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Older workers - 297 entries found

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  • Older workers


CIS 82-1181 Scherrer J.
Digest of occupational physiology - Basic ergonomics
Précis de physiologie du travail - Notions d'ergonomie [in French]
Contents: motricity; postures and movements; energy expenditure in man; energy needs of man at work; respiratory and circulatory adaptations in muscular work; autonomic neuro-glandular and hormonal regulatory systems - adaptation - agression; thermal environments; life and work in hot and cold climates; life and work at high altitudes; work in pressurised atmospheres; effects of vibration on man; physiological effects of accelerations; elements of psycho-physics of noise; hearing and effects of noise on the human body; vision and lighting; communication of information during work; circadian rhythms-sleep, night and day work; vigilance tasks and monotonous work; elements of ergonomic methodology; work and aging; sensory and perceptual aspects; occupational physiology and French legislation.
Editions Masson, 120 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75280 Paris Cedex 06, 2nd edition, 1981. 585p. Illus. Bibl.


CIS 81-568
International Labour Organisation, Programme of Industrial Activities, Advisory Committee on Salaried Employees and Professional Workers
General report.
Rapport général. [in French]
This report for consideration as the first Item on the Agenda of the Eighth Session of the Committee (Geneva, 1981) includes chapters and sections on: hours of work, weekly rest and organisation of working hours in commerce and offices; older workers; part-time and temporary work; hygiene and safety, health and social services in commerce and offices (p.76-88) with reports on action taken in 38 countries and territories in the light of the conclusions and resolutions adopted by the Committee at previous sessions; action taken by the ILO; recent events and developments. Appended: list of conclusions and resolutions adopted by the Committee since 1949.
Report I, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève, Switzerland, 1980. 207p. Price: SF.25.00.


CIS 81-264 Springer E.
Basic principles of occupational hygiene
Grundlagen der Arbeitshygiene [in German]
Manual containing basic information for the practitioner who has to deal with industrial hygiene problems: information on stress and strain, and the relation between work and health. Contents: principles of worker protection; physical and mental workload, and conclusions regarding workplace design and layout; hours of work and breaks; medical problems of young persons, the elderly, and women at work; effects of environmental physical factors; effects of non-toxic dust; effects of chemicals; allergic respiratory disorders; infectious diseases of occupational origin; occupational health organisation in the German Democratic Republic. Appended: list of relevant regulations and standards.
Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, DDR-1020 Berlin, 1979. 168p. Illus. Price: M.9.30.

CIS 79-2080 Veselova V.N.
Evaluation of work capacity with age for tasks requiring marked visual effort
K ocenke vozrastnoj rabotosposobnosti pri zritel'no-naprjažennoj rabote vysokoj intensivnosti [in Russian]
Workplace studies of type-setters and telegraphists using semi-automatic equipment showed age-related differences in respect of work capacity, work load distribution and spontaneous work breaks. These differences were associated with visual function and central nervous changes (visual and nervous fatigue). When personnel over 40 years of age is employed in demanding visual work, the required illuminance levels for these workplaces should be observed and appropriate work-rest schedules followed.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, June 1979, No.6, p.9-13. Illus. 5 ref.


CIS 81-1785 Wolf S., Bruhn J.G., Goodell H.
Occupational health as human ecology
This book, designed for the corporation medical officer and medical student, emphasises the importance of personal fulfilment and job satisfaction on the health of the worker, and suggests a comprehensive preventive approach to occupational health as a means of reducing health insurance costs and increasing productivity. Contents: a comprehensive approach to health in the industrial milieu; evolution of occupational medicine; coping with health hazards - the organisation of occupational health care; satisfaction and productivity in work; pathophysiologic effects of stress; problems of aging and retirement.
Published by Charles Thomas, 301-327 East Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62717, USA, 1978. 115p. Illus. 213 ref.

