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Older workers - 297 entries found

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CIS 03-1703 Occupational safety and health manual - Clothing industry
Manual de segurança e saúde no trabalho - Indústria do vestuário [in Portuguese]
This manual covers the safety and health aspects that are specific to the Brazilian clothing industry. It describes the hazards of this industry and proposes preventive measures aimed at protecting workers and improving productivity. Contents: types of clothing industries; general work organization; types of workers at special risk (children, home workers, women, handicapped persons, elderly workers); risk factors and methods of control; enterprise safety and hygiene committees; determining the risk chart; environmental hazard prevention programmes; medical supervision programmes, profiles of the enterprises examined in the context of a study aimed at providing an overview of the variety of activities in the clothing sector; legal aspects.
SESI, Departamento Regional de São Paulo, Av. Paulista 1313, CEP 01311-923, São Paulo, Brazil, 2003. 241p. Illus. 94 ref. Index.

CIS 03-1702 Kauppinen K., Kumpulainen R., Houtman I.
Gender issues in safety and health at work: A review
Achieving gender equality in all aspects of employment is a key European priority. To contribute to this European objective, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work decided to publish this report on gender issues in occupational safety and health within the scope of the Agency's 2002 work programme. The aim of this study is not only to give a clear overview of gender differences in safety and health at work and how they arise, but also to provide information about what this means for prevention and how a gender-sensitive approach can be taken in occupational safety and health. In this way, it is hoped that the report will give strong guidance on what is needed to ensure gender equality in all areas of occupational safety and health in practice and serve as an important contribution to the realization of this key European objective.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Gran Vía 33, 48009 Bilbao, Spain, 2003. 222p. Illus. 510 ref. Price: EUR 25.00. [in English]

CIS 03-1238 Munk K.
The older worker: Everyone's future
The proportion of workers over 40 years of age in some industry sectors in Australia is as high as 45%. Employers are concerned about the decline in physical ability, the loss of manual dexterity and a reduction in productivity of older workers. Other negative attitudes include the perception that older workers have higher accident and illness rates. The literature clearly indicates that there are certain age-related changes that affect an individual's capacity to complete job requirements. Equally, there are certain work conditions that may accelerate or accentuate the ageing process. This article discusses accident and injury statistics, and outlines both the physical and cognitive changes which may have a bearing on work aptitude. The physical and organizational conditions of work that may adversely affect older workers are reviewed. Finally, the ergonomic actions that may be used from the work design stage in order to maintain the mental and physical health of workers throughout their working life are discussed.
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand, Oct. 2003, Vol.19, No.5, p.437-446. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 03-1463 Vézina N., St-Vincent M., Dufour B., St-Jacques Y., Cloutier E.
Practice of job rotation in an automobile assembly plant - Exploratory study
La pratique de la rotation des postes dans une usine d'assemblage automobile - Etude exploratoire [in French]
This survey on job rotation was carried out in an automobile assembly plant where the management was in favour of extending the degree of job rotation, but where the union was reticent. Two ergonomics experts inspected four assembly units, and observed and interviewed 250 workers. Results of the survey show that only 10.8% of the workers, essentially the younger workers, currently practiced job rotation. The perceived advantages of rotation were lower levels of monotony and physical constraints, as well as improved promotion prospects. The main reasons for reluctance were the fear of changing for more demanding work and training difficulties. The importance of training is confirmed by the job studies.
Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec (IRSST), 505 boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montreal (Quebec) H3A 3C2, Canada, Aug. 2003. vi, 88p. Illus. 42 ref. Price: CAD 13.00. [in French]

CIS 03-1245 Best practices in work-flexibility schemes and their impact on the quality of working life in the chemical industries
Les meilleures pratiques de flexibilité du travail et leur incidence sur la qualité de la vie professionnelle dans les industries chimiques [in French]
Las prácticas óptimas en los sistemas de trabajo flexible y sus efectos en la calidad de la vida laboral en las industrias químicas [in Spanish]
Report for discussion at a tripartite meeting on best practices in work-flexibility schemes and their impact on the quality of working life in the chemical industries. It contains many examples of current work flexibility practices and related areas that affect them. Main topics covered: employment; remuneration; working time; skills, training and knowledge management; shift work; industrial relations.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2003. vii, 116p. Illus. 129 ref. Price: CHF 20.00. [in English] [in French] [in Spanish]

CIS 03-622 Report V - ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and health
Taqrīr al-sādis - Anšaṭa munaḏama al-(amal al- duwalīya al-muttaṣila bi-l-ma(āyyir fi majāl al-salāma wa al- ṣihha al-mihniyatīn [in Arabic]
Bericht VI - Normenbezogene Tätigkeiten in der IAO im Bereich des Arbeitsschutzes [in German]
Baogao 6 - Guoji Laogong zuzhi zaizhiye anquan yuwei shenglingyu de biaozhun xiangguan huodong [in Chinese]
Rapport VI - Activités normatives de l'OIT dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la santé au travail [in French]
Doklad VI - Normotvorčeskaja dejatel'nost' MOT v oblasti bezopasnosti i gigieny truda [in Russian]
Informe VI - Actividades normativas de la OIT en el ámbito de la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo [in Spanish]
This report was prepared for discussion at the 91th session of the International Labour Conference in June 2003. It is aimed at examining the impact, coherence and relevance of ILO standards and related activities in the area of occupational safety and health and to develop a consensus on a plan of action to increase their impact. The report is divided into five chapters: occupational safety and health standards and other instruments; areas of action of the ILO; occupational safety and health at global, national and workplace levels; impact, coherence and relevance; transforming rules into reality. A CD-ROM including international labour standards, codes of practice, legislative texts, survey responses and documents is included.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2003. viii, 124p. Illus. Price: CHF 17.50. + CD-ROM. [in English] [in French] [in Spanish] [in German] [in Russian] [in Chinese] [in Arabic]


