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Ketones - 295 entries found

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CIS 90-46 Mesityl oxide
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 100mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10H-TWA) = 40mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h) = 60mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.45ppm. Toxicity: neurotoxic effects; irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract; irritation and inflammation of skin.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 90-190 Javorskij A.P., Manza I.A., Petrov N.A., Timofeeva T.N.
Comprehensive study of the composition of the volatile products of epoxy resins by proton magnetic resonance and gas-liquid chromatography
Kompleksnoe izučenie sostava letučih produktov ėpoksidnyh smol s primeneniem metoda protonno-magnitnogo rezonansa i gazožidkostnoj hromatografii [in Russian]
The composition of volatile products of cycloaliphatic epoxy resins UP-640 and UP-650 T, polyoxypropylene epoxides DE-1000, DE-2000, TE-750, TE-1500 and epoxy-diane ED-6 was determined. The cycloaliphatic epoxy resins and polyoxypropylene epoxides (POPE) differ from earlier epoxy resins in both component composition and content. Such highly toxic components as allyl chloride and styrene can volatilise along with epichlorohydrin and toluene from UP-640 and UP-650 T, in contrast to epoxy resins. Volatile products of POPE include acetone, allyl chloride, ethanol and dioxane equally with the usual components of diane resins. The main component taken into account for standardisation cannot be only epichlorohydrin. In the case of hygienic standardisation of POPE, in particular, acetone is chosen as the volatile component because of its proportion, boiling point and volatilising proportion in comparison with other volatile products.
Gigiena i sanitarija, May 1988, No.5, p.86-88. 5 ref.

CIS 89-1792 Isophorone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 140mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 23mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (Ceiling value) = 25mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.2ppm. Toxicity: irritation of skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226-1988, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1789 Hexone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 410mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 200mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h-TWA) = 205mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.68ppm. Toxicity: irritation of skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1788 2-Hexanone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 410mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 4mg/m3; ACGIH TLV 8h (TWA) = 20mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.076ppm. Toxicity: allergic dermatitis; skin irritation; peripheral neuropathy.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1782 Diisobutyl ketone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 290mg/m3; NIOSH REL (8h-TWA) = 140mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h-TWA) = 150mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.11ppm. Toxicity: irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract; skin inflammation.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226, USA, 1988. 5p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1464 Diacetone alcohol
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 240mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 240mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h-TWA) = 240mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.28ppm. Toxicity: narcosis; irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract; skin inflammation.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA, 1988. 5p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1463 Cyclohexanone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 200mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 100mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h-TWA, skin) = 100mg/m3. Odour threshold = 0.88ppm. Toxicity: skin absorption; irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract; neurotoxic effects; skin inflammation.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centre for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA, 1988. 5p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1457 2-Butanone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (8h-TWA) = 590mg/m3; NIOSH REL (10h-TWA) = 590mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (8h-TWA) = 590mg/m3. Toxicity: irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract; skin irritation and dermatitis.
US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 89-1448 Acetone
Aceton [in Polish]
Chemical safety information sheet. Permissible exposure limit (Poland) = 200mg/m3.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, 1 Ul. Tamka, 00-349 Warszawa 30, Poland, 1988. 2p.

CIS 89-1447 Acetone
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the newly revised edition of the NIOSH publication "Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards". Exposure limits: OSHA PEL (TWA) = 2,400mg/m3; NIOSH REL (TWA) = 590mg/m3; ACGIH TLV (TWA) = 1,780mg/m3. Toxicity: irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, NIOSH, Division of Standards Development and Technology Transfer, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati OH 45226, USA, 1988. 6p. Bibl.

CIS 88-1785 2-Butanone
2-Butanone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Update of the data sheet already summarised in CIS 87-1210. Exposure limit (France, 1983): TWA = 600mg/m3. EEC number and labelling codes: No.606-002-00-3; F, R11, S9, S16, S23, S33.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1988. 4p. 17 ref.

CIS 88-1782 Acetone
Acétone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Update of the data sheet already summarised in CIS 87-395. Exposure limit (France, 1983): TWA = 1800mg/m3. EEC number and labelling codes: No.601-026-00-0; Xi, R10, R36/37.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1988. 4p. 18 ref.

CIS 88-1459 2-Hexanone
2-Hexanone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limits (France, 1984): TWA = 20mg/m3; ceiling value = 35mg/m3. Is absorbed rapidly through the skin. Chronic toxicity: peripheral neuropathy. EEC identification number and labelling codes: No. 606-030-00-6, R10, R23/24, R40, S21, S23, S44.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1988. 4p. Bibl.