CIS 79-1782 Marcelin J., Estryn-Behar M., Fouriaud C., Oustric M., Prades A., Suchet F., Vaichère E.
Influence of social and occupational factors on differential aging in men and women
Influence de facteurs socioprofessionnels sur le vieillissement différentiel selon le sexe. [in French]
Variables depending on social and occupational circumstances and on physiological, psychological and pathological factors were studied in 727 men and women under 30 and above 49 years of age employed in various commercial and industrial firms and in 2 hospitals. In the population of older women exertion-related tachycardia, arthralgia and signs of venous valvular insufficiency were particularly frequent. Task-related aetiological factors compound with the socio-occupational circumstances, which can be improved by long-term (education, occupational training) and short-term measures (improved working hours, reduced working hours, and especially applied ergonomics).
Travail humain, 1978, Vol.41, No.2, p.193-208. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 79-1776 Kvasnicka E.W., Radl G.W.
Workplace design for men over 40 - Anthropometric study to improve ergonomics and occupational safety aspects
Gestaltung der Arbeitsumwelt von über 40jährigen Männern - Anthropometrische Erhebungen zur ergonomischen und sicherheitstechnischen Gestaltung [in German]
This study is timely: firstly, because the last anthropometric studies in the field were carried out some 15 years ago, and secondly, because men over 40 now constitute 45% of the active male workforce of the Federal Republic of Germany. The authors measured 36 body dimensions in accordance with DIN standard procedure in a sample of 817 men. Contents: methods; results in relation to age, regional variations and social variations; significance of the results for industrial anthropology and workplace design from the ergonomics and safety viewpoints.
Forschungsbericht Nr. 190, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Postfach 17 02 02, 4600 Dortmund 17, Germany, (Fed.Rep.), 1978. 194p. Illus. 26 ref. Price: DM.22.00.

CIS 79-273 Proceedings - Reducing occupational stress.
American, British and Scandinavian methods of dealing with health and stress were discussed in 24 papers presented at a conference supported by NIOSH (New York, USA, 10-12 May 1977). Subjects covered: social support; computerisation and psychosocial factors; management stressors; incidence of disease/risk; stress factors of white-collar workers; blue-collar stressors; workload and myocardial infarction; industrial physicians and nurses; psychiatric consultation; special therapy (hypnosis for attenuation of burn depth); the organisation's system for coping with stress; organisation structure and mid-career stress; organisational management; legislative programmes; Swedish programmes; legislative job reform in Norway; Swedish approaches to job reform; productivity of the chronic schizophrenic; mental health programmes; new government programmes; alcohol abuse; psychosocial stress.
DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No.78-140, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Apr. 1978. Illus. 222p. 165 ref.

CIS 78-1785 Pardon N.
Aging and employment
Vieillissement et travail. [in French]
Literature survey on the repercussion of aging on aptitude for work. Following brief considerations on some of the sociological aspects of aging in France, this article reviews successively: phenomena affecting vision (physiology of the eye, visual performance; physiopathology of presbyopia; ergonomics and presbyopia, etc.) and hearing (normal range of hearing; presbycusis), mental stress and aging (available data; ergonomic workplace design), muscular work and aging (general considerations; anthropometric changes due to aging; aging and changes in general adaptation to muscular work; age-linked changes in segmental strength and muscle tone; influence of age on behaviour and rapidity of performance of muscular tasks).
Cahiers de médecine interprofessionnelle, 1st quarter 1978, Vol.18, No.69, p.5-44. Illus. 13 ref.


CIS 78-900 Kagie R.
Occupation as a cause of ill-health - The work-health relationship
Arbeid maakt ziek - De relatie werken-gezondheid [in Dutch]
A critical review of conditions of work and the application of Dutch occupational safety and health legislation in modern industry, illustrated by a wealth of evidence taken from workers. The author concludes that for a large section of the active population the dictum "work is health" is no longer true. Contents: basic causes of ill-health (insufficient worker participation, job dissatisfaction, health damage due to agents in the work environment, absenteeism, disturbance of biological rhythms by shift work); new hazards (invisible menace of toxic and carcinogenic substances); people in employment (inexperienced young workers, women with the double workload of outside employment and looking after a family, older workers and foreign workers); people whose mission it is to remedy this situation (the plant physician; the labour inspectorate, often unable to find or enforce a remedy; the lawmakers, who try to determine responsibilities; the trade unions, which tend to overlook occupational safety and health). This book aims to restore the working man and his problems to their proper place in the position of precedence in the work process at present occupied by considerations of output.
Published by "Het Wereldvenster", Baarn, Netherlands, 1977. 163p. 45 ref. Price: Glds.21.50.

CIS 78-858 Oja P., Louhevaara V., Korhonen O.
Age and sex as determinants of the relative aerobic strain of nonmotorized mail delivery.
The relative aerobic strain (RAS) of non-motorised mail delivery was assessed in 54 Finnish mail carriers who represented both sexes, the entire work-age range and both downtown and suburban delivery districts. The mean RAS of the entire delivery time was 55% of the maximal oxygen uptake (ml/kg/min). It was higher for women than for men, and higher for suburban than for downtown delivery. The RAS tended to increase systematically with age after the age of 50. The work strain of mail carriers of over 50 years of age, especially of older women carriers in suburban areas, was high enough to lead to possible excessive strain on the workers.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1977, Vol.3, No.4, p.225-233. 10 ref.

