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Zoonoses - 231 entries found

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CIS 79-1754 Valsecchi M., Fiorio A.
Technical process in the tanning industry and related hazards
Ciclo tecnologico dell'industria conciaria e rischi connessi [in Italian]
The techniques used in tanning plants in a region of Italy (Valle del Chiampo) are described in detail. Hazards discussed are: noise; vibration; inadequate lighting; microclimate; accidents; zoonoses; allergic alveolitis. The substances used in each process are listed.
Securitas, Mar.-Apr. 1978, Vol.63, No.3-4, p.132-144. 31 ref.

CIS 79-195 Affeldt K.H., Richter G., Thiele R., Ullrich G.
Occupational safety and health in animal husbandry - 1. Cattle
Arbeitsschutz bei der Tierproduktion - 1. Rind [in German]
Manual labour is increasingly being replaced by mechanised systems in industrial cattle breeding practice, with resulting changes in the requirements and implementation of occupational safety and health measures. Aspects dealt with: requirements for worker's health status; safe work with cattle; infections transmissible from animals to man; hazards of gas, dust, etc.; protective clothing and personal protective equipment; sanitary facilities; man-animal-machine relations; mechanisation and automation; special problems in cattle breeding; responsibility in occupational safety and health; list of laws, regulations and standards in force in the German Democratic Republic.
Reihe Arbeitsschutzpraxis, Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1978. 64p. Illus. Price: M.1.00.

CIS 79-192 Parnas J.
Brucellosis (Bang's disease) considered as an occupational disease
Die Brucellose (Morbus Bang) als Berufskrankheit [in German]
This article gives a roundup of the various aspects of this disease, referring to data in the literature and to 700 case studies of occupational brucellosis (mostly caused by Brucella abortus) observed by the author in 30 years of practice. All the possibilities offered by bacteriology, immunology and serology should be used, as the symptoms of brucellosis vary considerably. The results of serological tests are considered doubtful without a clinical examination. The relations between infection, clinical symptoms and diagnostic results are shown in a synoptic table showing 11 different types of course which brucellosis caused by Brucella abortus can take in man; occupational factors in pathogenesis are indicated. The author emphasises the importance of Burnet's intradermal reaction test. The article concludes with considerations on: treatment, statutory compensation, and medical prevention in the author's veterinary laboratory.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 16 May 1978, Vol.21, No.11, p.161-166. 11 ref.

CIS 78-1493 Health and Safety: Agriculture - 1976.
Report on the work of the Agricultural Health and Safety Inspectorate, 1976: the new Agriculture Industry Advisory Committee; publicity; international relations; accidents (108 fatal accidents on farms in 1976; 101 in 1975; overturning tractors remains the largest single factor); enforcement; farm machinery (liaison with manufacturers); hazards (coupling machinery and trailers to tractors; trailer brakes; hedge-cutting machines; meal-mixing machines; trench digging, etc.); mandatory equipment of tractors with safety cabs or frames; harmful substances (regulations; storage of chemicals and containers; labelling of pesticide containers; aerial spraying; fumigation; gases; caustic soda treatment of straw, etc.); other hazards (livestock, brucellosis, dust, electricity, slurry pits, straw burning, silos). Appendices: tables of occupational accidents in agriculture (1976) with breakdown by type of accident (self-propelled machines, fall, drowning, animals, etc.); fatal accidents to young persons on farms, 1972-1976 (recommendation to raise the minimum age for young persons to drive tractors); fatal accidents, 1972-1976.
Health and Safety Executive, London. H.M. Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London SE1 9NH, United Kingdom, 1978. 20p. Illus. Price: £1.00.


CIS 78-1694 Kindernay Š., Šimko A., Svěrák J.
A rare case of toxoplasmosis with ocular manifestations
Neobvyklý případ profesionální toxoplasmózy s očními projevy [in Czech]
A zoological garden worker aged 40 presented bilateral panuveitis due to toxoplasmosis with resulting pseudopigmentary degeneration of the right retina and a small area of pigmentary chorioretinitis in the left eye. Electrophysiological studies showed severe changes of the right retina and marked disturbances of electroretinographic potentials (depression of I-R curves) and the electrooculographic tracing in the left eye.
Pracovní lékařství, Nov. 1977, Vol.29, No.9, p.344-347. Illus. 24 ref.