CIS 88-752 4-Methyl-2-pentanone
4-Méthyl-2-pentanone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Synonyms: hexone, methyl isobutyl ketone. Exposure limits (France, 1985): TWA = 205mg/m3. Toxicity: irritation of eyes, nose and throat; headaches, sleepiness, nausea, bronchitis. EEC identification number and labelling codes: No.606-004-00-4; F, R11, S9, S16, S23, S33.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1988. 4p. Bibl.


CIS 90-249 Methyl isobutyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK, hexone) is of low toxicity. Liquid MIBK and vapour concentrations above 100ppm are irritating to the eye and respiratory tract. Aspiration of MIBK will cause chemical pneumonitis. MIBK is not teratogenic in rats and mice; maternal and foetal toxicity are seen at 3000ppm. Thus, exposure at current occupational exposure limits poses no reproductive risk. No genotoxicity has been reported. MIBK induced symptoms that are consistent with a reversible depressive effect on the central nervous system; there is no evidence of permanent damage. MIBK is rapidly degraded in the environment.
European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre, Avenue Louise 250, B.63, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, 21 May 1987. 31p. Bibl.

CIS 89-748 Diphacinone
2-Difenylacetyl-1,3-indandion [in Swedish]
Chemical safety information sheet taken from the Kemiska Ämnen Register (CIS 89-214). Toxicity: blood coagulation disorders.
Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 10364 Stockholm, Sweden, 1987. 3p.

CIS 89-929 Andrianov A.P.
Impact of orthonaphthoquinone diazide photolysis products on copyists' health
Vlijanie produktov fotoliza ortonaftohinondiazida na sostojanie zdorov'ja rabočih-kopirovščikov [in Russian]
Medical examinations of 26 copyists exposed to products of photolysis of orthonaphthoquinone diazide and 14 workers of a control group were carried out. The results showed deviation from the standard prothrombin time in copyists. Correlation of blood coagulation disorders with exposure to photolysis products was experimentally confirmed in laboratory animals. Photolysis products did not cause skin allergies and had no effect on worker's immunologic reactivity or peripheral blood indices. Examination of the state of the copyists' coagulation system during periodic medical examinations is recommended.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1987, No.9, p.38-40. 2 ref.

CIS 89-870 Javorovskij A.P.
Comparative toxicological and hygienic assessment of polyoxypropylene epoxides and bases for group MACs for their volatile components in workplace air
Sravnitel'naja toksikologo-gigieničeskaja harakteristika polioksipropilenėpoksidov i obosnovanie gruppovoj PDK ih letučih komponentov v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
Animal experiments were carried out to study polyoxypropylene epoxides (PE), a group of new compounds with similar toxicological characteristics. PE do not penetrate the skin but slightly irritate the skin and the conjunctiva. Acetone, toluene and epichlorohydrin, which separate out from PE at temperatures of 20-100°C produce hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects. Since PE have similar toxicological characteristics, the group MAC of 100mg/m3 as acetone has been set up for their volatile components in workplace air. These experiments demonstrated the possibility of setting group standards for newly synthesised epoxy resins representing homologous series.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Aug. 1987, No.8, p.28-31. 6 ref.

CIS 89-866 Kajsina O.V., Krylova N.A., Čumičeva O.A.
Formaldehyde determination with acetylacetone reagent
Opredelenie formal'degida s acetilacetonovym reaktivom [in Russian]
This paper describes a method based on the reaction of formaldehyde and acetylacetone in the presence of ammonium acetate to form a yellow product. The intensity of the colour is measured photometrically at 412mm. This method can determine formaldehyde concentration as low as 0.05µg/mL.
Gigiena i sanitarija, June 1987, No.6, p. 43-44. 3 ref.

CIS 89-59 Acetone
Acétone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit (ACGIH, 1987): TLV-TWA = 1780mg/m3. Toxicity: mild irritation of skin, eyes and respiratory tract; skin defatting.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main St. East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, 1987. 10p. 18 ref.

CIS 88-1964 Brown W.D., Setzer J.V., Dick R.B., Phipps F.C., Lowry L.K.
Body burden profiles of single and mixed solvent exposures
Breath and blood samples were collected from 70 male and female subjects who were randomly assigned to 4 treatment conditions: chemical placebo, 250ppm acetone, 200ppm methyl ethyl ketone, or 125ppm acetone/100ppm methyl ethyl ketone. The exposures lasted for 4h. No interaction between the 2 solvents affecting uptake or elimination was noted. There were no significant differences between the uptake and elimination in males and females. The results are discussed in relation to physiological simulation modelling of the exposure.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Nov. 1987, Vol.29, No.11, p.877-883. Illus. 20 ref.

