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Water transportation - 485 entries found

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CIS 91-1707 Compton M.
Container top safety
This report is based on the results of a questionnaire survey made of several shipping and other cargo-handling companies. Various means of gaining access to container tops both ashore and on ship are reviewed, and suggestions given for the design of safety features. The survey also covers physical precautions used during work on tops of containers, types of ship securement systems available and the need for safety education. Appendices include extracts from relevant safety codes and regulations, illustrations of safety harnesses, examples of safety posters and leaflets, and a list of available videos on container top safety.
International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA), 71 Bondway, London SW8 1SH, United Kingdom, 1989. 64p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 90-1360 Kamoing A.K., Shibadu Z.D., Muhugu N.G.P.
Cargo handling accidents at docks
Details of 5,629 accidents which resulted in injury to workers at Kilindini harbour, Mombasa, Kenya, were collected for the period 1978-1985. Tables show: cause of accident by section of port: part of body injured by cause of accident; year of accident by section of port; material handled by cause of accident: hour of accident by section of port. The greatest number of accidents was caused by falling objects; hitting objects and careless handling of cargo were also important causes. Recommendations: workers should be better trained and supervised; jobs should be better organised, of shorter duration and provided with breaks; use of ventilators, roofed tractor cabs, sound-insulating machine enclosures and personal protective equipment should be ensured; equipment should be properly approved, supplied, inspected and maintained; controls and safety devices should function properly; all areas should have sound, non-slip, obstruction-free floors; the Docks Safety Rules of 1962 should be updated; the safety and health committee at the port should be more active.
East African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety, 20 Sep. 1989, No.1, p.20-25. Illus.

CIS 90-840 Saurez L., Weiss N.S., Martin J.
Primary liver cancer death and occupation in Texas
A death certificate case-control study of primary liver cancer and occupation was conducted to determine if the high risk of liver cancer in Mexican-Americans can be explained by farmworker exposures to pesticides. The association of liver cancer with the petroleum and chemical industry and with other potentially high-risk occupations was also examined. For the years 1969 to 1980, 1,742 deaths from primary liver cancer were identified for Texas males. Controls were randomly selected from other causes of deaths among males excluding all neoplasms. Risk for farmworkers based on age, race, and ethnicity-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) was not excessive but was larger than the risk for farmers. Excess risk in the petroleum and chemical manufacturing industries was confined to oil refinery workers . Other occupations with twofold risk or greater were plumbers and pipefitters, butchers and meat cutters, textile workers and longshoremen.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1989, Vol.15, No.2, p.167-175. Bibl.

CIS 90-874 Blair A., Haas T., Prosser R., Morrissette M., Blackman K., Grauman D., Dusen P.V., Moran F.
Mortality among United States coast guard marine inspectors
Work history records and fitness reports were obtained for 1767 marine inspectors of the U.S. Coast Guard between 1942 and 1970 and for a comparison group of 1,914 officers who had never been marine inspectors. Marine inspectors and noninspectors had a deficit in overall mortality compared to that expected from the general U.S. population. Deficits occurred for most major causes of death, including infectious and parasitic diseases, diseases of the digestive and urinary systems, and accidents. Marine inspectors had excesses of cirrhosis of the liver and motor vehicle accidents and cancers of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system, whereas noninspectors had deficits for these causes of death. The SMRs rose with increasing probabiity of exposure to chemicals for motor vehicle accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, and leukaemia, which suggests that contact with chemicals during inspection of merchant vessels may be involved in the development of these diseases among marine inspectors.
Archives of Environmental Health, May-June 1989, Vol.44, No.3, p.150-156. 33 ref.


CIS 95-590 International medical guide for ships - including the ship's medicine chest
Guide médical international de bord - comprenant la pharmacie de bord [in French]
Guía médica internacional para barcos - incluyendo la farmacia a bordo [in Spanish]
Medical guide produced under the editorial supervision of a joint WHO/ILO Committee. It has three main functions: to enable users to diagnose and treat injured or sick seafarers; to serve as a textbook on medical problems for those studying for a certificate in medical training; and to offer the crew training on first aid and the prevention of diseases. Contents: first aid; toxic hazards of chemicals (including poisoning); examination of the patient; care of the injured; general nursing care; communicable diseases; sexually transmitted diseases; other diseases and medical problems; diseases of fishermen; pregnancy and women's medical problems; childbirth; medical care of castaways and rescued persons; death at sea; external assistance; environmental control aboard ship; disease prevention; advice on medicines; surgical equipment, instruments and supplies. In annexes: anatomy and physiology; weights and measures; medical report form for seafarers; disinfection procedures.
World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 2nd ed., 1988 (Eng. and Prt. eds.), 1989 (Fre. and Spa. eds). viii, 368p. Illus. Bibl.ref. Index. Price: CHF 60.00 (developing countries: CHF 42.00).