CIS 78-279 Wolff H.
The need for psychological fitness tests for older motor vehicle drivers
Notwendigkeit verkehrspsychologischer Fahrtauglichkeitsuntersuchungen für alternde Kraftfahrer [in German]
The problem involved in aging, driving experience and fitness to drive is discussed. Statistical studies show drivers after the 6th decade to be a special risk, together with those in the 18-25-year age group. Age-linked difficulties of adaptation lead physicians to recommend these drivers for psychological fitness tests. Proposed indications for such referral are age-induced speech deficiencies, intellectual symptoms, variability or loss of vitality, egocentric behaviour and deficient subjective estimation of ability.
Verkehrsmedizin und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1977, Vol.24, No.3, p.99-104. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 78-271 Koschlig G.
Fitness examinations with aging
Zur Tauglichkeitsdiagnostik bei Altersveränderungen [in German]
Three screening procedures are proposed for fitness testing of motor vehicle drivers with increasing age. They permit evaluation of short-term memory, IQ and memory performance. Each test takes 3 min. Even one such test is useful for assessment of the need for further psychiatric and psychological examinations.
Verkehrsmedizin und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1977, Vol.24, No.3, p.93-98. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 77-2007 Love R.G., Muir D.C.F., Sweetland K.F., Bentley R.A., Griffin O.G.
Acceptable levels for the breathing resistance of respiratory apparatus: Results for men over the age of 45.
Peak inspiratory pressure, external respiratory work rate, ventilation and gas exchange were measured with various inspiratory resistances in 41 coalworkers walking on a treadmill. At the moderate workload studied, older men were able to tolerate inspiratory resistance as well as younger men.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, May 1977, Vol.34, No.2, p.126-129. 9 ref.

CIS 77-1507
Ministry of Social Affairs (Ministerie van Sociale Zaken), Den Haag.
Annual report of the Inspectorate of Dock Labour, 1974-75
Jaarsverslag inspectie van de havenarbeid - 1974-1975 [in Dutch]
General survey of the organisation and activities of the Netherlands Inspectorate of Dock Labour, with particular reference to the enforement and administration of occupational safety and health regulations, safety campaigns, vocational training and social welfare. The last chapter is devoted to occupational accidents and their causes (descriptions of accidents involving lifting equipment, fork lift trucks, belt conveyors, slinging and lifting cargo, hatches, stairways and ladders, unsafe work methods, hazardous substances, etc.).
Arbeidsinspectie, Directoraat-General van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, Voorburg, Netherlands, July 1977. 68p. Illus.


CIS 78-239 Forssman S., Helander J., Olhagen G., Åstrand N.E.
40 years at work - Account of a medical, psychological and sociological study of the employees of a Swedish pulp and paper plant
40 år i arbetet - Redovisning av en medicinsk, psykologisk och sociologisk undersökning av de anställda vid en svensk massa- och pappersindustri [in Swedish]
Previous studies on ageing workers and their adjustment to work were reviewed. An earlier medical, psychological and sociological study of 400 men in Swedish industry was followed up. Results included: overestimation by workers of their health and work capacity; medical work capacity decreased more rapidly with age than medical work adjustment; work demands increase heavily with advancing age; the health of engineers and clerks, foremen, and manual workers decrease in that order; mental health did not deteriorate very much in the 10-year period; psychomotor skills did not decrease with age; but arithmetic ones did; sociological results were not comparable. Preliminary recommendations include job redesign and adjustment for the ageing worker; medical examinations; medical preventive measures; job transfers. A 14-page summary in English is appended.
Arbetarskyddsfonden, Sveavägen 166 11 tr, 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden, 1976. 317p. Illus. 57 ref.

CIS 78-280 Demmler H., Lohse C.
Problems of working conditions for older workers
Probleme der Arbeitsbedingungen für ältere Werktätige [in German]
Efforts are being made in the German Democratic Republic to help workers put their capacities and experience to use after retiring age by offering them an activity corresponding to their wishes and physical and mental abilities. This small book provides data and suggestions relating to motives for continued employment, social influences, age-oriented technical working conditions and working times, and health surveillance.
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1976. 103p. 15 ref. Price: M.2.40.

CIS 77-1757 Springer E.
Fundamentals of occupational hygiene
Grundlagen der Arbeitshygiene [in German]
This short textbook is intended to provide the basic knowledge of occupational hygiene essential to the physician confronted with problems from the working world. Contents: fundamentals of health protection of workers, physical and mental strain, working hours and workbreaks, occupational medical problems of special groups of persons, effects of physical environmental factors, effects of non-toxic dusts, effects of chemical substances, occupational allergic disease of the respiratory tract and lungs, occupational infectious diseases. Appendix: list of relevant legislation in the German Democratic Republic.
VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Villengang 2, 69 Jena, German Democratic Republic, 1976. 124p. Illus. 3 ref. Price: M.9.30.

