ecuador (FENACLE), this leaflet describes eleven actions that banana production workers may adopt for the protection against the risks related to pesticide exposure. These actions include selecting a pesticide with low toxicity, training in correct pesticide use, inclusion of an article on occupational safety and health in collective employment contracts, insisting on compliance with existing legislation and organizing occupational safety and health on the plantations.
Fenacle Nacional, Gayaquil, Rumichaca 2206 y Manabí, Edificio Monterrey, 4to piso oficina 4-5, Quito, Ecuador, ca 2005. 6p. Illus.

CIS 06-530 Exposure to pesticides and workers' health in banana production
La exposición a plaguicidas y la salud de los trabajadores en la producción bananera [in Spanish]
Published by the National Federation of Food Industry Workers, Farmers and Free Indigenous Populations of Ecuador (FENACLE), this leaflet describes the health risks resulting from pesticide exposure and the effects of environmental pollution in banana production. Pesticides used in banana production in Ecuador are listed, citing the hazard class of each substance. While the country has adopted occupational safety and health legislation, it is rarely enforced in this sector of activity.
Fenacle Nacional, Gayaquil, Rumichaca 2206 y Manabí, Edificio Monterrey, 4to piso oficina 4-5, Quito, Ecuador, ca 2005. 6p. Illus.

CIS 06-524 Health at work and within the community in the banana producing sector
La salud en el trabajo y la comunidad en el sector bananero [in Spanish]
Published by the National Federation of Food Industry Workers, Farmers and Free Indigenous Populations of Ecuador (FENACLE), this leaflet describes the risk factors related to the various tasks involved in banana production, their likely effects and the preventive measures to be adopted. The main risk factors include pesticide poisoning, excessive physical workloads and manual lifting. The terms used are explained in a glossary.
Fenacle Nacional, Gayaquil, Rumichaca 2206 y Manabí, Edificio Monterrey, 4to piso oficina 4-5, Quito, Ecuador, ca 2005. 6p. Illus.

CIS 06-523 Arari R.
Manual on safety, health and the environment in banana production
Manual de seguridad, salud y ambiente en la producción bananera [in Spanish]
Published by the National Federation of Food Industry Workers, Farmers and Free Indigenous Populations of Ecuador (FENCALE), this manual addresses the problems related to occupational safety and health and environmental protection in banana production. It describes the working conditions and environment, the risk factors faced during the various tasks, the modes of exposure to these risks and the effects on workers' health, together with the preventive measures to be adopted and the legal framework for protecting workers and the environment.
Fenacle Nacional, Gayaquil, Rumichaca 2206 y Manabí, Edificio Monterrey, 4to piso oficina 4-5, Quito, Ecuador, 2005. 72p. Illus.

CIS 06-520
ILO Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe
Developing an external OSH service. Opportunities for employers' organisations concerning occupational safety and health issues
This manual describes how employers' organizations can provide an occupational safety and health (OSH) service for their members. Contents: employers' obligations in ILO Conventions and EU Directives on OSH; requirements for risk assessment; experiences of PREVEMED (the external OSH service of the Construction Confederation of Belgium); outline of an employer training programme offered by the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA); OSH services of an employers' organization in Bulgaria (Industrial Association of Stara Zagora); implementation of the Work Improvements in Small Enterprises (WISE) Programme; and setting up OSH services at branch level organizations (a construction sector project in Bulgaria).
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 12 11 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. viii, 31p. [in English]

CIS 06-519 Keith M., Brophy J., Kirby P., Rosskam E.
Barefoot research: A workers' manual for organizing on work security
Alternatív kutatás: Munkavállalói kézikönyv a munkahelyi biztonság szervezéséről [in Hungarian]
Hungarian translation of the manual analysed under CIS 01-1367. This practical manual was developed to help workers increase their level of control over their own work conditions, including the protection of their health and well-being, and their level of basic security. Contents: purpose of "barefoot research"; research tools (definition of goals, inspections by workers, surveys, small group discussions, mapping, interviews, observation, use and interpretation of information); taking action (using and sharing the results of "barefoot research", agreeing on action with workers, getting things done, gaining a voice).
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. 116p. Illus. 105 ref. [in Hungarian]