CIS 91-1411 Maritime Labour Conventions and Recommendations [ILO]
Conventions et recommandations sur le travail maritime [BIT] [in French]
This publication contains the text of 30 ILO Conventions and 23 Recommendations dealing with the conditions of employment of seafarers. It also gives the text of 4 ILO Conventions which apply to all workers including seafarers, but which are considered to form part of maritime minimum standards. Part A contains instruments concerning seafarers adopted by the International Labour Conference in the period 1920-1976, followed by Part B with the provisions applicable to all workers including seafarers. Part C contains international labour standards for seafarers adopted by the 74th Session (Maritime) of the International Labour Conference in 1987. Annex I contains a list of all Convemtions mentioned in chronological order, whereas Recommendations are shown in Annex II. Annex III is a chart of ratifications as of 1 Nov. 1987 by ILO member States of the Conventions listed in this publication.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1988. viii, 226p. Annexes. Index. Price: CHF 17.50.

CIS 91-1674
Health and Safety Executive
A guide to Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987
Contents of this guide: interpretation and application of these British Regulations and the meaning of 'dangerous substances'; entry of dangerous substances into harbour areas and powers of prohibition; marking and navigation of vessels; handling dangerous substances; handling of liquid dangerous substances in bulk; packaging and labelling; emergency plans and untoward incidents; storage of dangerous substances; explosives and the need for an explosives licence. A checklist outlines duties of certain persons under the Regulations.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1988. 31p. Illus. 43 ref. Price: GBP 3.00.

CIS 91-786 Volkov Ju.F.
Occupational safety and health on board sea-going vessels - Personnel training manual
Ohrana truda na sudah morskogo flota. Učebnie posobie dlja SPTU [in Russian]
This 4-part manual is intended as a teaching aid for the vocational training of seamen, engine crew, electricians and other sea-faring personnel. 1: Soviet labour legislation (fundamentals of Soviet labour legislation; occupational safety and health; state social insurance system). 2: Occupational safety: working conditions (assessment of on-board conditions; protective clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment); occupational injury prevention (occupational injuries; accident investigation and recording); safety training, briefing and knowledge checking. 3: Safety of basic on-board operations: provision of deck work safety (general; gangway and gangplank mounting and use; anchoring and mooring operations; tugging; boating; overboard operations and work at height; work in stormy weather; battening down of hatches, ramp and slipway work; cargo handling at terminals, on roadsteads and on landfast ice); powerplant operation safety (internal combustion engines; steam boilers; gas and steam turbines; auxiliary machinery, devices and piping; refrigerating equipment; machinery and systems operation on board computer-controlled vessels); electrical safety; repair and maintenance safety. 4: Occupational hygiene and environmental control.
Izdatel'stvo "Transport", Basmannyj tup. 6a, 103064 Moskva, USSR, 1988. 144p. Illus. 10 ref. Price: SUR 0.25.

CIS 90-1152 Gonçalo V.
Escola Portuguesa de Pesca
Safety at sea
Segurança no mar [in Portuguese]
Handbook using coloured illustrations and humour to provide comprehensive safety advice to deep-sea fishermen. Contents: safety while in port; safety organisation on board fishing boats; personal hygiene and health and living on boats; first aid; fire safety; asking for help (sound and visual signals, using the radio, emergency radio transmitters); abandoning ship and surviving in lifeboats.
Forpescas, Lisboa, Portugal, 1988. ca. 140p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 89-1511 Recommendations concerning the design of the bridge of seagoing vessels
Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung der Brücke seegehender Schiffe [in German]
The recommendation addresses shipowners, shipyards, equipment manufacturers, control authorities. Coverage: visibility; windows; heating; ventilation; vibration; noise; selection of colours for ceiling, walls, panels, floors; safety of personnel; desks and location of equipment on the bridge of seagoing vessels. Workplaces, tasks and equipment required on each workplace are enumerated. Three main groups of tasks are distinguished: commanding, planning (navigating) and safety measures.
Verkehrsblatt, 1988, Vol.42, No.3, p.71-80. Illus.