CIS 88-534 Kurnaeva V.P., Ponomareva V.L., Kolbeneva L.I.
Toxicity of 4,8-dinitro-1,5-(2,4-dinitrophenoxy)anthraquinone
Toksičnost' 4,8-dinitro-1,5-(2,4-dinitrofenoksi)antrahinona [in Russian]
This compound, also known as hexanitrodiphenoxyanthraquinone, is an intermediate in the production of blue dyes for photographic filters. It showed low toxicity in animal experiments (intragastric LD50 in mice: 8670mg/kg) and was assigned to hazard class IV. Although the compound showed no irritant properties in tests, the known sensitising properties of other nitrated anthraquinones suggest that skin contact should be avoided.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Jan. 1987, No.1, p.49-50.

CIS 88-533 Kurnaeva V.P., Ponomareva V.L., Kolbeneva L.I.
Toxicity of 1,5-diphenoxyanthraquinone
Toksičnost' 1,5-difenoksiantrahinona [in Russian]
This compound is an intermediate in the production of blue dyes for photographic filters. The maximum dose tested (12,000mg/kg) was not lethal to mice. Although the compound showed no irritant properties in tests, the known sensitising properties of aromatic nitro compounds and anthraquinone derivatives suggest that skin contact should be avoided.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Jan. 1987, No.1, p.49.

CIS 87-1353 Governa M., Calisti R., Coppa G., Tagliavento G., Colombi A., Troni W.
Urinary excretion of 2,5-hexanedione and peripheral polyneuropathies in workers exposed to hexane
40 shoe factory workers who were exposed to hexane were investigated to see if there was a correlation between electroneuromyographic changes indicative of neuropathy and urinary excretion of the metabolic products of n-hexane and its isomers. 2,5-Hexanedione and γ-valerolactone were discovered in all cases, while 2-hexanol was found in 11 cases. 2,5-Hexanedione was the main metabolite in 39 cases. Metabolic products of cyclohexane were present in about one-fifth of the cases, while trichloroethanol, a metabolic product of trichloroethylene, was nearly always present, all at very low concentrations. Electromyographic abnormalities significant for early detection of toxic polyneuropathy were found in 14 cases. A statistically significant correlation of the electroneuromyographic scoring with the urinary metabolites was observed only for 2,5-hexanedione and γ-valerolactone. Since γ-valerolactone is probably not a true metabolite of n-hexane, the results support the hypothesis that polyneuropathies in shomakers are due to 2,5-hexanedione. For practical purposes the urinary concentration of 2,5-hexanedione can serve as a predictive measurement for early detection of neurotoxic lesions at preclinical stages.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 1987, Vol.20, No.3, p.219-228. 26 ref.

CIS 87-1210 2-Butanone
2-Butanone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Synonyms: methyl ethyl ketone, butanone, MEK. Flammable liquid. Vapours may form explosive mixtures with air. Toxicity: irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract; headaches; dermatitis from defatting action on the skin; MEK may potentiate the action of other solvents such as n-hexone on peripheral nerves. Exposure limit (France, 1983): TWA limit = 600mg/m3.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1987. 4p. 17 ref.

CIS 87-395 Acetone
Acétone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Very flammable. Health effects: irritation of eyes and upper respiratory tract, irritation of the skin, headaches. Toxic effects are synergistic when combined with ethanol and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Exposure limits: France, TWA limits - 1,800mg/m3 (1983).
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1987. 4p. 18 ref.


CIS 89-1324
Sovet Ėkonomičeskoj Vzaimopomo¿či
Occupational Safety and Health - Methods for determining chemical substances in workplace air
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija - Metody opredelenija himičeskih veščestv v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
Methods for the determination of the following hazardous substances in workplace air: dimethyl sulfate, norbornene polychlorinated biphenyls, benzidine, p-chlorophenol, carbon monoxide, chloroacetophenone, water-soluble chromium compounds, tetraethyllead, oil aerosols, epichlorohydrin, volatile hydrocarbons from cutting fluids, solvent naphtha. The gas chromatographic and photometric methods have been adopted as official methods of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
Izdatel'skij otdel, Upravlenija delami Sekretariata SĖV, prospekt Kalinina 56, 121205 Moskva, USSR, 1986. 49p.