CIS 06-313 Schürer N.Y., Klippel U., Schwanitz H.J.
Secondary individual prevention of hand dermatitis in geriatric nurses
The incidence of hand dermatitis in geriatric nurses is increasing in Germany. A prospective controlled study of a secondary individual prevention (SIP) programme for hand dermatitis was conducted, involving information and training on the proper use of gloves and barrier creams. 209 geriatric nurses with a medical history of hand dermatitis completed questionnaires prior to the start of the programme and three months after its conclusion, including 102 who participated in the SIP and 107 controls who were not offered the programme. Upon completion of the study, 59% of SIP participants were free of hand eczema. Questionnaires three months after study completion revealed skin lesions in 53% of participants and 82% of the controls. There was a significant improvement in the epidermal barrier among programme participants. It is concluded that SIP is effective in preventing hand eczema.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Mar. 2005, Vol.78, No.2, p.149-157. Illus. 37 ref.

CIS 06-259 Workplace transport safety - An employers' guide
This guidance document provides advice for managers on how to ensure the safety of workplace transport and sets out operational guidance for common vehicle operations. Guidance for managers covers risk assessment, organizing for safety, safe workplace design, vehicle safety and driver training. Operational guidance identifies the risks associated with common transport operations (reversing, parking, loading and unloading, tipping, etc) and explains how to deal with them safely. Includes a safety checklist and an example of a workplace risk-assessment form. Replaces the previous edition (CIS 01-75).
HSE Books, P.O.Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, rev. ed., 2005. iv, 107p. Illus. 41 ref. Price: GBP 11.50.

CIS 06-269 Wallen E.S., Mulloy K.B.
Computer based safety training: An investigation of methods
Three versions of a computer based respirator training module were presented to manufacturing workers: one consisting of text only; one with text, pictures and animation; and one with text, narration, pictures, and animation. Participants receiving the concurrent narration with pictures and animation scored significantly higher on the transfer test than did workers receiving the other two types of instruction. It is concluded that narration with pictures and text may be a more effective method for training workers about safety than other popular methods of computer based training.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Apr. 2005, Vol.62, No.4, p.257-262. Illus. 39 ref.

CIS 06-32 Griffet B.
Obligations imposed on employers with respect to the safety training of their employees
Obligations faites aux employeurs en matière de formation des salariés à la sécurité [in French]
Vocational training of employees in the areas of occupational hygiene, safety and conditions of work enables enterprises to adapt to changes in regulations, technology and the requirements of trades and customers. This article summarizes the main responsibilities of employers with respect to the safety training of employees and with reference to various provisions of labour legislation.
Revue Technique Apave, Apr.-June 2005, No.310, p.9-11.

CIS 06-27 Mental health at work: From defining to solving the problem
La santé psychologique au travail: De la définition du problème aux solutions [in French]
This prevention kit for work-related mental health problems aims to raise awareness of the problem and provides guidance on effective measures for handling mental health issues in the workplace. It comprises three booklets: the concept of occupational stress, the scope of the problem and the consequences for individuals and organizations; sources of workplace stress and personal vulnerability; and preventive measures (risk elimination or control, mechanisms to help reduce the negative impacts of stress and treatment, return to work and follow up).
Chair in Occupational Health and Safety Management, Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada. 3 booklets. Bibl.ref. [in English] [in French]

CIS 05-600 Lebreton R., Reynier M., Triolet J., Pillière F.
Safety data sheets: A useful tool in hazard evaluation
Fiches de données de sécurité: pour une bonne évaluation des risques [in French]
The safety data sheet (SDS) for chemicals constitutes a key element of the occupational safety and health system by providing information to the users of these products. This article describes the current situation in France with respect to the required content of SDSs. Topics covered: scope of new regulations resulting from the transposition of Directive 2001/58/EC into French legislation; legal obligation to make the SDS available; use of the SDS for preparing workplace safety and health instructions.
Face au risque, May 2005, No.413, p.17-20. Illus.