CIS 89-1734 Frković A., Škrobonja A., Vukelić M.
Degenerative changes in the spinal column of dock workers
Vertebropatije luckih radnika [in Serbocroatian]
Medical records for 5247 workers employed by the Port of Rijeka show degenerative changes of the vertebral column in 1082 (20.6%). Disorders of the spine are thus the most frequent chronic diseases among the dock workers, coming before hypertension (12.7%), duodenal ulcer (7.4%) and alcoholism (6.6%). The high frequency of vertebral pathology is probably due to the heavy physical workload to which the workers are subjected, coupled with extreme variations in climate, vibration, strained postures and other adverse factors.
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, June 1988, Vol.39, No.2, p.235-240. 21 ref.

CIS 89-1722 AIDS - a new disease: Information for seafarers
Information sheet on AIDS written for seafarers. Contents: What is AIDS? How does AIDS spread? Who can be infected with AIDS? How infectious is AIDS? What are the symptoms? Can AIDS be treated? Practical advice is given to seafarers on how to avoid being infected. A summary of the contents is also given in Korean.
The Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey, 50 Broadway, New York, New York 10004, USA, 1988. 4p.

CIS 89-1338 Ditz D.W.
The risk of hazardous waste spills from incineration at sea
A critical assessment is presented of the risk of spills from hazardous waste incineration aboard ocean going vessels. The likelihood of spills is estimated on the basis of recent domestic and worldwide chemical tanker experience. The probability of a spill is significant for projections of future ocean incineration demand. The severity of spills is explored using mathematical models of chemical transport and fate. This analysis is site specific and presents upper and lower bounds on the average pollutants concentration from spills of polychlorinated biphenyls in Mobile Bay (Gulf of Mexico). Severe impacts on the water quality and marine life in this region would result from spills of less than the capacity of a single incineration vessel. Some inherent uncertainties in the analysis of these risks bear strongly on the reliability of the programme, the adequacy of contingency plans, and current libiliaty requirements.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Feb. 1988, Vol.17, No.2, p.149-167. Illus. 43 ref.

CIS 89-1084 Ordinance of the National Board of Navigation on the sea transport of packaged dangerous goods [Sweden]
Sjöfartsverkets kungörelse med föreskrifter om transport till sjöss av farligt gods i förpackad form [in Swedish]
Contents of the ordinance: application; classification; packing; marking and labelling; documents; requirements concerning stowage; explosive substances in passenger ships; declaration of dangerous goods; regulations for stowage of liquids and liquid gases. A dangerous goods declaration form, transport emergency instructions and a container packing certificate are appended.
In: Lagstiftning om transport av farligt gods, Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden, 5th ed., 1988, p.30-46.

CIS 89-836 Yamada T.
Health survey of crew members in ocean-transport vessels, using the Cornell Medical Index
Gaikoku kōro senpaku norikumin no CMI kenkō-chōsa kenkyū [in Japanese]
The physical and mental complaints of 1737 Japanese crew members of 81 ocean-transport vessels were investigated using the Cornell Medical Index in 1979 and 1983. Responses to 195 questions were compared among 4 age-groups and between the two line groups (East-West and North-South). Physical and mental complaints were observed in crew members 2-15 times more frequently than in age-matched workers on land. N-S line crews had more complaints than E-W line crews. The percentage of complaints was lower in 1983 than in 1979. This lower percentage in 1983 may possibly be related to rationalisation and recent innovations in navigation, which have greatly reduced working hours.
Journal of the Nagoya City University Medical Association, Feb. 1988, Vol.39, No.1, p.45-66. 56 ref.

CIS 89-452
The working environment on cargo ships
Arbejdsmiljø i handelsflåden [in Danish]
Guide aimed at the safety training of seamen. The most common safety and health hazards of working on cargo ships are discussed. Most of the text is in Danish and English.
Søfartsstyrelsen, Vermundsgade 38C, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 1988. 12p. Illus.

CIS 89-19 Health and Safety - The Docks Regulations 1988 [United Kingdom]
These regulations impose health, safety and welfare requirements with respect to dock operations. They cover: safe planning and execution of dock operations; lighting; means of access, ladders and fencing; safety requirements for vessels transporting persons to workplaces; rescue, life-saving and fire-fighting equipment; qualifications of drivers and lifting appliance operators; proper servicing and operation of vehicles; safety of lifting equipment; entry into confined spaces; welfare amenities; protective helmets and high visibility clothing; obligation to report defective equipment. Certain sections of the Factories Act 1961 are modified.
HMSO Publications Centre, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1988. 13p. Price: GBP 2.60.