CIS 89-547 Saharova L.N., Murav'eva S.I., Makeeva L.T., Žigalov V.P., Grinberg A.A.
Hygienic assessment of the air in present-day caprolactam manufacture
Gigieničeskaja ocenka vozdušnoj sredy v sovremennom proizvodstve kaprolaktama [in Russian]
The air in caprolactam plants contains benzene, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone oxime and caprolactam. Simultaneous collection of 30min and 15min samples of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanone oxime revealed no differences in their concentrations, so 15min collection of samples with the use of AFAS-U filters is proposed. Monitoring of the average shift concentration of benzene in the workplace air should be done on the basis of time-weighted average concentrations.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Dec. 1986, No.12, p.33-36. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 88-725 Acetone
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit: ACGIH TLV = 1780mg/m3. Toxicity: skin defatting; dermatitis; irritation of eyes and mucous membranes.
Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, India Exchange, India Exchange Place, Calcutta 700 001, India, 1986. 1p.

CIS 88-379 Izmerov N.F.
USSR Commission for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Toxicity: narcotic effects; is absorbed through skin; irritant. Exposure limit (USSR): MAC = 200mg/m3.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1986. 48p. 98ref.

CIS 88-229 Levin J.O., Carleborg L.
Evaluation of solid sorbents for sampling ketones in work-room air
Activated charcoal, Ambersorb XE-348, Amberlite XAD-2, XAD-4 and XAD-7 were evaluated as solid adsorbents for work-room air sampling of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl n-butyl ketone, cyclohexanone and isophorone (3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one). Activated charcoal had good capacity for the compounds, but most ketones decomposed on this adsorbent during storage. Ambersorb XE-348 also showed good capacity for most of the ketones and decomposition was insignificant. The XAD porous polymers did not retain acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl isobutyl ketone well enough. Methyl n-butyl ketone and cyclohexanone were retained on XAD-4, and isophorone could be successfully sampled on all three XAD polymers studied.
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1986, Vol.31, No.1, p.31-38. 20 ref.

CIS 87-1419 Simonsen L.
Nordic Expert Group for Documentation of Occupational Exposure Limits - 72. Aceton
Nordiska expertgruppen för gränsvärdesdokumentation - 72. Aceton [in Danish]
In man the earliest symptoms are irritation of the mucous membranes and increased reaction time (concentration range 200-300ppm). At higher concentrations, effects on EEG and visually evoked potentials (VEP) have been observed. Damage to internal organs in man has not been reported. In animal experiments the earliest effects are behavioural changes. Biochemical changes in the liver have been observed during repeated exposure to high concentrations of acetone. Acetone potentiates the hepatotoxic effect of halogenated hydrocarbons in animals. Many experimental studies involving several species and different in vitro systems have been made on acetone mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. They have shown no such effects. No teratogenic effect or effects on reproduction caused by acetone exposure have been registered. There is no information on the effect of long term exposure to acetone, although such exposure must be common. It is recommended that irritation and behavioural effects should be the biological effects used in establishing a threshold limit value.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1986. 43p. 93 ref.

CIS 87-840 Methyl ethyl ketone
Chemical safety information sheet. Synonyms: 2-butanone, MEK. Exposure limit recommended in Ontario: ACGIH (USA, 1986) TLV = 590mg/m3. May be absorbed through the skin. Toxic effects: irritation of eyes, skin and mucous membranes; dermatitis; neurological disorders. Flammable liquid. Transportation code: UN 1193 (II, II).
Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 2 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3N8, Canada, 1986. 2p.

CIS 87-773 Acetone
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit recommended in Ontario: ACGIH(USA, 1985-86) TLV = 1,780mg/m3. Exposure to very high levels can cause irritation to eyes and respiratory tract; irritates the skin. Highly flammable. Transportation Code: UN 1090 (II II).
Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 2 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3N8, Canada, 1986. 2p.

CIS 87-604 Varigos G.A., Nurse D.S.
Contact urticaria from methyl ethyl ketone
First report of contact urticaria due to methyl ethyl ketone. The reaction was seen in a paint sprayer.
Contact Dermatitis, Oct. 1986, Vol.15, No.4, p.259-260. 2 ref.