CIS 05-532 Ciccotelli J., Marsot J.
Virtual reality and occupational safety and health - Contributions and trends
Réalité virtuelle et prévention - Apports et tendances [in French]
Virtual reality (VR) has potential practical applications in various sectors such as medicine, industry, architecture and engineering. This article provides a definition of VR and examines several examples of industrial applications that illustrate the links between VR and the prevention of occupational hazards. In this field, INRS has launched a research project focusing on the design of safe equipment and on occupational safety and health training. The current status of this project is described, together with the practical benefits it is expected to deliver. Ethical issues relating to the use of VR systems are also addressed.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 2nd Quarter 2005, No.199, p.99-111. Illus. 42 ref.$FILE/pr17.pdf [in French]

CIS 05-402
Health and Safety Executive
Enhancing chemical risk control for reducing exposure in the workplace through advanced risk messaging techniques
Report of a pilot study into the use of an interactive computer-based simulation game called ARM (Advanced Risk Messenger) which provides spray painters in the motor repair industry with information about their working conditions and the effects on their health. This game allows players to search for information and to manipulate their working environment to see what the effects are. The hazard explored in this study was the risk of asthma through exposure to isocyanates. In the game setting, asthma could be avoided by choosing the full-face air supplied respirator for breathing protection, a ventilated spray booth and training. The ARM programme could provide a valuable research tool for investigating how a person responds to a message and whether they intend to change their behaviour.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. ix, 125p. Illus. 64 ref. Price: GBP 20.00. Downloadable version free of charge. [in English]

CIS 05-452 Hignett S.
Health and Safety Executive
Measuring the effectiveness of competency-based education and training programmes in changing the manual handling behaviour of healthcare staff
This study aimed to measure the impact of competency-based training on the manual handling behaviour of health care staff. Sixteen health care organizations representing both acute and primary care participated in the study. A questionnaire was developed to measure the level of compliance with the training recommendations at each participating organization. Four members of staff were also recruited at each organization and asked to perform the following patient handling tasks: sitting-to-standing transfer; repositioning in sitting; lying-to-lying transfer. Postural data were recorded and participants were interviewed. Results showed that there was a wide variation in the level of compliance. In general, a high level of compliance was found in organizations where staff had better problem-solving abilities, possibly due to higher levels of supervision and support in the workplace.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2005. x, 70p. Illus. 49 ref. Price: GBP 15.00. Downloadable version free of charge. [in English]

CIS 05-13 Safety, health and welfare on construction sites - A training manual
Bezopasnost', gigiena truda i sanitarno-bytovye uslovija na stroitel'nyh ploščadkah - Učebnoe posobie [in Russian]
This training manual is aimed essentially at readers in developing countries. Contents: safety organization and management; site planning and layout; excavations; scaffolding; ladders; hazardous processes (roof work, steel erection, work over water, demolition, confined spaces, piling); vehicles; movement of materials; working positions, tools and equipment; the working environment (hazardous substances, noise and vibration, exposure to heat and cold); personal protective equipment; welfare facilities. Russian version of the document analysed under CIS 95-473.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2005. ix, 106p. Illus.

CIS 05-187 SIMDUT 2005 PRO®
SIMDUT 2005 PRO® [in French]
Demonstration version of a training and self-evaluation course on chemical safety on CD-ROM, entitled "Information system on dangerous substances used at the place of work" (Système d'information sur les matières dangereuses utilisées au travail - SIMDUT). It is the result of a collaboration between industry, workers' organizations and the Canadian federal and provincial governments. Training courses and related multiple-choice self-evaluation tests are divided into four sections: introduction, labelling, safety data sheets and danger symbols., e-mail serviceß, 2005. CD-ROM.

CIS 04-505 Pęciłło M.
Improvement in the OSH management procedures in an enterprise
Usprawnianie procesów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy w przedsiębiorstwie [in Polish]
This article discusses different approaches to the improvement of organizational processes and the benefits resulting from the improvement of OSH management procedures as well as their integration with quality and environmental management processes in an enterprise. An analysis of the effectiveness of OSH management systems in enterprises in the building, chemistry and furniture industry is presented. It is shown that by improving organizational processes, major cost savings in the OSH area can be achieved.
Bezpieczeństwo pracy, Jan. 2005, Vol.402, No.1, p.11-13. 12 ref.