CIS 91-76
Canadian Coast Guard
Safety handbook for the inshore fisherman
Guide de sécurité pour pêcheurs côtiers [in French]
This guide applies primarily to commercial fishing vessels not exceeding 15t gross and details the equipment required under the Canadian Small Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations and the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea. Topics covered: minimum required equipment; safety practices including selection and maintenance of fire extinguishers, procedures for abandoning ship and calling for help, refuelling precautions and electrical safety; operating regulations with reference to navigation lights, the Canadian buoyage system, nautical charts and VHF radio; communications and weather information; diving; safety tips; first aid; icing conditions; marine security; air cushion vehicles; search and rescue operations.
Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S9, Canada, 1987. 38p. Illus.

CIS 90-1510 Manual on chemical pollution - Section I - problem assessment and response arrangements
Manuel sur la pollution chimique - Section I - Evaluation et intervention [in French]
This publication provides guidance on the assessment of hazards associated with spillages of harmful substances from ships and the setting up of response organisations. The first section deals with the identity and assessment of the hazard and explains how to obtain information about the identity of the substances concerned, the origin of the spill and the characteristics of the spilled material. Details are also given of remote detection methods, measurements of atmospheric concentrations and a 2-phase method for evaluating the impact of the incident. The next section looks at response to spillages both on board ship and at a distance from it. Methods of response according to the type of spillage are given: booms, skimmers and sorbents for floating substances; monitoring and recovery of sinking substances; neutralisation of dissolved or dispersed substances. Disposal methods such as recycling, destruction and dumping are also considered. The final sections deal with personnel safety and health, and response organisation and training.
International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom, 1987. 88p. Illus. 25 ref.

CIS 90-1586 Zagorskaja E.P.
Safety on board ships - design and operation
Tehnika bezopasnosti na sudah: Proektirovanie i ėkspluatacija [in Russian]
This second, updated edition of the book, originally published in 1975, is designed for seafaring personnel, on-board safety and health supervisors and specialists in ship design, building and operation. The information is grouped under the following major headings: on-board working and living conditions; technological safety assurance (engineering controls); on-board equipment safety by design; workplace design and equipment; personnel traffic safety on board the ship; safety through organisation and training; basic criteria for working out and enforcing safety regulations for ship design and operation; main directions of design activities aimed at the improvement of conditions; injury recording and prevention, safety and health inspection and supervision.
Izdatel'stvo Sudostroenie, ul. Gogolja 8, 191065 Leningrad, USSR, 2nd ed., updated, 1987. 159p. Illus. 66 ref. Price: SUR 0.75.

CIS 90-1151 Gonçalo V.
Escola Profissional de Pesca de Lisboa
Emergencies at sea
Emergências no mar [in Portuguese]
Brochure using coloured illustrations and humour to provide guidance to fishermen in dealing with emergencies at sea: follow the weather forecasts; wear proper clothing; what do do if you fall overboard; first aid in life-threatening situations; avoid collisions; how to deal with fires at sea; maintain radio contact; know code flags, flares and balloons.
Forpescas, Lisboa, Portugal, 1987. 33p. Illus.

CIS 89-1232 Annual report of the working of the Indian Dock Labourers Regulations, 1948 and the Dock workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Scheme (1961) - 1987 [India]
Report of the activities of the Dock Safety Inspectorate, with reference to the administration of Indian regulations concerning the safety, health and welfare of dockers. Aspects covered are: compliance with the regulations and the scheme; accidents and dangerous occurrences (detailed statistics); notifiable diseases; inspections and prosecutions.
Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India, Ministry of Labour, Sion, Bombay 400 022, India, 1987. 79p.

CIS 89-909 Yoshida T., Andō T., Tabuchi T., Sugimoto K.
Estimation by urinary metabolites of the absorption rate among longshoremen poisoned with p-chloronitrobenzene
Parakuroonitorobenzen kyūsei chūdoku-kanja no nyōchū taishabutsu ni yoru kyūshuryō no suitei [in Japanese]
Eight longshoremen at Osaka South Port were poisoned with p-chloronitrobenzene (p-CNB) in July, 1984, and all were admitted to a hospital for 5 to 31 days. Headache, faintness and anaemia due to methaemoglobinaemia were observed as characteristic symptoms of p-CNB poisoning. During hospitalisation, daily urinary excretion of diazo-positive substances was measured for all the patients. Urinary metabolites exponentially decreased with time, fitting a model of two-compartment pharmacodynamics. Half-lives of the fast and slow phases were 2.7±0.4 and 14.7±8.2 days, respectively. Estimated total metabolites excreted in urine ranged from 0.17 to 1.0g. Estimated total absorbed p-CNB of each patient, based on an excretion rate of 26.8% obtained in rats, was 11.9-75.9mg/kg. These figures correlated well with methaemoglobin levels in blood one day after the accident, the severity of symptoms and the duration of hospitalisation.
Proceedings of the Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health, Sep. 1987, Edition of Industrial Health, No.25, p.1-6. 6 ref.