CIS 78-1399 Laborde F.
Occupational listeriosis
A propos de la listériose professionnelle. [in French]
MD thesis. 1st part: definition, history, bacteriology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, positive diagnosis and clinical aspects of listeriosis (caused by Listeria monocytogenes, a gram-positive bacillus which infests several animal species) in humans (especially pregnant women); 2nd part: study of the relation between the disease and occupation (listeriosis occurs in farmers, stock breeders, veterinarians and in general in all occupations having contact with animals); 3rd part: list of precautions to take to assure better collective and individual protection as well as medical prophylaxis on exposure to the disease during work.
Université de Bordeaux II, Unités d'Enseignement et de Recherche des Sciences médicales, Bordeaux, France, 1977. 71p. 40 ref.

CIS 78-818 Hammer W.
Workload, stress, occupational disease and accident hazards in livestock rearing
Beanspruchung, Erkrankungs- und Unfallgefahr am Arbeitsplatz in der Tierproduktion [in German]
Review of the health hazards arising from conditions prevailing nowadays in livestock rearing; increased productivity, specialisation, technical progress; physical workload and mental stress, vacations, overwork, job satisfaction, odours (stables, byres, pigsties, etc.); epidemiology; disease of the circulatory and locomotor systems; respiratory disease; zoonoses; statistical data (absolute figures) of accidents and accident causes in Germany (Fed.Rep.).
Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Prophylaxe, July 1977, Vol.27, No.7, p.157-164. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 78-855 Guézénoc L.
Workplaces and occupational disease in a meat preserving and curing plant, with reference to Finistère fish and vegetable preserving plants
Postes de travail et pathologie professionnelle dans une conserverie de viande et salaison et extension aux conserveries de poissons et de légumes dans le Finistère. [in French]
MD thesis. The most common occupational diseases are infectious or parasitic diseases transmitted by the great variety of animals or animal carcasses used, contact dermatitis, and (especially) skin or respiratory allergy due to the animal or vegetable materials handled. In addition, the harmful effects of noise, poisoning by harmful substances and occupational accidents are considered. Problems of prevention and compensation.
Université de Bordeaux II, Unités d'enseignement et de recherche des sciences médicales, Bordeaux, France, 1977. 110p. 21 ref.

CIS 78-203 Smith D.M.
Health care of people at work - Agricultural workers
A broad review of the medical situation of agricultural workers, covering: physical hazards (heat, cold, noise, vibration); infections; health supervision, legislation (United Kingdom); pesticides safety precautions scheme; special groups of workers (employing dinitro, organophosphorus, and organochlorine compounds, organic and inorganic mercurials, bipyridylium compounds, nicotine used as insecticide, inorganic chlorates, triazine herbicides, fumigants, arsenic, nitrogen oxides, etc.); problems of casual workers, etc. Full reporting and investigation of all cases of occupational diseases is called for.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, July 1977, Vol.27, No.3, p.87-92. 8 ref.


CIS 77-1158 Beljaev V.V., Guslavskij A.I., Dolin P.A., Laut A.A., Nikolaev V.I., Har'kova A.G., Ševčenko N.S., Šašilova L.N., Jablonskaja Z.I.
Compendium of occupational safety and health regulations for the meat and dairy industries
Spravočnik po ohrane truda v mjasnoj i moločnoj promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Contents: in-plant occupational safety and health (OSH) organisation (responsibilities, labour inspection, accident investigation and accident analysis, OSH training, etc.); occupational diseases (anthropozoonoses, etc.); personal protective equipment; workplace improvement and ergonomics; occupational hygiene (personal hygiene, medical surveillance, microclimate, etc.); safety engineering (safety standards, electrical safety, pressure vessels, cold-storage installations using ammonia, lifting and handling equipment, machine guarding, etc.); fire protection.
Izdatel'stvo "Piščevaja promyšlennost", 1-j Kadaševskij per. 12, 113035 Moskva M-35, USSR, 1976. 383p. Illus. 63 ref. Price: Rbl.1.58.