CIS 77-1756 Renker U.
Health and the working environment
Gesundheit und Arbeitsumwelt [in German]
After defining the terms "working environment", "disease" and "health", this pocket-sized book reviews the relations between working conditions and health, dealing with: the main results of research on work physiology; general occupational hygiene questions; problems of special groups of persons; workspace and workplace design; occupational diseases and their prevention; conclusions for prevention.
Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Villengang 2, 69 Jena, German Democratic Republic, 1976. 179p. Illus. Price: M.7.20.

CIS 77-1565 Plundrich J.
Relations between noise sensitivity and age of workers
Die Abhängigkeit der Lärmempfindlichkeit vom Alter der Werktätigen [in German]
The concept of noise sensitivity in relation to the permanent threshold shift (PTS) is defined. The dependence of the PTS on noise exposure and age is analysed in 16 workers, and the results interpreted on the basis of a mathematical model. The broad individual variations in noise sensitivity suggested that there is a risk of hearing damage at relatively low exposure levels. This underlines the importance of pre-employment and periodical audiometric tests. General statements on noise sensitivity in young or old workers are inadequate unless increases in hearing loss or the time taken to reach a given degree of hearing loss are compared.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Nov. 1976, Vol.22, No.11, p.804-810. Illus. 32 ref.

CIS 77-1483
Arbeitskreis "Neue Arbeitsstrukturen der deutschen Automobilindustrie".
Human work design - Examples from the German automobile industry
Gestaltung der menschlichen Arbeit - Beispiele aus der deutschen Automobilindustrie [in German]
Results of a study group comprising representatives from 7 West German automobile manufacturers. The committee analysed the experience of these firms in ergonomic workplace design in an attempt to reconcile technical and economic requirements and human needs and aspirations. Examples of improved safety (machine controls, handling of workpieces) and working environment (noise control, ventilation, spray coating) are given. The possibilities of ergonomic workplace design are examined, and examples of application of anthropometric data, improved work schemes, reduction of monotonous work (job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement), and workpost design for handicapped, elderly and debilitated workers, are given.
Ford-Werke AG, Postfach 21 03 69, 5000 Köln 21, Germany (Fed.Rep.), Nov. 1976. 66p. Illus.

CIS 77-1187 Fatal accidents on building and construction sites in the greater Paris area
Accidents mortels sur les chantiers du bâtiment et des travaux publics dans la région parisienne. [in French]
This study, the first part of a series of 3 articles based on 902 case files of investigations following fatal accidents which occurred between 1968 and 1974, sets out in commented tables a breakdown of these accidents, using the following criteria: "active injured person" (who participated in the activity in the course of which the accident occurred) and "passive injured person" (who did not so participate); type of undertaking; work skills or occupational status of injured person; country of origin; age. Percentages of injured in each category were as follows: 51.2% in firms carrying out basic structural work, 27.4% in secondary building work, and 21.4% in civil engineering. In building and civil engineering taken together, apprentices and unskilled workers (24.1% of the total workforce) were involved in twice as many fatal accidents as skilled workers, foremen and supervisors, accounting for 44.3% of the accidents. Percentages of foreign workers involved in fatal accidents: 83.1% (basic structural work), 65.8% (civil engineering) and 36.4% (secondary building work). The age brackets chiefly involved were 21 years and under, and 61 years and over. Detailed analysis of these statistics shows the influence of worker mobility on the frequency of serious accidents.
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Nov.-Dec. 1976, No.6, p.273-279. Illus.

CIS 77-1169 Quaas M., Renker U.
Occupational hygiene
Arbeitshygiene [in German]
Textbook for students of medicine and occupational studies in the German Democratic Republic. Relations between occupational hygiene and other disciplines, fundamentals of occupational physiology, problems of occupational psychology, workpost design and accident prevention. Health impairment of occupational origin, and its prevention, are dealt with in detail.
VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, DDR-102 Berlin, 1976. 516p. Illus. 163 ref. Price: M.35.00.