CIS 08-309 Adapting to change in work and society: A new Community strategy on health and safety at work 2002-2006
Meddelelse fra Kommissionen: Tilpasning til ændringerne i arbejdslivet og i samfundet: en ny fællesskabsstrategi for sundhed og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen 2002-2006 [in Danish]
Mitteilung der Kommission: Anpassung an den Wandel von Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft: eine neue Gemeinschaftsstrategie für Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz 2002-2006 [in German]
Anakoinōsē tēs Epitropē s: Prosarmogē stis allages tēs ergasias kai tēs koinōnias: mia nea koinotikē stratēgikē ugeias kai asfaleias 2002-2006 [in Greek]
Como adaptarse a los cambios en la sociedad y en el mundo del trabajo: una nueva estrategia comunitaria de salud y seguridad (2002-2006) [in Spanish]
Meddelande från Kommissionen: Anpassning till förändringar i arbetsliv och samhälle: en ny arbetsmiljöstrategi för gemenskapen 2002-2006 [in Swedish]
S'adapter aux changements du travail et de la société: une nouvelle stratégie communautaire de santé et de sécurité 2002-2006 [in French]
Comunicazione della commissione: Adattarsi alle trasformazioni del lavoro e dalla società: una nuova strategia comunitaria per la salute e la sicurezza 2002-2006 [in Italian]
Mededeling van de Commissie: Zich aanpassen aan de veranderingen in werk en samenleving: een nieuwe communautaire gezondheids- en veiligheidsstrategie 2002-2006 [in Dutch]
Comunicação da Comissão: Adaptação às transformações do trabalho e da sociedade: uma nova estratégia comunitária de saúde e segurança 2002-2006 [in Portuguese]
Komission Tiedonanto: Työn ja yhteiskunnan muutoksiin sopeutuminen: Yhteisön uusi työterveys- ja työturvallisuusstrategia vuosiksi 2002-2006 [in Finnish]
Full report of the European Commission of March 2002 on the EU Strategy on occupational safety and health for the years 2002-2006. Contents: keeping pace with changes in the world of work; changes in society; an increasingly feminized society; an ageing active population; changes in forms of employment; changes in the nature of risk; towards a new community strategy on health and safety; global approach to well-being at work by strengthening the prevention culture; education, awareness and anticipation: improving people's knowledge of risks; better application of existing law; combining instruments and building partnerships; adapting the legal and institutional framework; encouraging innovative approaches; working to mainstream health and safety at work in other community policies; preparing for enlargement; developing international cooperation; Also available in Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Gran Vía 33, 48009 Bilbao, Spain, 2002. 18p. [in Greek] [in Danish] [in German] [in English] [in Spanish] [in Finnish] [in French] [in Italian] [in Dutch] [in Portuguese] [in Swedish]

CIS 04-604 Tractors
A total of 144 persons died in work-related incidents involving tractors between 1989 and 1992 in Australia. This fact sheet summarizes the data in a report on work-related fatalities involving tractors during this period and describes several cases of accidents. Statistics are provided by age group, occupation, industry, type of incident, location, activity, causal agent, pathophysiological cause of death and contributing factors. Most common features of the incidents are: rollovers, run overs, falls, strikes by a falling object and being caught in machinery.
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC), GPO Box 58, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia, [c2002]. 6p. Illus. 4 ref. [in English]

CIS 03-1707 Ilmarinen J., Tempel J.
Work aptitude in 2010
Arbeitsfähigkeit 2010 [in German]
This publication presents a overview of current knowledge in the area of man's aptitude to work and the challenges faced by enterprises due to the inversion of the age pyramid causing an increase in the average age of workers. It is divided into three parts. The first part describes the changes in the world of work, the issues at stake and the problems that enterprises will face in the future. The second part presents practical experiences and results of research in the fields of health, work aptitude, refresher training and work organization of older workers. The third part is devoted to the future of enterprises and emphasizes the importance of human and social capital as well as "age management".
VSA-Verlag, St Georgs Kirchhof 6, 20099 Hamburg, Germany, 2002. 359p. Illus. 136 ref. Index. Price: EUR 20.40.

CIS 03-596 Ferreira O.
Extending social security: Challenges for Cape Verde
Cape Verde gained its independence from Portugal in 1975. Government policies in the country have, however, moved away from the previous welfare state model and are based on the notion that the State should not be the sole source of social security and that the private sector and civil society should play an important role. Thus, social insurance schemes financed by contributions from employers and workers have been established for private sector workers; they provide benefits in respect of old age, invalidity, survivors, maternity and employment injury, and there are additional allowances for children. There is a separate scheme for civil servants and for employees in the banking sector. The study notes the role of the Government as the basic guarantor of social security and the significance of its programmes for the poor who represent 30% of the population. However, the scope of the social insurance scheme should be extended to the self-employed and the informal sector. A chapter of this report describes the system of compensation of occupational accidents end diseases.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2002. v, 26p. 16 ref. [in English]

CIS 03-595 Humblet M., Silva R.
Standards for the XXIst century - Social security
Des normes pour le XXIe siècle - Sécurité sociale [in French]
Normas para el siglo XXI - Seguridad social [in Spanish]
At the ILO Conference of June 2001, a general discussion was held aimed at defining an ILO vision of social security at the dawn of the XXIst century. This publication is intended to offer technical assistance to member States in the area of social security and to ensure a better understanding of ILO Conventions and recommendations on social security. Main topics covered: characteristic of social security standards; protection afforded in different branches of social security (medical care, sickness, unemployment, old-age, benefit, invalidity, survivor's and employment injury benefits); social security of migrant workers .
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2002. x, 70p.