CIS 04-688 Zawieska W.M.
European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2005. European information campaign: Stop noise!
Europejski Tydzień Bezpieczeństwa i Zdrowia w Pracy 2005r. Europejska kampania informacyjna: stop hałasowi! [in Polish]
Report on the preparations leading up to an informational campaign organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in Bilbao, Spain, in cooperation with National Focal Points. The campaign will focus on noise at work and ways of eliminating it. The campaign will conclude with the European Week for Safety and Health at Work during 24-28 October 2005. The coordinator in Poland is the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute, which has adopted the role of the National Focal Point.
Bezpieczeństwo pracy, Jan. 2005, Vol.402, No.1, p.1.


CIS 08-527 Mahieu J.C.
Dust in the nook of the woods
Les poussières au coin du bois [in French]
Dusts formed during woodworking can affect human health, either by contact or inhalation. This leaflet recalls the preventive measures against exposure to wood dust and includes the table of occupational diseases caused by wood dust that are recognized in France.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, June 2004. 6p. Illus. Price: EUR 1.50. Downloadable version free of charge.$file/ed729.pdf [in French]

CIS 07-1012 Voisin J.C., Moineau J.P., Béhard G., Di Giuseppe F., Dubois J.C., Geyer G., Rasseneur A., Tourtier M.
Maintenance and prevention of occupational hazards in building projects
Maintenance et prévention des risques professionnels dans les projets de bâtiment [in French]
Aimed at building owners, building contractors, safety coordinators and construction firms, this booklet has two objectives. Firstly, it seeks to encourage the consideration of maintenance issues during the design phase of a project by specifying the factors to be addressed and defining the roles of the various participants. Next, it proposes the setting up of an organizational structure during the design phase of the project to take account of the safety of persons involved in subsequent repair or maintenance work. Replaces CIS 01-372.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 2nd ed., Apr. 2004. 54p. Illus. 11 ref. Price: EUR 6.00. Downloadable version free of charge.$File/ed829.pdf [in French]

CIS 07-778 Effectiveness of economic incentives to improve occupational safety and health
Efficacité des incitations économiques visant à améliorer la sécurité et la santé au travail [in French]
Eficacia de los incentivos económicos para la mejora de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo [in Spanish]
Economic incentives aim to stimulate enterprises to invest in management of occupational safety and health (OSH) by making it more financially attractive. They are potentially strong instruments in driving companies towards safety and health excellence because they reinforce the link with profitability. This issue summarises the discussions at a workshop organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-17 September 2004. Contents: types of economic incentive (state subsidies, grants, financing; incentives based on tax systems or tax structures; insurance premium variation); research; objectives of the workshop; examples of incentives used in some EU countries; overall conclusions and perspectives.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Gran Vía 33, 48009 Bilbao, Spain, 2004. 8p. Illus. 7 ref. [in English] [in French] [in Spanish]

CIS 07-752
Fundación laboral de la construcción
Occupational safety and health - Basics of occupational safety and health in the construction sector
Prevención - Nivel básico de prevención en la construcción [in Spanish]
This training manual for construction workers presents the basics of occupational safety and health (OSH). It is divided into ten teaching units covering seven aspects of occupational safety and health: basic concepts and OSH regulatory framework; hazards related to conditions of work and their prevention; basic systems for controlling hazards; hazards related to the work environment; specific hazards in the construction sector; basics of OSH management; first aid.
Tornapunta Ediciones S.L., Av. Alberto Alcocer 46 B Pa 7, 28016 Madrid, Spain, 2004. 299p. Illus.

CIS 07-525
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: Dough moulders
Revista do trabalhador: Cilindros de massa [in Portuguese]
This videotape describes the hazards associated with the use of rolling machines for the treatment of bread dough in the bakery products industry and provides guidance on their safe operation.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 12min.

CIS 07-523
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: Traditional measurement of heat exposure
Revista do trabalhador: Conjunto convencional para calor [in Portuguese]
This videotape describes the health hazards for workers exposed to excessive heat and shows how to install traditional equipment for evaluating worker's exposure to heat by determining Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT).
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 12min.

CIS 07-524
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: NR-29 Hoisting operations
Revista do trabalhador: NR-29 Operações de guindar [in Portuguese]
This videotape identifies the hazards associated with hoisting operations and describes safety measures.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 12min.

CIS 07-521
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: Calibration of personal sampling equipment
Revista do trabalhador: Calibração de bombas [in Portuguese]
This videotape explains how to calibrate equipment used for the personal sampling of chemicals in workplace air.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 12min.