CIS 89-492 Vladimirov V.N., Makarov V.L., Solov'ev A.V.
Some characteristics of external and tissue respiration in ship's crew after a 2-month voyage
Osobennosti vozdejstvija uslovij plavanija na pokazateli vnešnego i tkanevogo dyhanija sudovyh specialistov [in Russian]
Some charactristics of external and tissue respiration in ship's crew before and after a 2-month voyage were studied. The study revealed tissue hypoxia and compensatory growth of pulmonary ventilation. There was a close correlation between indicators of external and tissue respiration. A decrease in the correlation coefficient may indicate incipient decompensation.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Mar. 1987, No.3, p.19-21. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 89-386 Hygienic regulations for river boats [USSR]
Sanitarnye pravila dlja rečnyh sudov SSSR [in Russian]
This manual includes hygienic regulations used in USSR water transport. Part I. Hygienic rules in the design, repair and construction of vessels; accommodations; water supply systems; heating, ventilation and air conditioning; protection against noise, vibration, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields; protection against infrared and ionising radiation and static electricity; waste disposal. Part II. Hygienic rules governing operations: food service; water supply systems; waste disposal; heating, air conditioning and ventilation; transport of food and drinking water, agricultural products, toxic chemicals, radioactive substances, domestic animals; disinfection on board; medical supervision of diving.
Izdatel'stvo Transport, ul. Dekabristov 33, 191121 Leningrad, USSR, 1987. 112p. Appendices. Price: SUR 0.40.

CIS 89-187 International Labour Conference - Seventy-fourth (Maritime) Session, Geneva 1987. Record of Proceedings
Conférence internationale du Travail - Soixante-quatorzième session (maritime), Genève 1987. Compte rendu des travaux [in French]
Compendium of ILO instruments relating to seamen, and working papers of the conference at which they were adopted: Convention 173 and Recommendation 173 concerning Seafarer's Welfare at Sea and in Port, Convention 162 Concerning Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarers, Convention 165 Concerning Social Security for Seafarers (Revised), Convention 166 (Revised) and Recommendation 174 Concerning the Repatriation of Seafarers.
International Labour Office, ILO Publications, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1988. Approx. 440p. Price: CHF 47.50.

CIS 88-1363 Ship's bridge layout and associated equipment - Requirements and guidelines [ISO]
Aménagement de la passerelle d'un navire et disposition de ses équipements annexes - Exigences et directives [ISO] [in French]
This International Standard was developed to ensure that designs of ships' bridges provide adequately for the requirements of safe navigation to prevent confusion arising from unusual bridge arrangements. Contents: definitions; bridge configuration (field of vision, windows); bridge arrangement (location of workstations, instruments and equipment, configuration and dimensions of consoles); bridge equipment; bridge working environment (vibration, noise, alarms, lighting, heating and ventilation, surfaces, interior, safety of personnel).
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de Varembé, 1211 Genève 20, Switzerland, 1987. 15p. Illus. 14 ref.

CIS 88-37
Dock work [Sweden]
Hamnarbete [in Swedish]
Amendment of the directives Anvisningar nr 1, 1977 (effective 1 July 1987). It contains new appeal procedures. Commentaries are appended. (For more details about the original directives, see CIS 77-2045).
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 29 June 1987. 2p.

CIS 88-209 Urner C.J.
SHIP: The Seafarers Health Improvement Program
The Seafarers Health Improvement Program (SHIP) was initiated in 1978 by the United States Public Health Service to improve the health status of seafarers, their health environment, medical care and safety aboard ship, and communication between parties responsible for the health and safety of American Seafarers. The programme is a collaborative effort of representatives of the maritime industry, physicians, and concerned governmental agencies. Principal achievements of SHIP include establishment of Entry Level Standards and Retention Guidelines for seafarers, development of the Seafarer Emergency Medical Training Program, and initiation of a programme making medical records available on board.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, June 1987, Vol.29, No.6, p.531-534. 13 ref.