CIS 03-583 The changing organization of work and the safety and health of working people - Knowledge gaps and research directions
Following a short description of changes in organizational practices and of the link between organization of work and workers' safety and health, this document presents four areas of research of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) adopted by the NIOSH: data collection on changes in organization of work; research on the effects of the new organizational practices on occupational safety and health; intervention research targeting organizational practices to improve worker safety and health; promote organization of work as a field of study within occupational safety and health.
Publications Dissemination, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998, USA, Apr. 2002. xi, 30p. Illus. 78 ref. [in English]

CIS 03-467 Wendelen E., Léonard L.
Age, health and work: Aging at work and because of work
Age, santé et travail: vieillissement au travail et par le travail [in French]
The aging of the working-age population is discussed from the point of view of psychology, demography and sociology. Legal measures and recommendations in Belgium are listed with the aim of increasing the proportion of persons who keep on working after the age of 50, in particular by limiting early-retirement schemes and favouring the re-integration of elderly unemployed persons. It describes the various active and preventive measures favoured in Belgium for the encouragement of employment during the final years of employed life.
Médecine du travail & Ergonomie / Arbeidsgezondheitszorg & Ergonomie, 2002, Vol.XXXIX, No.3, p.115-120. 9 ref.

CIS 03-210 Durand E., Gauron C., Kreutz G., Weibel L., Chouanière D., Massin N., Delépine A., Leprince A.
27th National Congress on Occupational Medicine and Occupational Health - From knowledge to practice
27e congrès national de médecine et santé au travail - De la connaissance à nos pratiques [in French]
More than 2,500 delegates attended the 27th National Congress on Occupational Medicine and Health held in Grenoble, France, 4-7 June 2002. There were 20 sessions, dedicated to topics as varied as the contributions of multidisciplinary approaches to occupational health, health effects of company reorganizations and "work and sleep", addressing among others the issue of lowered vigilance at work. This article presents summaries of certain selected sessions: water-based paints; waste management; cardiovascular diseases at work; radiological protection; sleep and work; work after the age of 50; asthma and work.
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 4th Quarter 2002, No.92, p.383-395.

CIS 03-153
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Quality of work and employment in Europe - Issues and challenges
La qualité du travail et de l'emploi en Europe - Enjeux et défis [in French]
This report presents the current situation of the quality of work and employment in Europe based on work carried out during the last ten years by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Topics addressed include in particular employment status, inequalities between men and women (seniority, pay), work-related health problems, work schedules and work rhythms, ageing of the working population, double workload (housework, child care, children's education, care of elderly relatives, etc., in addition to paid work), trends in occupations and skills development. It discusses the issues at stake and the challenges arising from employment trends in Europe, and suggests areas to be explored further study in the following three areas: guiding principles; fields of application; instruments to support action.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2895 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Feb. 2002. 35p. Illus. 48 ref. [in English] [in French]

CIS 02-1603 Grau Ríos M.
The Spanish presidency of the European Union 2002 - Assessment of results
Presidencia española de la Unión Europea 2002 - Balance de resultados [in Spanish]
Collection of articles that assess the Spanish presidency of the European Union during the first half of 2002 with respect to occupational safety and health. Contents: interview of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Juan Carlos Aparcio, presentations by Spanish delegates at the Barcelona Conference (22-23 April 2002); new community strategy on health and safety at work for the period 2002-2006, Council resolution on the community strategy; results obtained in the area of occupational safety and health during the Spanish presidency.
Prevención, trabajo y salud, 2002, No.19, p.4-36. Illus.

CIS 02-1696 27th National Congress of Occupational Medicine and Health - Grenoble, 4-7 June 2002
27e Congrès national de médecine et santé au travail - Grenoble, 4-7 juin 2002 [in French]
Proceedings of the 27th National Congress of Occupational Medicine and Health held in Grenoble, France, 4-7 June 2002. Main topics covered: microbiological and toxicological risks of water-based paint; household waste treatment and health hazards; PAH; violence in the workplace; new strategies for preventing musculoskeletal disorders; prevention by routine medical examination; pluridisciplinarity; occupational medicine and quality; influence of the Internet on practices in occupational medicine; ethics and occupational health; perception of hazards and risk-taking; ionizing radiation; sleep and work (diagnosis of hyper-somnolence); nutrition; occupational asthma and options for prevention; occupationally-related cardiovascular risk; effects of company restructuring on health; working after the age of 50; socio-occupational health inequalities.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, June 2002, Vol.63, No.3-4, p.133-354 (whole issue). Bibl.ref.