CIS 77-900 Skiba R.
Occupational safety pocket book
Taschenbuch Arbeitssicherheit [in German]
Introductory handbook to the principles of occupational safety and health, giving a simple and clear survey of the complex field of occupational safety. This 3rd edition has been adapted to take account of recent legislation; more importance has been given to aspects concerning labour studies; the diagrams and bibliography have been improved. Contents: practical and theoretical fundamentals of occupational safety (accident situation in the Fed.Rep. of Germany, systemisation of occupational safety principles); historical picture; accident and incident analyses, workplace analyses, integration of safety at planning stage; safety in machine design, operation of installations and use of dangerous substances and agents; climate and microclimate; lighting and colour schemes; fire protection; personal protective equipment; occupational safety and individual behaviour (information, motivation, stress, shift work, hours of work); in-plant and national safety organisation; protection of special groups of persons; cost of accidents; occupational disease trends; commuting and traffic accidents. Appendix: accident statistics, definitions.
Eric Schmidt Verlag, Herforder Strasse 10, 4800 Bielefeld, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 3rd edition, 1976. 480p. Illus. 350 ref. Price: DM.34.00.


CIS 76-1465 Shephard R.J.
Men at work - Applications of ergonomics to performance and design.
The central theme of this book, which is addressed to workers in a wide variety of disciplines, is the matching of design to human performance characteristics in the interests of comfort and productivity. A historical and background introduction is followed by 4 parts: biological fundamentals (physiology of work, man and his environment, fatigue in industry); neuromuscular control of work (human cybernetics, sensory receptors, biomechanics of human movement); psychology of work (ergonomics and the mind, personality and aptitudes, motivation, teaching specific skills, circadian rhythms and irregular hours of work); practical applications of ergonomics (the aging worker, the handicapped, underdeveloped nations, anthropometry in the service of design, man and the computer, ergonomics of traffic systems). Alphabetical subject index.
Published by Charles C. Thomas, 301-327 East Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62717, USA, 1975. 396p. Illus. Price: US-$36.50.

CIS 76-892 Proceedings - Human factors society 19th annual meeting.
Among the 88 papers read were: human factors in agricultural tractor safety; pilot error and other accident-enabling factors; controlled flight into terrain accidents; system-induced errors; biomechanical scissors; methodology for prediction of complex skill performance; human risk-taking in simulated occupational situations; an algorithm for workplace optimisation and layout planning; a job-related physical performance test for police officers; personal body armour for law enforcement officers; commercial motor carrier driver hazards; effects of adverse environmental conditions on workload; tolerance of discomfort induced by pressure applied to the forearm; design and evaluation of a personal dry-ice cooling jacket; developing a safer gas monitor; predicting effectiveness of auditory warning signals in industry; adaptive effects of static muscular strength; training; three-dimension profiles of movements of human body joint centres; measurement of muscle fatigue by electromyography; effects of menstrual cycle on performance of complex perceptual-psychomotor tasks; television systems for remote manipulation; stress threshold for drivers; fatigue in boat operation; sedentary work in hot environments.
Human Factors Society, P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, California 90406, USA, Oct. 1975. 501p. Illus. Bibl. Price: US-$18.00.

CIS 76-582 Eitner S., Rühland W., Siggelkow H.
Practical geriatric health - Handbook of the complex care of the aged
Praktische Gerohygiene - Handbuch der komplexen Betreuung im Alter [in German]
In this manual, geriatric medicine and health are integrated into a wide variety of disciplines, so as to do justice to all the requirements of health care, prevention and rehabilitation. Chapters on social and occupational health aspects of hazard prevention and on the clinical basis of geriatric medicine are followed by a special chapter dealing with occupational medicine and health in the elderly.
Verlag Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 1975. 525p. Illus. Bibl. Price: M.27.00.

CIS 75-1799 Skiba R.
Occupational safety pocket book
Taschenbuch Arbeitssicherheit [in German]
This handbook gives a simple and clear survey of the complex field of occupational safety: fundamentals of occupational safety (accident situation in the Fed. Rep. of Germany, system considerations and theoretical bases); accident and incident analyses, workplace analyses, integration of safety at planning stage; safety in machine design, operation of installations and use of dangerous substances (acetylene, pressure vessels, electricity, explosive substances, electromagnetic radiations, acoustic and mechanical vibrations); climate and microclimate; lighting and fire protection in the workplace; personal protective equipment; occupational safety and behaviour (information, motivation) and aptitude; in-plant and national safety organisation; protection of special groups of persons; cost of accidents. Appendix: accident statistics, definitions.
Erich Schmidt Verlag, Herforder Strasse 10, 48 Bielefeld, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 2nd edition 1975. 467p. Illus. 350 ref. Price: DM.34.00.