CIS 88-212 Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference, 74th (Maritime) Session 1987
Rapport du Directeur général à la Conférence internationale du Travail, 74e session (maritime), 1987 [in French]
This report made to the International Labour Conference includes information on such safety- and health-related topics as statistics of ships found unsafe or otherwise deficient during inspections performed in Western European ports; recent legislation in various countries relating to the occupational safety and health of seafarers; standards of accommodation, food, welfare facilities and medical care at sea; the problems of piracy and terrorism at sea; ILO activities, including cooperation with the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization. Appendices contain information on the size of merchant fleets in the world, and on which members of the ILO have ratified which ILO Convention relating to seafarers.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1987. 97p. Price: CHF 17.50.


CIS 89-1231 Annual report on the working of the Indian Dock Labourers Regulations (1948) and the Dock workers (Safety, Health and Welfare ) Scheme (1961) - 1986 [India]
Report of the activities of the Dock Safety Inspectorate, with reference to the administration of Indian regulations concerning the safety, health and welfare of doctors. Aspects covered are: compliance with the regulations and the scheme; accidents and dangerous occurrences (detailed statistics); notifiable diseases; inspections and prosecutions.
Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India, Ministry of Labour, Sion, Bombay 400 022, India, 1986. 80p.

CIS 89-726 Safety regulation for lifting appliances used for loading and unloading ships [Finland]
Alusten lastauksessa ja purkamisessa käytettävien nostolaitteiden turvallisuusmääräykset [in Finnish]
Säkerhetsföreskrifter för lyftanordningar som används vid lastning och lossning av fartyg [in Swedish]
This regulation specifies the safety coefficients for structural parts and ropes, the testing procedure for lifting appliances, suction pads, lifting magnets, ropes and other lifting equipment. Guidelines for periodical inspection and rejection are given. Specific regulations for suction pads, lifting magnets, rope splices, marking, overloading and combined lifting are included. In the appendix: list of standards for cranes and lifting appliances.
National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, 1986. 47p. Bibl.

CIS 88-1660 Intermodal consignments of dangerous goods: Transport units/ferries
Envois intermodaux de marchandises dangereuses: Unités de transport/traversiers [in French]
This brochure provides general information on the intermodal requirements between rail or road transport units using a ferry service.
Transport of Dangerous Goods Directorate, Transport Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5, Canada, 1986. 6p.

CIS 88-1657 Shippers and manufacturers: Additional requirements: Marine
Expéditeurs et fabricants: Exigences supplémentaires: transport maritime [in French]
The information document on "Shippers and manufacturers - Responsibilities" outlines the requirements under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations for shipping dangerous goods regardless of the mode of transport. This leaflet outlines the additional requirements specific to domestic consignments of dangerous goods by sea.
Transport of Dangerous Goods Directorate, Transport Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5, Canada, 1986. 4p.

CIS 88-1653 Exporters and importers - Additional requirements: International marine
Exportateurs et importateurs - Exigences supplémentaires: envois internationaux par mer [in French]
The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations (TDG regulations) apply to the handling, offering for transport and transporting of dangerous goods within Canada. International consignments of dangerous goods coming into or exiting Canada by ship will have to comply with certain requirements under the TDG regulations for the domestic, surface portion of the journey and with international requirements for the remainder of their journey. The accompanying information document on the responsibilities for exporters and importers provides a general outline of requirements under the TDG regulations whether the consignment of dangerous goods is international or transborder. This leaflet outlines the interface between the domestic and international portion of a journey of a consignment of dangerous goods by sea.
Transport of Dangerous Goods Directorate, Transport Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5, Canada, 1986. 4p.

CIS 87-62
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Watercraft with authorisation for inland waterways [Federal Republic of Germany]
Wasserfahrzeuge mit Betriebserlaubnis auf Binnengewässern [in German]
Safety regulations for inland water transport in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Gereonstrasse 18-32, 5000 Köln 1, Federal Republic of Germany, 1 Oct. 1986. 16+24p.

CIS 87-6 Shafi M.
Labour Code of Pakistan
This compendium of labour legislation for Pakistan (up-to-date as of 1 Jan. 1986) covers several laws relevant to OSH: the Dock Labourers Act (1934), the Factories Act (1934), the West Pakistan Hazardous Occupations Rules (1963), the Mines Act (1923), the Provincial Employee Security Ordinance regulations on occupational diseases (1967), the Employers' Liability Act (1938) and the Workmen's Compensation Act (1923).
Bureau of Labour Publications, Zam Zam Chambers, Dunolly Road, P.O. Box 5833, Karachi 2, Pakistan, 11th ed., 1986. 1418p. Price: Pak.rp.660.00.