CIS 02-738 Szubert Z., Sobala W.
Work-related injuries among firefighters: Sites and circumstances of their occurrence
To determine the injury ratio, causes and duration of temporal work disability from on-duty injuries among firefighters, a sample of 1503 firefighters from 29 fire stations who were employed between 1994 and 1997 was studied. Data examined included the number of days and cases of work disability due to on-duty injury, personal data (age, work duration) and data on the circumstances of injury. The analysis revealed that the large proportion of injuries (40%) occurred during compulsory physical training, being responsible for 41% of post-injury absence at work. The workers employed for less than one year were at highest risk of injury. Injuries during emergency operations made 25% of all injuries and accounted for 24% of post-injury absence. The frequency of injuries was not significantly aged-dependent, however, the duration of work disability was found to increase by 20% with increasing age of workers.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2002, Vol.15, No.1, p.49-55. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 02-980 Gershon R.R.M., Lin S., Li X.
Work stress in aging police officers
To study the impact of psychosocial work stress on the health and well-being of aging workers, work stress, coping strategies and stress-related health outcomes were assessed and characterized in a sample of 105 police officers aged 50 years and older. The most important risk factors associated with perceived work stress were maladaptive coping behaviours such as excessive drinking or problem gambling (odds ratio (OR), 4.95) exposure to critical incidents such as shootings (OR 3.84), anxiety (OR 6.84), depression (OR 9.27), somatization (OR 5.74), posttraumatic stress symptoms (OR 2.89), symptoms of "burnout" (OR 5.93), chronic back pain (OR 3.55), alcohol abuse (OR 3.24) and inappropriately aggressive behaviour (OR 4.00). These data suggest that older workers in high-stress jobs may be at increased risk for work stress-related health problems, especially if they rely on risky health behaviours to cope with stress.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Feb. 2002, Vol.44, No.2, p.160-167. 54 ref.

CIS 02-635 The changing world of work - Trends and implications for occupational safety and health in the European Union
Le monde du travail en mutation - Tendances et implications pour la sécurité et la santé du travail dans l'Union européenne [in French]
Cambios en el mundo del trabajo - Tendencias e implicaciones para la seguridad y la salud del trabajo en la Unión Europea [in Spanish]
To better respond to competitive pressures, companies are looking for greater flexibility to respond rapidly to peak production demands and seasonal variations while at the same time controlling labour costs. This has given rise to new working practices such as "just-in-time" production and the employment of temporary workers and workers under short, fixed-term contracts. This information sheet addresses the following issues relating to the changing world of work: changes in the characteristics of organizations; changes in working time and employment contracts; changes in work organization; use of information and communication technology; changes in the composition of the workforce, with a growing percentage of women and older workers.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Gran Vía 33, 48009 Bilbao, Spain, 2002. 12p. Illus. 15 ref. [in English] [in French]


CIS 06-234 Beermann B., Klenner C.
We need teams that are ready for the Olympics - Flexible work schedules and occupational safety and health
Olympiareife Mannschaften gesucht? Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsschutz [in German]
Proceedings of a workshop on flexible work schedules and their effects on health held in Dortmund, Germany, 22 September 1999. Increasing work schedule flexibility generally entails longer workdays (10-hour days or 6-day weeks), and requires greater levels of performance and flexibility on the part of workers. The workshop addressed health hazards as well as the positive effects of health that may be expected from these types of work schedules. Risks and opportunities for workers were discussed and gaps in research were highlighted. Examples of flexible work schedules suited to older workers and to workers with dependants were also presented.
Hans Böckler Stiftung, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany, 2001. 101p. Price: DEM 20.00.

CIS 04-300 Occupational safety and health and employability: Programmes, practices and experiences - Summary of an Agency report
Sécurité-santé au travail et employabilité: programmes, pratiques et expériences - Résumé d'un rapport de l'Agence [in French]
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo y empleabilidad: programas, prácticas y experiencias - Resumen de un informe de la Agencia [in Spanish]
This fact sheet summarizes a report of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on various initiatives in the European Union Member States aimed at increasing the employability of workers by using interventions deriving from the field of occupational safety and health (see CIS 01-1667). It presents seven of the 26 initiatives described in the report. This fact sheet is also available in Danish, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, German, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Swedish (see
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,, 2001. 2p. Illus. 2 ref. [in English] [in Spanish] [in French]

CIS 03-1456 Härmä M., Kandolin I.
Shiftwork, age and well-being: Recent developments and future perspectives
The working population is aging fast in most European countries. The health and well-being of elderly shift workers depend on the interaction of several individual, medical, psychosocial and job-related factors. These factors are related to the biological aging process, but also to changes in one's individual life situation and the needs of the aging shift worker. Data on age-specific solutions in working hours are limited, but the few published intervention studies support the use of individual flexibility, rapid forward-rotating shift systems and earlier shift start-end times in three-shift work. In addition to the development of shift schedules, other measures to improve the health and well-being of aging shift workers should be focused on the improvement of occupational health care and the promotion of appropriate sleep and circadian rhythm coping mechanisms.
Journal of Human Ergology, Dec. 2001, Vol.30, No.1-2, p.287-293. Illus. 33 ref.

CIS 02-977 Thomas Antérion C., Thomas Antérion P.
Frontotemporal dementia revealed during work
Démences frontotemporales relevées dans le milieu professionnel [in French]
Diagnosis criteria of frontotemporal dementia have been defined recently. The first manifestations of this form of dementia appear around the age of 50. The early symptoms are behavioural disorders associated with the primary degeneration of the frontal and anterior temporal lobes. Patients may be apathetic or highly agitated. Cognitive disorders indicative of frontal lobe dysfunction appear initially in the form of speech difficulties, slowing of response initiation, economy of mental effort, perseverance or distractibility. This article presents three cases of patients for which the first symptoms appeared at the workplace. They presented apathic and motivational symptoms, pseudomaniac behaviour or pseudo-depressed state and organizational and sequencing failure. It is important to be aware of these characteristic symptoms in order to limit accidents and to recognize the presence of this pathological condition.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, Nov. 2001, Vol.62, No.7, p.564-569. 16 ref.