CIS 76-1999
Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture), Paris.
Decree No.76-74 of 15 January 1976 to revise and supplement the tables of agricultural occupational diseases annexed to Decree No.55-806 of 17 June 1955, as amended
Décret n°76-74 du 15 janvier 1976 revisant et complétant les tableaux des maladies professionnelles agricoles annexés au décret n°55-806 du 17 juin 1955 modifié. [in French]
This decree adds the following new tables (34 to 42) to the tables of statutory occupational diseases in agriculture listed in the French Labour Code: ulcerations caused by chromic acid, alkaline chromates and dichromates; diseases due to tar, pitch and anthracene oils; diseases due to tropical woods; diseases due to epoxy resins; poliomyelitis; hygroma (beat knee); CO poisoning; hexane poisoning; diseases due to cadmium; diseases due to organic isocyanates. The following tables are amended: 4 (anthrax), 5 (leptospirosis), 7 (tularaemia), 8 (carbon disulfide poisoning), 9 (carbon tetrachloride poisoning), 11 (diseases due to various organic phosphorus compounds), 12 (mercury poisoning), 13 (poisoning due to nitrophenols), 15 (skin mycoses), 16 (tuberculosis), 18 (lead poisoning), 19 (benzene poisoning), 20 (health damage due to ionising radiations), 21 (poisoning due to halogenated acyclic hydrocarbons), 22 (silicosis), 23 (methyl bromide poisoning), 25 (dermatitis due to lubricants), 28 (health damage due to formic acid), 29 (vibration-induced osteoarticular disorders).
Journal officiel de la République française, 26-27 Jan. 1976, Vol.108, No.22, p.682-690.

CIS 76-1109 Lebhar J.
Rural pathology
Pathologie rurale. [in French]
Review of the various health hazards commonly encountered in the rural milieu: a) poisoning due to the natural environment (animals and plants), or to the use of products such as fertilisers and pesticides, or due to other factors (carbon monoxide, lubricants, solvents, etc.); b) disease due to infection by parasites or pathogenic agents, with increased incidence due to modern farming methods (zoonoses, tetanus, anthrax, rabies, etc.); c) pathology of accidents (due to a wide variety of causes: animals, use of machinery, etc.); d) physiopathology and pathology linked to mechanisation (tractors, use of aircraft in agriculture etc.); e) pathology linked to various factors (bad weather, dust, noise and vibrations, bad posture, eating habits, fatigue, etc.). For each pathological cause the appropriate preventive measures and the essential statutory provisions which apply are indicated. List of French bodies concerned with occupational safety and health in rural occupations. List of relevant French regulations.
Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale. Pathologie professionnelle, Fascicule 16538 A 10, 2-1976. 18 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris, France. 16p. 17 ref.


CIS 77-193 Jindřichová J., Kramářová K., Jíra J., Šimko A.
Contribution to the recognition of toxoplasmosis as an occupational disease
Příspěvek k poznání profesionality toxoplazmózy [in Czech]
The authors carried out skin tests with toxoplasmin in 1,027 subjects. In the group of persons occupationally in contact with animals (work in abattoirs, pig farms, handling laboratory animals) they observed 60.8% of positive reactions, whereas in the control group (electric power station employees, schoolchildren, etc.) only 35.6% were positive. Positive reactions were significantly higher among rural than among urban populations. Within the control group, a significant statistical difference was observed between cat owners and others who had no contact with cats. This difference was particularly marked in the lowest age bracket (14-19 years) where 39.4% of positive reactions were observed in cat owners, compared to only 16.1% in the controls.
Pracovní lékařství, Nov. 1975, Vol.27, No.10, p.336-340. Illus. 42 ref.

CIS 76-2043 D'Haese R.
Safety and health in poultry slaughterhouses
La sécurité dans les tueries de volailles. [in French]
Communication to the Regional Technical Inter-occupational Committee for the Food Industries (Comité technique régional de l'alimentation-interprofessionnel), Lille, France. Background information on French legislation concerning abattoirs; description of a properly equipped poultry slaughterhouse and of the successive stages of poultry slaughtering and carcass processing; safety engineering, personal protection (non-slip floors; lighting; ventilation; cleanliness and hygiene; refrigerating plant and cold storage rooms; electrical hazards; noise; suitable equipment (knives, etc.); sanitary facilities and personal hygiene; first aid; lung disease; standing position; anti-tetanus vaccination (not compulsory)). Review of occupational diseases to which abattoir workers are exposed (especially zoonoses). In the author's opinion much is still to be done in France as regards the hygiene and health of abattoir personnel.
Caisse régionale d'assurance maladie du Nord de la France, 11 boulevard Vauban, 59024 Lille Cedex, France, 12 June 1975. 21p. 5 ref. Gratis.