CIS 07-526
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: industrial piping
Revista do trabalhador: Tubulações industriais [in Portuguese]
This videotape shows how planning errors and the lack maintenance of industrial piping often lead to serious accidents. Potential problems are identified and guidance is given on preventive measures.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 17min.

CIS 07-520
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: Pollution in closed garages
Revista do trabalhador: Poluição em garagens fechadas [in Portuguese]
This videotape explains how workers in closed garages are exposed to high concentrations of carbon monoxide gas from car exhausts and describes measures for minimizing risks to workers' health.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 11min.

CIS 07-522
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: Temporary electrical installations
Revista do trabalhador: Instalações elétricas provisórias [in Portuguese]
This videotape shows how construction industry workers are at risk of serious injury from temporary electrical installations and describes preventive measures.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 13min.

CIS 07-528
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: RSI and the world of work
Revista do trabalhador: LER e o mundo do trabalho [in Portuguese]
This videotape examines the increase in repetitive strain injuries (RSI) among certain groups of professional workers and explains how the condition may be aggravated by mental stress. Causes of RSI are identified and methods of prevention are described.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 15min.

CIS 07-512
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: PPRA
Revista do trabalhador: PPRA [in Portuguese]
This videotape examines how to implement the requirements of a programme for the protection of workers and of the environment and natural resources (Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais, PPRA).
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Videotape (VHS format), 14min.

CIS 07-517
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: PCMAT - Living quarters
Revista do trabalhador: PCMAT - Áreas de vivência [in Portuguese]
The first of these two videotapes explains the requirements for construction companies with more than 20 workers to implement a programme for the management of workplace hazards (Programa de Condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho, PCMAT). The second highlights the requirement to provide construction workers with adequate welfare facilities and living quarters during a construction project.
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Two videotapes (VHS format), 16min and 10min.

CIS 07-259 Schibig D.
Napo and chemicals - Information and advice for presenting the film within the enterprise
Napo et les produits chimiques - Informations et conseils pour la présentation du film en entreprise [in French]
Napo im Reich der chemischen Gefahrensymbole - Infos und Tipps für die Vorführung des Films im Betreib [in German]
Napo e le sostanze pericolose - Informazioni e consigli utili per la visione del film nelle aziende [in Italian]
This booklet is aimed at persons responsible for safety and health within the enterprise and provides guidance on the presentation of a film on safety in the use of dangerous substances in the workplace. The film contains only images, sounds and music and may be understood in any language. In order to improve the retention of information and reinforce the effectiveness to the training, the presenter can choose to further develop certain topics covered in the film, using additional information cited in the document.
Suva, Gesundheitsschutz, Postfach, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, 2004. 15p. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 07-261 Weber C., Schibig D.
Napo on the construction site - Information and advice for the presentation of the film
Napo sur le chantier - Informations et conseils pour la présentation du film [in French]
Napo auf der Baustelle - Infos und Tipps für die Vorführung [in German]
Napo sul cantiere - Informazioni e suggierimenti par la proiezione [in Italian]
This booklet is aimed at persons responsible for safety on building and construction sites and provides guidance on the presentation of a film on worker safety on site. The film contains only images, sounds and music, and may be understood in any language. In order to improve the retention of information and reinforce the effectiveness of the training, the presenter can choose to further develop certain topics covered in the film, using additional information cited in the document.
Suva, Gesundheitsschutz, Postfach, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, 2004. 19p. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 07-29
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Workers' magazine: NR-29 Comfort at work - NR-29 SESSTP and CPATP
Revista do trabalhador: NR-29 Conforto nos locais de trabalho - NR-29 SESSTP e CPATP [in Portuguese]
The first of these two videotapes examines the heavy physical work and other hazards to which dock workers are exposed and highlights the need for measures to ensure workplace comfort. The second describes the activities of the Brazilian port workers' health and safety service (SESSTP - Serviço Especializado de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho Portuário) and the commission for the prevention of accidents in ports (CPATP - Comissão de Prevenção de Acidentes no Trabalho Portuário).
Fundacentro, Rua Capote Valente 710, São Paulo, SP 05409-002, Brazil, [ca 2004]. Two videotapes (VHS format), 11min and 13min.

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