CIS 87-591 Fedtke N., Bolt H.M.
Detection of 2,5-hexanedione in the urine of persons not exposed to n-hexane
The neurotoxic n-hexane metabolite 2,5-hexanedione was detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in urine samples from human subjects not exposed to n-hexane or related hydrocarbons. The amounts detected ranged from 0.12 to 0.78mg/L and depended on the pH employed for acid hydrolysis of the samples.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1986, Vol.57, No.2, p.143-148. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 86-1019 Blome H., Hennig M.
Performance data on selected passive samplers
Leistungsdaten ausgewählter Passivsammler [in German]
The 1st part of this report describes the principle of passive sampling with information from the manufacturers of 3 samplers (activated charcoal without direct read-out). The 2nd part contains a report on performance studies in the laboratory: methods of sampling and analysis, the reference gas installation, results (influence of position, humidity, mixtures of substances and sampling period; stability on storage; recovery by desorption; interaction of specific substances with activated charcoal). The 3rd part presents the results of workplace sampling of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, styrene, acetone, butanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and acrylonitrile. Correlation coefficients for the ketones were relatively low. The 3 samplers were judged good for toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene. Conditions required for proper sampling are noted.
Staub, 1985, Vol.45, No.11, p.505-508, No.12, p.541-546, and 1986, Vol.46, No.1, p.6-10. Illus. 47 ref.


CIS 88-82 Chlorophacinone
Chemical safety information sheet. Synomyms: Muriol, Ramucide, Ratomet. Rodenticide. No established exposure limit. Toxicity: LD50 (oral, mouse) = 1.06mg/kg; is absorbed through skin; probable oral lethal dose for humans is <5-50mg/kg; symptoms are similar to those of warfarin.
In: EPA Chemical Profiles, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 20460, USA, Dec. 1985. 4p.

CIS 88-80 Carvone
Chemical safety information sheet. No established exposure limits. Toxicity: LD50 (oral, rat) = 3.71mg/kg; is absorbed through skin; suspected carcinogen; highly toxic by ingestion and through the skin; skin irritant.
In: EPA Chemical Profiles, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 29460, USA, Dec. 1985. 3p.

CIS 87-263 Savolainen H
Nordic Expert Group for Documentation of Occupational Exposure Limits. 63 - Cyclohexanone and cyclopentanone
Nordiska expertgruppen för gränsvärdesdokumentation 63. Cyklohexanon och cyklopentanon [in Swedish]
Literature survey on cyclohexanone and cyclopentanone as background for discussion of occupational exposure limits. Cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone are mucous membrane irritants at concentrations sometimes encountered in the production of nylon 6 and in the engineering of polyvinyl chloride articles with adipic acid esters as plasticisers in the polymer. Cyclohexanone is also used as a solvent for waxes and other biological polymers. Mucous membrane and conjunctival irritation should be regarded as the critical effects for the determination of an exposure limit.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1985. 33p. Illus. 36 ref.

CIS 86-1719 Diphacinone
Aspects covered in this data sheet: chemical identity; exposure limits; physicochemical properties; fire and explosion hazards; reactivity; health hazards; uses (rodenticide); handling of spills or releases.
In: EPA Chemical Profiles, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 20460, USA, Dec. 1985. 3p.

CIS 86-1596 Makaruk M.I., Vagonova L.V.
Toxicological assessment of acetylanisole
Toksikologičeskaja harakteristika acetilanizola [in Russian]
Exposure of animals to acetylanisole showed slight toxic effects of the substance. It is absorbed by the skin and inhibits central nervous system activity. Medical examination of workers engaged in drying and packing of acetylanisole revealed cardiovascular function changes including increases of dynamic blood pressure and pulse rate, and a pronounced increase of the sense of smell, which demonstrates the strong olfactory inhibition properties of acetylanisole. A tentative safe exposure level for acetylanisole of 3mg/m3 is proposed. It falls in hazard class III.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Apr. 1985, No.4, p.86-87. 8 ref.

CIS 86-1559 Methyl vinyl ketone
Aspects covered in this data sheet: chemical identity; exposure limits; physicochemical properties; fire and explosion hazards; reactivity; health hazards; uses; handling of spills or releases.
In: EPA Chemical Profiles, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 20460, USA, Dec. 1985. 4p.