CIS 74-2070 Burger G.C.E., Gerritsen W.B., De Groot J., Kuiper J.P., Zielhuis R.L.
Occupational and industrial medicine
Arbeids- en bedrijfsgeneeskunde [in Dutch]
Subjects dealt with in this textbook cover: evolution of occupational medicine; occupational physiology and psychology; ergonomics; epidemiology and occupational health; statistics; occupational pathology and industrial hygiene (environmental factors, mental health); the industrial medical officer's function (pre-employment and periodic examinations, rehabilitation, sickness absenteeism, administrative tasks, legislation, etc.); clinical aspects of industrial medicine (chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc.); occupational accidents and their prevention (psychological and medical aspects of accident prevention, medical care of injuries).
H.E. Stenfert Kroese B.V., Leiden, Netherlands, 1974. 752p. Price: Glds. 168.

CIS 74-1793 Moreau F.
Flexible working hours - Their effects on conditions of work, and the psychology and physiology of workers
L'horaire variable ou libre - Ses incidences sur les conditions de travail, la psychologie, la physiologie des travailleurs. [in French]
This MD thesis reviews the experience with this type of work schedule, the use of which is spreading: background, definitions, methods of application, recording and checking of hours worked, applicability, French statutory provisions, stages in the introduction of such schedules in an undertaking, results of experience with flexible working hours as regards the workers and the undertaking, unions' opinions, effects on work in different occupational categories (women, young persons, old or handicapped workers) and on the social and economic environment (leisure time, commuting). In the light of this experience, the effects of flexible working hours on the workers' physiology and psychology, the role of plant physicians and future prospects are examined.
Université de Paris - Val-de-Marne, Faculté de médecine de Créteil, Créteil, France, 1974. 88p. 78 ref.


CIS 75-871 Cazamian P.
Lessons in industrial ergonomics - A global approach
Leçons d'ergonomie industrielle - Une approche globale. [in French]
This handbook, which synthesises the lectures in this subject delivered by the author at the University of Paris, is intended for all who wish to acquire basic training in ergonomics: students, engineers, plant physicians, industrial psychologists. Contents: muscular work; perceptive work; physical environment; incidence of technical progress (manual work, mechanisation, automation); safety; ergonomics of man-machine systems and of organisations. Special attention is given to topical questions: assembly-line work, job enrichment, mental fatigue, occupational neurosis, women in employment, the elderly worker.
Editions Cujas, 19 rue Cujas, 75005 Paris, France, 1973. 156p. Illus. 135 ref. Price: FF.20.00.

CIS 75-269
Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände, Köln.
Older workers - Vade mecum for management
Ältere Mitarbeiter - Praktische Arbeitshilfe für die Betriebe [in German]
These guidelines and suggestions for management and middle-management, drawn up by a group of experts of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations, stress the importance of the older worker in the economy, sum up his capabilities and suggest solutions which could be adopted at the level of the undertaking: the need for a personnel policy, discovering problem cases in time (appropriate techniques are discussed), determining suitable employment, studying individual possibilities, early retirement benefit, preparation for retirement, contacts with retired workers. A considerable amount of statistical data, examples of works rules, explanations, etc. are appended.
J.P. Bachem Verlag GmbH, Ursulaplatz 1, 5 Köln, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1973. 151p. Illus. 78 ref. Price: DM.10.00.

CIS 74-1473 Chabrier-Salmon M.C.
Employment of the elderly
Le travail des gens âgés. [in French]
This MD thesis is in 3 parts: biological and psychological study of senescence (from which is deduced an attempt to assess the biological age of the subject and the notion of the existence of a differential ageing); study of the influence of ageing on work and work on ageing; study of the influence of ageing on employment possibilities. The author distinguishes between physiological ageing (which raises problems of preparation for retirement, employment-seeking after 65, the burden for the rest of the population represented by the non-active sector) and the premature ageing of the elderly (which raises problems of inability to work or invalidity, according to age). He envisages also the problems of the middle-aged in obtaining employment and their maladjustment in employment, the means of preventing premature ageing, and the adverse effects of some kinds of work on the health of the elderly.
Université de Lille, Faculté de médecine, Lille, France, 1973. 103p. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 74-1469 Borneff J.
Lectures in occupational health
Arbeitsmedizin in Vorlesungen [in German]
This book constitutes an introduction to a subject which wil be considered in greater detail in courses. The authors of the various chapters outline the chief problems of occupational health, which are described concisely without unnecessary ballast. First part: principles of the plant physician's activity (scope and organisation of occupational medicine, occupational health service, pre-employment medical report, occupational physiology, experimental toxicology, relevance of threshold values, resuscitation and first aid); second part: notifiable occupational diseases and injuries (pneumoconiosis, occupational skin diseases, injuries due to radiation, noise or to mechanical or chemical agents, cancer); third part: special problems of occupational health (psychoses, employment of women and older workers, rehabilitation). There is an extensive bibliography.
UTB 44, F.K. Schattauer Verlag GmbH, Lenzhalde 3, 7 Stuttgart 1, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1973. 418p. Illus. Price: DM.19.80.