CIS 76-1398
Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture), Paris.
Decree No.75-863 of 8 September 1975 to revise and add to the schedule of agricultural occupational diseases in the schedule to Decree No.55-806 of 17 June 1955, as amended
Décret n°75-863 du 8 septembre 1975 révisant et complétant les tableaux de maladies professionnelles agricoles annexés au décret n°55-806 du 17 juin 1955 modifié. [in French]
The following diseases are added: rabies of occupational origin, diseases caused by poisoning due to pentachlorophenol, sodium pentachlorophenate and "sodium laurylpentachlorophenate", diseases due to inhalation of dust in aviaries and poultry farms, and virus hepatitis of occupational origin. Amendments to the original decree concern occupational tetanus, occupational brucellosis and diseases due to cement (ulcerations and other skin disorders, blepharitis, conjunctivitis).
Journal officiel de la République française, 20 Sep. 1975, Vol.107, No.219, p.9715-9717.

CIS 76-1135 Durfee P.T., Pullen M.M., Currier R.W., Parker R.L.
Human psittacosis associated with commercial processing of turkeys.
After an introduction tracing the incidence of psittacosis epidemics in the USA, this report describes investigations of a series of such epidemics at turkey-processing plants, mainly in Texas, in May-Aug. 1974, involving 114 workers. The incidence in 80 workers at 3 plants is classified by occupation: the attack rate was directly related to exposure to the viscera and faeces of infected turkeys. Workers exposed to live birds did not fall ill. Serological studies suggested that non-clinical psittacosis may be relatively common in persons associated with turkeys. Control measures included screening turkey flocks before slaughter and treatment of infected birds.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1 Nov. 1975, Vol.167, No.9, p.804-808. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 75-1415 Barrière H., Litoux P., Morin O., Géraut C.
Suppurative trychophytoses of animal origin - A review of 38 recent cases
Les trichophyties suppurées d'origine animale - A propos de 38 observations récentes. [in French]
Analysis of 38 cases of tinea capitis (kerion) and barbae (sycosis) collected in a rural area, of occupational (farmers or workers in contact with animals) or other origin, and the results of an epidemiological study undertaken with the aid of veterinary surgeons of the infested region, showed an increasing incidence of the animal infection (calves) favoured by changes in animal husbandry methods. Report on the clinical, parasitological, immunological, therapeutic and occupational study of this condition, which is almost always associated with infestation of the body and head hair by various species of Trichophyton.
Semaine des hôpitaux, 1975, Vol.51, No.8, p.539-548. Illus.

CIS 75-1146 Benichou G.
Occupational pathology in the pharmaceutical industry
Pathologie professionnelle dans l'industrie pharmaceutique. [in French]
MD thesis. The historical background of the pharmaceutical industry is followed by a review of the various operations involved in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The abundance of products encountered in this industry accounts for the variety of its occupational pathology. Subsequent chapters are devoted to: pathology common to every chemical industry; disorders due to chemical, infectious and physical agents. Dermatitis appears to be the most serious problem. Individual and collective protection and the complex problem of compensation are considered.
Université de Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Broussais - Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, France, 1975. 78p. 37 ref.

CIS 75-900
Report I, Report of the Director-General, International Labour Conference, 60th Session, Geneva, 1975.
Making work more human - Working conditions and environment
Pour un travail plus humain - Les conditions et le milieu de travail. [in French]
This Report takes stock of the general conditions of work in the world, with the problems still outstanding, and sketches the broad outlines of an international programme envisaged for the future action of the ILO in this field: safety and healthiness in the working environment; hours of work; organisation and content of work. Regarding the first point, it draws attention, in particular, to the following aspects: disorders related to work that are not legally recognised as being of occupational origin; agricultural hazards (zoonoses, allergies, hazards of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers), etc. It stresses the need to adapt legislation, and the difficulty of its application. Consideration is also given to the cost of safety (far lower than the cost of accidents), safety training, etc. Appendices are devoted to: activities of the ILO in 1974, and action taken on the resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 54th to 59th Sessions.
International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1975. 122p. Price: SF.17.50.