CIS 02-475 Lilja R., Hämäläinen U.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Working time preferences at different phases of life
During 1998, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions carried out a major survey on Employment Options of the Future across the 15 EU Member States and Norway. It involved over 30,000 telephone interviews with people aged between 16 and 64 years. The survey examined the questions of persons wanting to work, when and why. This leaflet summarizes the main findings of the survey concerning age-related preferences with respect to weekly hours of work. Contents: employment patterns at different phases of life; young people and employment; transition from school to employment; factors affecting young people's employment prospects; combining family and work; satisfaction with working hours; working time regulations; reaping the benefits of work; choices of older women; preparing for life after work; gradual retirement; discussion of results.
Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2895 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2001. 8p. Illus.

CIS 01-1667
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Occupational safety and health and employability - Programmes, practices and experiences
This report provides an overview of different initiatives in the European Union Member States aimed at increasing the employability of workers by using interventions deriving from the field of occupational safety and health. 26 case studies from 13 Member States illustrate the potential role of occupational safety and health to improve the employability of workers, including prevention programmes and programmes aimed at integrating or reintegrating specific groups to work. Other measures include maintaining a safe and healthy working environment, training and refresher training, assessment of the functional capacities of workers and medical supervision.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2985 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2001. 214p. Illus. 7 ref. Price: EUR 13.00 (excluding VAT).

CIS 01-1451 Aronsson G., Kilbom Å
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)
Work past the age of 45: Historical, psychological and physiological perspectives of older people in employment
Arbeit über 45: Historische, psychologische und physiologische Perspektiven älterer Menschen im Berufsleben [in German]
Collection of 13 scientific articles dealing with the various factors affecting the working ability of workers past the age of 45. Among the subjects treated: workload and how it affects older workers; how new knowledge is acquired by older workers; psychological changes in older workers; relationship between age and accident proneness.
Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Bürgermeister-Smidt-Str. 74-76, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany, 2001. 247p. Illus. Bibl.ref. Price: EUR 19.50.


CIS 04-298 Future occupational safety and health research needs and priorities in the Member States of the European Union - Summary of a European study
Futurs besoins et priorités de la recherche en sécurité et santé au travail dans les Etats membres de l'Union européenne - Résumé de l'enquête européenne [in French]
Futuras necesidades y prioridades en materia de investigación sobre la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo en los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea - Resumen del estudio europeo [in Spanish]
This fact sheet gives a summary of a report of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on the results of a study concerning future occupational safety and health research needs and priorities in the Member States of the European Union. It identifies the 10 research priorities for a majority of the Member States, as well as the research priorities within these categories. The need for cooperation at the EU level is highlighted. This fact sheet is also available in Danish, Greek, Finnish, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish and Swedish (see
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,, 2000. 2p. Illus. 1 ref. [in English] [in Spanish] [in French]

CIS 03-248 Winn F.J.
The older worker: An international perspective
Contents of this whole issue on older workers: worksite health promotion programmes and older workers; work ability of middle-aged Finnish construction workers; effect of age on the subjective assessment of hygienic work environment in the metalworking industry; use of new technology by 60-year old women workers; relation between age, work ability and stress among bus drivers; effects of ergonomic and health training on work interest, work ability and health in elderly public transport drivers; injury risk profile among ageing firefighters in the province of Québec; redesign of workplaces for older workers; psychological issues related to ageing and productivity.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, May 2000, Vol.25, No.5, p.461-545 (whole issue). Illus. Bibl.ref.

CIS 03-85 Sauer H.J
Prevention strategy - Safety and health protection in small agriculture and forest enterprises
Estratégia de prevenção - Segurança e saúde no trabalho nas pequenas explorações agrícolas e florestais - Problemas e soluções [in Portuguese]
Aimed at workers on small agricultural and forestry enterprises, this booklet lists the various problems and hazards they may be confronted with and proposes solutions and preventive measures, the most common being proper training. Main topics covered: risks to children; basic and refresher training; training of wives of agricultural workers; work of elderly persons; seasonal workers; safety of buildings; use of machinery; forestry workers; chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards; personal protective equipment; occupational safety and health legislation. Portuguese-language version of an ISSA publication originally in English, French and German.
Associação de Agricultura da Associação Federal de Sociedades Agrícols (AISS), Weissensteinstrasse 72, Kassel, Germany, [2000]. 36p. Illus.

CIS 02-1295
International Social Security Association
Safety and health protection in the small agriculture and forest enterprises - Problems and solutions
Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz in land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Kleinbetrieben - Probleme und Lösungsansätze [in German]
Problèmes et ébauches de solutions - Sécurité et santé au travail dans les petites exploitations agricoles et forestières [in French]
Contents of this booklet on occupational safety and health in the small farming and forestry sectors: prevention for children; education and training; women farmers; older workers; seasonal workers; agricultural buildings; machinery; forestry work; cooperation with professional associations; work- related health risks; personal protective equipment; legislation; role of the agricultural section of ISSA; contact addresses in Europe.
IVSS-Sektion Landwirtschaft beim Bundesverband der landwirtschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Weissensteinstrasse 72, 34131 Kassel, Germany, [c2000]. 36p. Illus.