CIS 74-1169 Quaas M., Renker U.
Occupational health and hygiene
Arbeitshygiene [in German]
Individual chapters of this book, the work of several collaborators, are devoted to: physiological changes during work (cardiovascular system, nervous system, sensory organs, blood, respiratory and muscular systems, etc.); effect of fatigue on working capacity; general occupational health problems (optimal organisation of human work and technical equipment, assembly-line work, work under nervous stress); occupational health problems of young workers, women workers and older workers; workplace layout and work premises, lighting, heating and ventilation, noise, personal protective equipment; accident prevention; occupational health hazards and their prevention (overwork, harmful substances and agents (physical and chemical), infections (prophylaxis)).
Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, X 102 , 1973. 508p. Illus. 156 ref. Price: M.35.00.

CIS 74-1018 Lowson J.C.
Lighting for seeing.
The basic requirements for the comfortable and efficient performance of visual tasks are defined, and reference is made to the relevant Australian standards. In planning workplace illumination, the quality of lighting is as important as the quantity supplied. Causes of common complaints are given, and the influence of lighting level on the performance of tasks of varying detail size is discussed. The idea that older workers need more light than normal to maintain their efficiency is examined in some detail and shown to be a fallacy.
Personnel Practice Bulletin, June 1973, Vol.29, No.2, p.126-135. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 74-1181 Couillault S.
Work humanisation in industry
L'humanisation du travail dans l'entreprise industrielle. [in French]
This book, written by a plant physician who paints a large canvas of the psycho-sociological aspects of modern work, contains sections on: definition, psychological, physiological and sociological basis of ergonomics; study of several means of humanising work (communications, environment, etc.); role of specialised social workers in humanisation of work (plant physicians, safety engineeers and industrial psychologists, welfare officers, nurses); conclusions.
Epi, 68 rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris, France, 1973. 157p. 50 ref. Price: FF.40.00.

CIS 74-1163 Baart J.
The older dockworker - Aspects of his cardiorespiratory condition
De oudere havenwerker - Aspecten van zijn cardiorespiratoire conditie [in Dutch]
M.D. thesis describing a study carried out to determine whether or not older dockers can carry out heavy work until their retirement at 65. The author examined 578 dockers aged 55 or over and analysed the health records of 503 of them. The examination was focused on biophysical parameters, biochemical determinations and exercise tests. The results, which were statistically processed, are reproduced and discussed. The electrocardiograms taken at rest and during exercise proved to be reliable indicators of impaired cardiorespiratory function.
Van Veen en Scheffers B.V., Vlaggemanstraat 5, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1973. 301p. (2 vols.) Illus. 158 ref. Price: Glds.52.50.

CIS 74-873 Dirken J.M.
Functional age of industrial workers.
Description and findings of a comprehensive multidisciplinary research project initiated in 1962 by a team of 39 Dutch scientists on the working capacity of ageing industrial workers. 316 male workers (evenly distributed between the ages of 30 and 70) were included in the study which covered some 150 psychological (psychomotor, psychosensory, reaction times and concentration), physiological (cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary excretion) and background variables. The methodology and the results are presented and discussed in considerable detail, and an attempt is made to develop an objective yardstick for use by industrial medical officers in the evaluation of the degree of functional ageing in individual workers.
Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing, P.O. Box 66, Groningen, Netherlands, 1973. 251p. Illus. 135 ref. Price: Glds. 48.10.

CIS 74-633 Guyatt A.R., Douglas J.S., Žuškin E., Bouhuys A.
Lung static recoil and airway obstruction in hemp workers with byssinosis.
Quasistatic lung recoil curves and maximal expiratory flow-volume curves were measured in 23 hemp workers (age 56-69 years). The data suggest that loss of elastic recoil contributed to the decrease of maximal expiratory flows in hemp workers exposed to dust for many years and that the loss of parenchymal structure of the lungs occurs in the chronic stages of byssinosis.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Nov. 1973, Vol.108, No.5, p.1111-1115. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 74-790 Sharp J.T., Paul O., McKean H., Best W.R.
A longitudinal study of bronchitic symptoms and spirometry in a middle-aged, male, industrial population.
An industrial population consisting of 1,263 persons (51-66 years) carrying out light assembly and clerical work was surveyed in 1961 and again in 1968 for respiratory symptoms and spirometric abnormalities. The second survey permitted comparative examination of several questions beyond the scope of a single survey. The striking findings were: (a) a decrease in the prevalence of respiratory symptoms with the passage of time, wholly explained by the impressive decrease in the prevalence of cigarette smoking; (b) the emergence of new bronchitic symptoms was much less in non-smokers than in smokers; and (c) spirometric abnormalities were more reversible than predicted, the reversibility being more frequent among non-smokers.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Nov. 1973, Vol.108, No.5, p.1066-1077. 14 ref.