CIS 87-25
Dock work [Sweden]
Hamnarbete [in Swedish]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1987) apply to the loading and unloading of ships, to their mooring and to all kinds of dock work. Contents: general rules (co-operation between dockworkers' employers and the captain, work planning from the safety point of view, lighting, means of access, railings of at least 1m, signal communication between crane driver and slinger, etc.); safe technical equipment (pallets, containers, lift trucks, lifting appliances); storage of goods (safe distances from wharf edge, rails, etc.); hatchways and derrick booms; hanging loads; use of trucks and wagons; stowing, stacking, handling of bulk materials; health hazards and oxygen deficiency; handling of containers and dangerous goods; personal protection; responsibilities of port authorities. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 29 Dec. 1986. 27p.

CIS 87-24
Work on board ships
Arbete på fartyg [in Swedish]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1987) applying to repair, maintenance, rebuilding and shipbreaking work cover: definitions; co-ordination of operations; checking for the presence of gas; reception of ships (certificate of reception; tank ships having transported liquids, gases or solids harmful to health); carbon-dioxide and halogenated-hydrocarbon extinguishing systems (installation of such systems; reception and testing of ships equipped with such systems; measures to protect workers against oxygen insufficiency); work performance (precautions regarding smoking, dangerous areas, solvents, electrical safety, fire safety, etc.; prohibition of access before the safety checks; permit to work; work involving heat sources; atmosphere changes in confined spaces; work in ship holds protected by inert gas). Detailed advice and commentaries as well as examples of certificates and of a check list are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 10 Feb. 1987. 41p.

CIS 86-1893
Acetonitrile - Safe handling in ports
Acetonitril - Veilige behandeling in de haven [in Dutch]
Contents of this data sheet: physical and chemical properties; hazards (toxicity and health damage, symptoms, high flammability); rules for transport and containers; declaration on docking and preparations for unloading; safety measures (tanks, barrels, etc. containing acetonitrile should be kept well away from any source of heat; detection and repair of leaks; elimination of spills; fire fighting; prevention of poisoning incidents, use of respirators; storage of acetonitrile in containers; slinging of barrels and cans; loading and unloading by pumping; first aid in case of contact with skin or eyes, or of ingestion or inhalation); marking of containers; extracts from relevant Netherlands regulations.
Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 2nd edition 1986. 14p. Price: Glds.0.50.

CIS 86-1660 Jegaden D., Le Fluart C., Marie Y., Piquemal B.
Contribution to the study of the relationship between noise and arterial hypertension (as studied in 455 merchant seamen aged 40-55 years)
Contribution à l'étude de la relation bruit-hypertension artérielle. A propos de 455 marins de commerce âgés de 40 à 55 ans [in French]
The merchant seamen included 291 general-service personnel and seamen working on deck (exposed to permanent noise-levels of 50-75dB(A)), and 164 engine-room workers (exposed to noise levels of 95-110dB(A))). Hypertension was sisgnificantly more common among engine-room workers (18.9%) than among the others (11.68%), which suggests that there is a relationship between noise exposure and hypertension. This relationship is very likely at noise levels above 85dB(A)), as well as after several decades of exposure. No synergy seems to exist between noise and other risk factors, such as obesity and alcohol consumption.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, de médecine du travail et de sécurité sociale, 1986, Vol.47, No.1, p.15-20. 30 ref.

CIS 86-1204
(Comité technique national des industries des transports et de la manutention, Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie)
Safety rules for dockyard signalmen
Prévention des risques visant le préposé aux signaux dans les enceintes portuaires [in French]
These recommendations, adopted 29 May 1985, establish safety measures complementary to the provisions of French regulations concerning the loading or unloading of watercraft. Examples of hand signals.
Travail et sécurité, Jan. 1986, No.1, p.81. Illus.

CIS 86-764 Gustafsson L., Wall S., Larsson L.G., Skog B.
Mortality and cancer incidence among Swedish dock workers - A retrospective cohort study
The study was undertaken to establish a possible link between incidence of cancer and exposure to diesel exhaust fumes. The results obtained so far show a low total mortality, irrespective of cause of death, but a tendency towards an excess risk for cancer morbidity, mainly due to lung cancer.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Feb. 1986, Vol.12, No.1, p.22-26. Illus. 8 ref.