CIS 86-397 Wigaeus-Hjelm E., Löf A., Bjurström R., Byfält-Nordqvist M.
Styrene exposure - I. Uptake, distribution, metabolism and elimination in man - II. Comparison between simple exposure and exposure in combination with acetone
Exponering för styren - I. Upptag, distribution, metabolism och elimination hos människa - II. En jämförelse mellan enbart styrenexponering och blandexponering med aceton [in Swedish]
Six male subjects were exposed in a chamber for 2h during light physical exercise to 2.81µmol/m3 styrene on one occasion and to a mixture of 2.89µmol/m3 styrene and 21.3µmol/m3 acetone on anothr occasion (combination study). About 68% of the styrene supplied was taken up by the body. The arterial blood concentration of styrene reached a relatively stable level (18-20µmol/L) after 75min of exposure. Calculated values of blood clearance were 1.9L/min in the styrene study and 1.6L/min in the combination study. The half-life of styrene in blood was 40min in both studies. The concentration of non-conjugated styrene glycol increased linearly during exposure, reached 3µmol/L at the end of exposure and fell with a half-life of 70min. Styrene-7,8-oxide was detected and quantified in blood in a complementary study. The excretion half-lives of mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acids were 4 and 9h, respectively, in both the styrene and combination study. Acetone had no significant effect on the uptake, distribution metabolism and/or elimination of styrene under the conditions studied.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1985. 51p. Illus. 108 ref. Price:

CIS 85-1663 Misumi J., Nagano M.
Experimental study on the enhancement of the neurotoxicity of methyl n-butyl ketone by non-neurotoxic aliphatic monoketones
The neurotoxicity of methyl n-butyl ketone injected into rats was enhanced when accompanied by methyl ethyl ketone, methyl n-propyl ketone, methyl n-amyl ketone or methyl n-hexyl ketone. Methyl n-hexyl ketone had the strongest enhancing effect, which suggests that neurotoxicity enhancement was related to the length of the carbon chain in the aliphatic monoketone.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Mar. 1985, Vol.42, No.3, p.155-161. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 85-1020 Acetone
This data sheet covers: synonyms, properties and uses of acetone; fire hazards. recommended extinguishants and hazardous reactions; toxicity (acute and chronic effects); handling and storage; medical surveillance; safety precautions; leakage and spillage; first aid.
Safety Practitioner, Feb. 1985, Vol.3, No.2, p.6-7. 10 ref.


CIS 88-1811 Methyl isobutyl ketone
Méthylisobutylcétone [in French]
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit (ACGIH, 1983): TLV-TWA = 205mg/m3. Toxicity: irritation of skin, eyes and mucous membranes; dermatitis; liver disorders.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, 1984. 12p. 15 ref.

CIS 86-460 Saharova L.N., Katkova S.E., Novikov P.G.
Toxicology and clinical aspects of cyclohexanone
Nekotorye voprosy toksikologii i kliniki ciklogeksanona [in Russian]
The synthesis of cyclohexanone is accompanied by the formation of by-products - an alcohol fraction (hazard class III according to USSR State Standard GOST 12.1.007-76) and X oil (class IV). Among chemicals (unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons) emitted during the manufacture and use of cyclohexanone, cyclohexene is the most toxic substance. It is a volatile substance with strong toxic and narcotic effects, and causes vascular disorders. The approved tentative safe exposure level for cyclohexene is 16mg/m3. Some preventive measures including sealing of equipment and monitoring of all chemicals are recommended.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Nov. 1984, No.11, p.47-50. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 86-140 Perbellini L., Brugnone F., Mozzo P., Cocheo V., Caretta D.
Methyl ethyl ketone exposure in industrial workers - Uptake and kinetics
Very little data being available on the uptake, distribution, biotransformation and elimination of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), the present study compares alveolar concentrations of MEK with exposure and with blood MEK concentrations. Urinary excretion of MEK and its metabolite, acetylmethylcarbinol, was also compared with exposure. The solubility of MEK in body tissues and a multicompartmental model allowed the estimation of the distribution and kinetics of MEK.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1984, Vol.54, No.1, p.73-81. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 85-1306 Bereznjak I.V.
Danger of skin absorption of cyclohexanone in caprolactam workers
Ob opasnosti nastuplenija ciklogeksanona čerez kožu rabotajuščih v proizvodstve kaprolaktama [in Russian]
100 workers engaged in the manufacture of caprolactam showed hepatic disorders although the concentrations of cyclohexanone in the atmosphere and on the skin were 3.7mg/m3 and 0.005mg/cm2 respectively, i.e. considerably below the threshold of harmful effect. Concentrations of bilirubin and cholinesterase were higher than normal. The acid-base balance of the skin was low. Preventive measures should be taken in cyclohexanone manufacture (use of personal protective equipment, including protective gloves and barrier creams).
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1984, No.3, p.52-54. 8 ref.

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