CIS 01-1551 Capodaglio P.
Physical exercise in the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases in the elderly worker
L'esercizio fisico nella prevenzione delle patologie muscolo-scheletriche nel lavoratore anziano [in Italian]
The impact of ageing on physical work capacity in older workers and the benefits of exercise programmes designed for prevention of musculoskeletal complaints is reviewed. Physical work capacity generally declines significantly after 50 years of age. A reduction in muscle strength is accompanied by a decline in the fatigue threshold. This, in combination with a reduced recovery capacity after exercise, may lead to chronic overload of muscles and tendons. Also the adoption of an active life-style and the rational use of ergonomic interventions, such as automation of certain work processes, appears to minimize the impact of ageing on work capacity. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.379-386. 19 ref.

CIS 01-1430 Occhipinti E., Colombini D.
Ageing at work and musculoskeletal disorders
Invecchiamento lavorativo ed alterazioni muscoloscheletriche [in Italian]
The relationship between ageing and work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the spine and upper limbs is discussed. Regarding the spine, from pathogenetic and epidemiological data, there is evidence that ageing induces a progressive increase in the occurrence of spondylitis and of joint diseases. For upper limb disorders the age factor is still under debate and in any case it does not seem to be of great importance. Older workers subject to fixed postures and repetitive movements of the upper limbs ought to adopt general measures of prevention such as those used for other workers. However, specific measures are required for older workers exposed to manual material handling. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.342-353. Illus. 19 ref.

CIS 01-1429 Cesana G,, Ferrario M.
Occupational ageing and cardiovascular diseases
Invecchiamento lavorativo e patologie cardiovascolari [in Italian]
Coronary events and circulatory diseases affecting the brain are common among older workers. Particular attention has to be given to a variety of factors (environmental, social and occupational) in order to reduce the incidence of these conditions. Cardiovascular mortality seems to increase with heavy industrialization processes and lower socio-economic and educational status. Beside the consideration of traditional risk factors (e.g.: cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking), other risk factors need to be further studied. A few cohort or population studies have shown an independent and inverse relationship between low levels of job control and coronary disease. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.334-341. 36 ref.

CIS 01-1567 Camerino D.
Psychological and psychosocial aspects in the elderly worker
Aspetti psicologici e psicosociali del lavoratore anziano [in Italian]
Older workers exhibit changes in performance, but these do not necessarily interfere with work in a negative way. Psychological data on populations exposed to different occupational risks (e.g. exposure to neurotoxic agents) have been revised according to the age of workers. In order to encourage elderly workers to stay at work, it is recommended to simplify their tasks, and to reduce abnormal environmental stimuli in their work. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.326-333. Illus. 16 ref.

CIS 01-1448 Volkoff S.
Deficiencies and resources of working population in relation to age: A multidisciplinary approach
Deficienze e risorse dei lavoratori in relazione all'età: un approccio multidisciplinare [in Italian]
In highly demanding working conditions (shift work, time-pressure jobs and adaptation to modern technology or skill diversification) an increasing proportion of older employees may cause serious problems. Specific epidemiological methods are required for their study. An ergonomic approach allows to improve the understanding of changes in work behaviour with the increase of age, of experience and of skills. Older workers are in principle able, consciously or unconsciously, to modify their operating modes (movements, work pace, posture, etc.), to reduce their effort level in some subtasks and to make more plans in order to avoid emergency situations. Such strategies however can only be implemented, if the conditions and organization of work foster and promote them. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.313-325. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 01-1436 Costa G.
Work capacity and ageing
Capacità di lavoro e invecchiamento [in Italian]
Ageing involves a progressive and overall deterioration of the various physiological systems of the human body: these changes, however, are not sufficiently severe for most people over 50 to be considered as too old or unfit for work. Many studies have examined the issue, measuring work capacity not only in terms of biological age, but also of functional age and actual work output. Job demands often do not follow the natural biological and pathological changes of the individual and consequently the relative work load can be higher in older workers. Ageing also means a professional growth in terms of strategic ability, wisdom and experience. An increased flexibility and personally tailored measures are needed, as shown by recent surveys in some European countries, aimed at reducing age discrimination and work disability. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.302-312. 29 ref.

CIS 01-1399 Ilmarinen J., Costa G.
Ageing of the working population in the European Union
L'invecchiamento dei lavoratori nell'Unione Europea [in Italian]
After 2010, the number of retired people over 65 years of age in the European Union will be almost double that of 1995. This will have a strong impact on working conditions and the labour market. Work capacity (i.e. ability) is a dynamic process that changes throughout life and depends on the interaction among individual resources, working conditions and society at large. It creates the basis for the employability of an individual, which is also influenced by legislation on work and retirement and by social attitudes such as age discrimination. The Work Ability Index, created and used in a previous Finnish 11-year longitudinal study, has been proved to be a practical tool for the assessment of workers' fitness and as a predictor of work disability. Measures aiming to restore work ability of ageing workers must concentrate on work content, physical work environment and the working community. This paper was presented at an International Seminar on Ageing and Work, held in Verona (Italy) on 7 Apr. 2000.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 2000, Vol.91, No.4, p.279-295. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 01-1255 Work related musculoskeletal disorders in Europe
Arbejdsbetinget besvær i kroppens muskler og led i Europa [in Danish]
Arbeitsbedingte Muskel- und Skeletterkrankungen in Europa [in German]
Muoskeletikes pathēseis pou sundeontai me tēn ergasia stēn Eurōpē [in Greek]
Trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral en Europa [in Spanish]
Arbetsrelaterade belastningskador i Europa [in Swedish]
Les troubles musculo-squelettiques d'origine professionnelle en Europe [in French]
Patologie muscoloscheletriche legate all'attività lavorativa in Europa [in Italian]
Beroepsgebonden aandoeningen van het bewegingsapparaat in Europa [in Dutch]
Perturbações músculo-esqueléticas causadas pelo trabalho na Europa [in Portuguese]
Työperäiset tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön sairaudet Euroopassa [in Finnish]
Musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs) are among the most common occupational health problems in Europe, and in view of their cost to the economy, their prevention is becoming a priority. Each year, 30% of European workers, namely 44 million persons, complain of back pain. The causes of MSDs are often connected to work organization. The main risks are related to the physical stress factors (high loads, repetitive movements, vibrations, work rhythms), to repetitive work and to psychosocial factors. The groups at risk include manual workers, short-term workers, women (disorders of the upper extremities) and older workers. The estimated cost to the economy ranges from 0.5% to 2% of the GNP of European Union member states. Ergonomic improvements (modifications in the organization of work, changes in the workplace layout) would allow a significant reduction in the number of cases of MSDs (see also CIS 01-1256 and CIS 01-1257). This information note is available from the European Agency in all 11 official languages of the EU.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,, 2000. 2p. Illus. 10 ref. [in English] [in French] [in Spanish] [in Danish] [in German] [in Greek] [in Dutch] [in Portuguese] [in Finnish] [in Swedish] [in Italian]

