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Aromatic amines - 303 entries found

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  • Aromatic amines


CIS 72-2472 Piotrowski J.K.
Certain problems of exposure tests for aromatic compounds
A review of studies of the Lodz Institute of Occupational Medicine (Poland). The compounds studied were: benzene; toluene; phenol; aniline; and nitrobenzene. Particular reference is made to absorption routes; excretion kinetics; exposure-test types and accuracy.
Pracovní lékařství, Mar. 1972, Vol.24, No.2-3, p.94-97. 21 ref.

CIS 73-233 Vasilenko N.M.
Data for substantiating the maximum allowable concentration for aniline
Materialy po obosnovaniju sniženija predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii anilina v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
Fifty-eight employees in a diphenylamine-production plant were observed for a year; the aniline concentration was monitored and it was found that over a 6-year period this concentration was below the Soviet MAC of 3mg/m3. The majority of the exposed workers presented neurological changes (vegetative disorders, disturbed conditioned reflexes and changes in vibration sensitivity, deviations in temporal artery pressure). 51% of exposed workers presented vegetative vascular dystonia or neurasthenia (in comparison with 27.2% in a control group). The main laboratory findings are tabulated. Long-term animal experiments with 3mg/m3 aniline also indicated the harmfulness of this concentration. The threshold value for chronic aniline poisoning was found to be 0.3mg/m3, and the authors recommend that the Soviet MAC should be reduced to 0.1mg/m3.
Gigiena i sanitarija, May 1972, Vol.37, No.5, p.31-35. 3 ref.


CIS 89-1774 Aniline
Anilina [in Polish]
Chemical safety information sheet.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, 1 Ul. Tamka, 00-349 Warszawa 30, Poland, 1970. 2p.

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