CIS 73-187 Böhlau V.
Work capacity and ageing
Leistungsfähigkeit und Altern [in German]
Description of a method for evaluating physical work capacity in which oxygen consumption is measured at rest, during exertion on a treadmill and during the recovery period. Using these measurements, it is possible to calculate a "recovery" quotient on the basis of excess oxygen consumption during the exercise and recovery periods, which can be used for comparisons and for determining the subject's "biological age". Experience in the application of this quotient is described.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Arbeitshygiene, July 1972, Vol.7, No.7, p.185-187. Illus.

CIS 73-186 Blohmke M., Schaefer H., Stelzer O.
Are there specific criteria for evaluating the work capacity of elderly persons?
Gibt es spezielle Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Arbeitsfähigkeit älterer Menschen? [in German]
Current age limits for payment of pensions in various countries are considered and significant differences are found. A detailed study is made of the means and criteria for evaluating the somatic and mental work capacity of elderly people. The following conclusions are drawn: criteria are specific to occupational and dependent on intelligence; changes in physical work capacity between the ages of 40 and 60 can be determined only by means of oxygen-consumption recovery quotients (CIS 73-187); there are no criteria independent of occupation, even for evaluating mental work capacity.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Arbeitshygiene, July 1972, Vol.7, No.7, p.181-184. 31 ref.

CIS 73-373 Proceedings of the 12th Congress on Occupational Safety and Health 1971 in Dusseldorf
Bericht über den 12. Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 1971 in Düsseldorf [in German]
These proceedings contain all the papers presented at 3 parallel sessions, the discussions, summaries of the reports and an index of the films and slide-shows presented during the Congress. The papers read in Session A dealt with the handing of low-flammability media, the safety of non-stationary workplaces, and psychological and ergonomic aspects of occupational safety. Session B dealt in particular with occupational medical subjects: differential diagnosis, effects of noise, job placement and medical supervision. Session C contains papers on accident research, the organisation of occupational safety, atmospheric analyses, electrical accidents and radiation protection.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsschutz, Hamburger Allee 26-28, 6 Frankfurt-am-Main 90, Federal Republic of Germany, 1972. 340p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 73-714 Cosset J.C.
Elderly workers - Approach to the problem and its solutions
Les travailleurs âgés - Approches du problème et de ses solutions [in French]
The process of ageing varies according to individuals; it may be accelerated by physiological, psychological and pathological factors. Various measures must be adopted to protect elderly workers: improved conditions of work, elimination of arduous and dangerous work, possibility of transfer to alternative employment, permanent retraining possibilities; in certain sectors, better opportunities for early retirement. In the last resort, however, the industrial physician must decide whether an elderly worker is still employable (not overlooking part-time employment possibilities).
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Mar. 1972, Vol.33, No.3, p.81-95. 9 ref.


CIS 03-697 Guide to safety and health in forestry work
Guide pour la sécurité et l'hygiène dans les travaux forestiers [in French]
Guía de seguridad et higiene en los trabajos forestales [in Spanish]
This guide on safety and health in forestry work provides practical guidance on the risks involved in various forestry operations. It is subdivided into four parts. Part 1 covers specific aspects concerning the forestry workers and their environment (physiology of heavy work; nutritional requirements; rest periods and leave; workers needing special protection; climate and weather; plants, animals, insects, infections). Part 2 defines risks and protection measures for tools, equipment, machines and materials used for forestry work. Part 3 gives advice on organization and techniques of main activities. Part 4 develops various issues which should be integrated in an active programme of occupational safety and health. In appendix: sample accident report form.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 4th reprint, 1979. xii, 223p. Illus. Index.


CIS 07-1195 Manual lifting and carrying
Der Lastentransport von Hand [in German]
Le transport des charges à bras [in French]
This information note describes the potential health hazards associated with the manual lifting and carrying of loads and sets out measures for reducing effects on the spine: correct lifting technique, maximum permissible load weights, advice for women and young and older workers.
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, Mar. 1962. 17p. Illus. 18 ref.

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