CIS 01-457 Approaches to labour inspection in forestry - Problems and solutions
Forestry is among the industries with the highest rates of accident frequency and severity throughout the world. However, the rates are higher in developing countries than in industrial countries. Forestry work can result in serious injuries, due to unfavourable terrain, weather conditions, inadequate tools or machines, or poor planning and organization. Hands and legs are mostly exposed. Accidents are less frequent and less serious in sylvicultural activities. Main health hazards: physically heavy work inducing musculoskeletal complaints, whole body vibration, repetitive movements, noise, hand-arm vibration and intoxication due to the chemicals. Young and older workers, women and non permanent and clandestine workers are more susceptible to accident and health risks in forestry. Preventive measures such as safe equipment, safe working methods, periodic medical examinations, ergonomic approaches and training are required.
ILO Sectoral Activities Programme, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2000. viii, 112p. 37 ref.

CIS 01-593 Moracco K.E., Runyan C.W., Loomis D.P., Wolf S.H., Napp D., Butts J.D.
Killed on the clock: A population-based study of workplace homicide, 1977-1991
The epidemiology of workplace homicides in the US state of North Carolina is described, with emphasis on the circumstances. Workplace homicide victims were identified by age, sex, ethnicity and type of employment, and data were abstracted from the medical examiner system. Workplace homicide rates are highest for men, older and self-employed workers, minorities and people in specific occupations, especially taxi drivers. Robberies, mostly in retail settings, accounted for half of the cases, while 20% were known to involve disputes, the contexts of which differed by sex. Women were most likely to be killed by estranged partners. Preventive strategies need to address the specific contexts in which workplace homicide occurs, such as retail and taxi robberies, and law enforcement officers interacting with suspects.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, June 2000, Vol.37, No.6, p.629-636. Illus. 34 ref.

CIS 00-1481 Gaudart C.
Conditions for maintaining ageing operators at work - A case study conducted at an automobile manufacturing plant
The relationship between mental workload and ageing in an automobile manufacturing company was investigated. Demographic trends and work organization determine the conditions under which older workers can work in repetitive tasks under tight time constraints. The methodology is based on comparing workers of different ages at their regular workstations and during the training process for conducting new tasks. The older workers appear to develop health-preserving approaches to work while achieving production goals. The possibility of setting up such strategies depends on the task characteristics. More generally, this study allows a better understanding of why some older workers are excluded from certain tasks, and thus why "polyvalency" or job rotation decreases with age.
Applied Ergonomics, Oct. 2000, Vol.31, No.5, p.453-462. Illus. 15 ref.


CIS 01-1395 Haartz J.C., Lehtinen S., Knave B.
Proceedings of the 7th Joint Science Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health
Proceedings of the 7th Joint Science Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health held at Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, United States, from 26 to 29 October 1998. Main topics: work life in transition; special populations at risk; work environment management systems; prevention strategies; new occupational allergies and asthma; mixed exposures.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Sep. 1999, Suppl.1. p.1-164 (whole issue). Illus. Bibl.ref.

CIS 01-1252 Rantanen J.
Research challenges arising from changes in worklife
Important challenges for occupational health research are set by the rapid changes in the world of work as a consequence of globalization, new technologies, demographic workforce changes, fragmentation of enterprises and work contracts, high time pressures, high demands for learning new skills, and growing worker mobility. The occupational health problems are of two types, the persistent and reemerging old problems of occupational injuries and diseases and new challenges from psychological stress, musculoskeletal disorders, cognitive ergonomics in information-intensive work, the work ability of ageing workers, and new trends in occupational allergies. The three roles of research, improvement of knowledge, improvement of understanding, and support of the development of work conditions in practice, all call for new strategies of health research which not only focus on prevention but also take into account the well-being of people at work, the proper functioning of the enterprise and the effective management of change.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1999, Vol.25, No.6, p.473-483. Illus. 54 ref.

CIS 00-1638 Active strategies for an ageing workforce: Conference report, Turku, 12-13 August 1999
This document is the report of a conference held in Turku, Finland, on August 12-13, 1999 which examined measures in favour of the participation, performance and productivity of an ageing European workforce. It concludes that more integrated public policies involving employment, education, social and health sectors are required.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2985 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1999. viii, 61p. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 00-1371 Ilmarinen J.
Ageing workers in the European Union - Status and promotion of work ability, employability and employment
During the next few decades, the work forces within the Member States of the European Union will be their oldest in history. Not only are large age cohorts retiring, but the number of young among the working age population will be smaller. The competitiveness of the European Union compared to North America and Asia will therefore depend on the contributions of its older workers. This report consists of two parts. The first part depicts the current status of workers above 45 years of age, while the second part proposes a number of measures that could be taken to improve the status of this group of workers in the labour market, drawn mainly from Finnish studies.
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Publication Office, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, 00250 Helsinki, Finland, 1999. 274p. Illus. 102 ref.