CIS 76-1443 Gimeno F.G.
National Occupational Safety and Health Programme (Plan nacional de higiene y seguridad en el trabajo), Madrid.
Safety in industrial abattoirs
La seguridad en los mataderos industriales [in Spanish]
This data sheet gives advice on safe working methods in large industrial abattoirs, indicating hazards and preventive measures at each stage of the slaughtering and dressing process: driving of cattle from the pens (injury from horns or pointed objects); stunning (hazards from use of bolt or spike); slaughtering (automatic pistol, humane killer, electrical hazards when using an electrolethaler); bleeding-out; deboning, removal of hair, skinning (injury from knives, electrocution from electric bone saws); scalding (burns); wearing of eye protectors, gloves, metal mesh aprons, etc.; extraction of intestines; zoonosis hazards (anthrax, brucellosis, tetanus, bovine TB, erysipeloid, foot-and-mouth disease). Other aspects covered: adequate lighting; slippery floors, safety footwear; refrigerating plant.
I.T.B./364.74 D-2-74 Centro Nacional de Información y Documentación, Servicio Social de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo, Instituto Territorial, Barcelona, Spain, 1974. 20p. Illus.

CIS 75-785 Šebek Z., Jindřichová J.
Concerning the problem of occupational leptospirosis in Czechoslovakia
K problematice profesionální leptospirózy v ČSSR [in Czech]
Analysis of the statistics of notified cases of leptospirosis held to be of occupational origin in Czechoslovakia (1961-1971). The proportion of cases where there was a finding of occupational origin varied considerably from one region to another (between 2.5 and 41.7%). The authors consider this disparity to be due to insufficient knowledge of certain serotypes of leptospira.
Pracovní lékařství, Apr. 1974, Vol.26, No.4, p.129-133. Illus. 44 ref.

CIS 75-778 Elischerová K., Stúpalová S.
Discovery of listeria among occupationally exposed persons
Nálezy listérií u profesionálně exponovaných osob [in Slovak]
The authors isolated Listeria (erysipelothrix) monocytogenes (L.m.) in the faeces, in smears from the upper airways, and on the skin (hands) and workclothes of workers in the meat industry, agricultural workers, and those employed in undertakings where listeriosis-infected animals were to be found. Cultures taken from these smears were positive for L.m., and this was confirmed by findings of higher levels of O,H-agglutinins and complement-binding antibodies in the workers examined, who all appeared to be in good health at the time of the examination. However, closer scrutiny of their history brought to light further evidence of possible infection: influenza-type symptoms, premature births, stillbirths, etc.
Pracovní lékařství, May 1974, Vol.26, No.5, p.175-179. Illus. 25 ref.

CIS 75-491 Hall G.
Zoonoses as occupational diseases
Zoonosen als Berufskrankheiten [in German]
Review of zoonoses (considered as diseases transmissible from animals to man) in order of importance: tuberculosis, brucellosis, Q fever, milker's nodule, cutaneous anthrax, erysipeloid, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, tularaemia, tick-transmitted encephalitis and parasite diseases. The article considers the question principally from the aspects of epidemiology, clinical picture and experts' reports.
Homburg-Informationen für den Werksarzt, 1974, Vol.21, No.6, p.122-138.

CIS 74-2087
Ministry of Social Affairs (Ministère des affaires sociales), Tunis.
Decree No.74-320 of 4 April 1974 respecting the schedule of occupational diseases
Décret n°74-320 du 4 avril 1974 relatif au tableau des maladies professionnelles. [in French]
This amended schedule of occupational diseases contains 49 tables indicating, for each disease, the period of liability for compensation and listing processes which may give rise to the disease.
Journal officiel de la République tunisienne, 9 Apr. 1974, Vol.117, No.25, p.707-724.

CIS 74-1697 Hinthorn D.R., Foster M.T., Bruce H.L., Aach R.D.
An outbreak of chimpanzee associated hepatitis.
A report of an outbreak of chimpanzee-associated hepatitis which occurred at a zoo and involved 14 animal handlers. The outbreak had characteristics of short-incubation or type A viral hepatitis and was traced to a recently imported chimpanzee. Considerable caution would seem advisable in the handling of newly imported subhuman primates and especially their excreta. Routine screening for elevated serum transaminases on arrival might prove valuable in detecting animals capable of transmitting hepatitis.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, June 1974, Vol.16, No.6, p.388-391. Illus. 25 ref.