CIS 00-1488 Chaparro A., Bohan M., Fernandez J., Choi S.D., Kattel B.
The impact of age on computer input device use: Psychophysical and physiological measures
This study examined the effects of aging on performance and preferences for two computer pointing devices (mouse and trackball). The results show that older adults (mean age = 70) moved more slowly than younger adults (mean age = 32), particularly for distant targets, yet their movements were less variable. EMG (RMS) recordings from the forearm flexor and extensor muscles showed no age-related differences between the results of mouse and trackball use. However, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) indicated that older adults perceived greater levels of exertion than younger adults when using the mouse during click-and-drag tasks. Given the reduced grip and pinch force of older adults, manipulation of the mouse and trackball required a greater percentage of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) compared to younger adults. In addition, the mouse requires a larger range of motion than the trackball. These findings in conjunction with the RPE results imply that the trackball may confer greater benefit for the older computer user.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Sep. 1999, Vol.24, No.5, p.503-513. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 00-1021 Bøggild H., Suadicani P., Hein H.O., Gyntelberg F.
Shift work, social class, and ischaemic heart disease in middle aged and elderly men: A 22 year follow up in the Copenhagen male study
Shift work has been associated with an increased risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). This study explores shift work as a risk factor for IHD after controlling for social class. The Copenhagen male study is a prospective cohort study established in 1970-1 comprising 5249 men aged 40-59. A second baseline was obtained in 1985-6. The cohort was followed up for 22 years through hospital discharge registers for IHD, and cause of death was recovered from death certificates. One fifth of the cohort was shift working at entry with a significantly larger proportion of shift workers in lower social classes. Risk of IHD and all cause mortality over 22 years did not differ between shift and day workers. The relative risk of IHD, adjusted for age and social class was 1.0. Men who were shift workers in both 1971 and 1985 had the same risk as ex-shift workers in an 8 years follow up from the 1985-6 baseline. The study questions shift work as an independent risk factor for IHD. The results of the study emphasize the importance of controlling adequately for the interplay of shift work and social class.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sep. 1999, Vol.56, No.9, p.640-645. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 00-882 Torgén M., Punnett L., Alfredsson L., Kilbom Å.
Physical capacity in relation to present and past physical load at work: A study of 484 men and women aged 41 to 68 years
A negative association has previously been reported between long-lasting physically heavy work and some measures of physical capacity. This relationship was further investigated in a 24-year follow-up study of 484 middle-aged men and women from the general population. A questionnaire was administered in 1993 concerning retrospective recall of physical work loads and physical training in the time span between 1970 and 1993. Laboratory tests performed in 1993 included tests of muscle function (maximal isometric strength and dynamic endurance) and aerobic power (submaximal ergometer test). Consistent with the hypothesis, but mainly among the women, associations between long-lasting physically heavy demands and low trunk flexion strength, squatting endurance and aerobic power were observed. In contrast, low isometric hand grip strength and low weight lifting endurance were seldom seen among those with high physical work loads, indicating a possible maintaining or training effect on the hand/arm/shoulder muscle groups.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Sep. 1999, Vol.36, No.3, p.388-400. Illus. 51 ref.

CIS 99-1202 Day L.M.
Farm work related fatalities among adults in Victoria, Australia - The human cost of agriculture
Patterns and trends in farm work related fatalities among adults in one Australian state were reviewed for the period 1985-1996. Results showed an annual average of eight deaths. Males, and those 60 years and over, were over-represented, compared to persons employed. Tractor incidents were the most common type of fatality (72%), with tractor roll-overs accounting for 61% of all tractor incidents. Non-tractor fatalities included being hit by a falling object and transport incidents. Statistical trend analyses revealed a non significant decrease in the tractor roll-over fatality rate, and significant increases in the all farm and non-tractor fatality rates. The 3 year moving average rate for non-tractor farm fatalities has increased to the point where it exceeds that for tractor roll-over fatalities, and is approaching that for all tractor fatalities. Changes within the agricultural industry, coupled with the ageing of the farm workforce, appear to be placing Victorian farmers at increased risk of farm work related death. Topics: agricultural operations; Australia; causes of accidents; falling objects; fatalities; older workers; statistical evaluation; statistical trends; tractors; Victoria.
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Jan.-Mar. 1999, Vol.31, No.1-2, p.153-159. Illus. 26 ref.


CIS 08-226 Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety - Ergonomics
Enciclopédia de segurança e saúde no trabalho - Ergonomia [in Portuguese]
Portuguese translation of chapter 29 on ergonomics of the ILO Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety at work (CIS 99-1860). Contents: objectives, principles and methods; physical and psychological aspects (anthropometry, muscular work, work posture, biomechanics, fatigue); psychological aspects (mental workload, vigilance, mental fatigue); work organization aspects (sleep deprivation); work system design (premises, equipment, signalling); design for all (cultural differences, older workers, handicapped workers); examples of the diversity and importance of ergonomics (workplace design for diamond cutting, violation of ergonomic principles in Chernobyl).
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1998. 194p. Illus. Translation by ErgoHelp,, Brazil, 2007.

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