CIS 74-1475 Michaud G.
Present problems concerning the prevention of and compensation for infectious diseases of occupational origin
Problèmes actuels posés par la prévention et la réparation des maladies infectieuses d'origine professionnelle. [in French]
MD thesis. Importance of infectious diseases (excluding parasitoses) in occupational pathology, followed by a review of the preventive aspects of occupational health, which is limited to a few diseases given more favourable treatment, and of the 3 types of disease for which compensation is provided for by French legislation: occupational diseases (bacterial, viral and rickettsial diseases), occupational accidents (complications of cuts, wounds, etc.) and diseases attributable to work but compensated under sickness insurance (diseases to which personnel are exposed in bacteriology laboratories, medical personnel and employees required to work in other countries). The author makes suggestions for improved preventive measures and more easily available compensation.
Université de Paris V, Faculté de médecine Cochin - Port Royal, Paris, France, 1973. 78p. 122 ref.

CIS 74-1469 Borneff J.
Lectures in occupational health
Arbeitsmedizin in Vorlesungen [in German]
This book constitutes an introduction to a subject which wil be considered in greater detail in courses. The authors of the various chapters outline the chief problems of occupational health, which are described concisely without unnecessary ballast. First part: principles of the plant physician's activity (scope and organisation of occupational medicine, occupational health service, pre-employment medical report, occupational physiology, experimental toxicology, relevance of threshold values, resuscitation and first aid); second part: notifiable occupational diseases and injuries (pneumoconiosis, occupational skin diseases, injuries due to radiation, noise or to mechanical or chemical agents, cancer); third part: special problems of occupational health (psychoses, employment of women and older workers, rehabilitation). There is an extensive bibliography.
UTB 44, F.K. Schattauer Verlag GmbH, Lenzhalde 3, 7 Stuttgart 1, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1973. 418p. Illus. Price: DM.19.80.

CIS 74-1188 Ordinance of 17 December 1973 concerning occupational diseases
Verordnung über Berufskrankheiten (Vom 17. Dezember 1973) [in German]
Ordonnance sur les maladies professionnelles du 17 décembre 1973. [in French]
In application of the Federal Act of 13 June 1911 concerning sickness and accident insurance, this ordinance, which entered into force on 1 Feb. 1974, lists: (a) 117 substances which may give rise to certain diseases among those engaged in their production or use; (b) 19 diseases which may be contracted by persons employed in the types of work specified.
Sammlung der eidgenössischen Gesetze - Recueil des lois fédérales, 7 Jan. 1974, No.1, p.47-52.

CIS 74-186 Ducroiset B.
Occupational dermatology due to virus zoonoses
Dermatologie professionnelle due aux zoonoses virales. [in French]
Humans can be infected by certain virus zoonoses through occupational exposure to the pathological agent; the infection appears clinically in the form of cutaneous and/or mucous lesions. The study covers zoonoses encountered in temperate climates: foot-and-mouth disease, cow-pox, sheep-pox, orf (ecthyma contagiosum), Aujeszky's disease (pseudo-rabies or infectious bulbar paralysis), milkers' nodules; it deals with the comparative pathology of these diseases and their medico-social aspects.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Apr.-May 1973, Vol.34, Nos.4-5, p.248-252.

CIS 74-179 Anglo-French meeting on occupational dermatitis
Réunion franco-anglaise consacrée aux dermatoses professionnelles. [in French]
Proceedings of this meeting, held in Jan. 1973, covering the following topics in particular: leukoderma from neoprene adhesives; dermatitis in the building industry, agriculture and slaughter-houses; prognosis of cement dermatitis; occupation and cancer of the skin in Great Britain; occupational dermatology and viral zoonoses; radiodermatitis; toxic reactions to local steroid applications; selection of protective gloves and their resistance to solvents; pH of workshop detergents for washing hands; irritant action of Javel extract.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Apr.-May 1973, Vol.34, Nos.4-5, p.235-272. Illus. 21 ref.


CIS 89-1063 Health Code [Ecuador]
Código de la salud [in Spanish]
The Health Code of Ecuador includes measures concerning, among others: drinking water; toxic and harmful substances; waste collection and disposal; ionising radiation; hygienic conditions in industrial workplaces; zoonoses; pesticides.
Registro Oficial del Ecuador, 8 Feb. 1971, Year 1, No.158, p.1-15.

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