CIS 91-719
Ministero della Marina Mercantile
Ministerial decree of 23 May 1985 - Standards for packaging used for the maritime transportation of dangerous goods: generalities, models and requirements, prescriptions related to testing [Italy]
Decr.min. 23 maggio 1985 - Norme sugli imballagi destinati al trasporto marittimo di merci pericolose in colli: generalità, tipi e requisiti, prescrizioni relative alle prove [in Italian]
All dangerous goods transported by sea must be packaged according to these standards, with the exception of gases (compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure) and radioactive substances. Contents: definitions of different kinds of packages; general conditions for packing; codes designating types of packing; list of packaging subject to testing; testing methods; requirements of specific types of packaging; marking; certification; glossary of packing terms; annotated illustrations of kinds of packaging. Marking and testing standards are in conformity with those established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Gazzetta ufficiale, 11 July 1985, Suppl.No.60 to issue No.162, Part I, 111p. Illus. Price: ITL 3500.

CIS 90-380
Ministério do Trabalho e Segurança Social; Direcção-Geral de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho
Safety legislation concerning electrical equipment aboard sea-going vessels [Portugal]
Regulamento de segurança das instalações eléctricas das embarcações [in Portuguese]
Compendium of Portuguese laws, decrees and regulations concerning electrical safety in sea-going vessels.
Serviço de Informação Científica e Técnica, Praça de Londres, 2-1°, Lisboa, Portugal, 1985. 209p.

CIS 89-100 Baranovskij M.E.
Safety in maritime bulk cargo transport
Bezopasnost' morskoj perevozki navaločnyh gruzov [in Russian]
This training manual considers the theoretical basis of safety standardisation of marine transport of grain and other bulk cargo. The relationship between international and national standardisation is described. The basis of USSR national regulations and a new method for determination of the resistance to shifting of bulk cargoes in marine transportation are presented. Contents: basic principles of safe transportation of bulk cargoes (accidents, safety criteria); setting and application of national and international standards for safety in grain transport; setting and application of national and international standards for safe transport of non-grain cargoes.
Izdatel'stvo Transport, Sadovaja Spasskaja 21, 107078 Moskva, USSR, 1985. 189p. Illus. 51 ref. Price: SUR 0.65.

CIS 87-1249
FITIM - Conselho de Segurança Laboral
Our working environment: The shipbuilding industry
Nosso meio ambiente - Indústria naval [in Portuguese]
Instruction manual on safety and health in the shipbuilding industry based on material developed by a Swedish labour union organisation, and to be used in safety courses for workers in Brazil. After a survey of safety and health problems common to all industries, the manual discusses the specific problems that occur in the construction and maintenance of sea-going ships and in the transportation by sea of petroleum and coal.
Departamento Profissional dos Metalúrgicos, Rua Curitiba, 1.269, CEP 30170, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil; International Metalworkers Federation, 54bis route des Acacias, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland, 1985. 71p. Illus.

CIS 87-945 Warncke J., Ebert H.
Medical aspects of safety training of seamen
Sicherheitsausbildung von Seeleuten aus schiffahrtsmedizinischer Sicht [in German]
Accidents at sea frequently involve high casualties. In view of the still large number of accidents at sea and the danger they pose to the life and health of seamen, effective measures must be taken to prevent the loss of ships and to save human lives. Survival in such situations depends largely on the affected persons' knowledge of the risks involved and a correct behaviour on their part. The Department of Navigation of the GDR Medical Service of the Transport System has prepared curricula entitled "Medical aspects of survival at sea" which are designed to be integrated into the training programmes for all the qualification levels and careers of seamen. The contents of a representative curriculum are presented.
Verkehrsmedizin und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1985, Vol.32, No.4, p.161-168. 1 ref.

CIS 87-26 Dock work safety and health standards [Philippines]
Official Gazette (Philippines), 25 Nov. 1985, Vol.81, No.47, p.5438-5467.

CIS 86-544 Elo A.L.
Health and stress of seafarers
Questionnaire survey of a group of 591 seafarers representing different occupations in the Finnish merchant fleet. Of the different occupational groups, the engine crew reported the most stress. On the average health status was reported as rather good. Of the work-related factors, noise, climatic conditions on board, occupational group and received appreciation at work were perceived as the most important.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1985, Vol.11, No.6, p.427-432. 21 ref.

CIS 86-542 Jégaden D., Piquemal B.
Low back pain in merchant seamen. Frequency and risk factors
Les lombalgies chez les marins de commerce - Fréquence et facteurs de risque [in French]
Results of a survey of low back pain in a sample of 285 sailors of the French merchant marine: 35% suffered from lumbar pain, and 17% had had to stop work for this reason. Patients suffering from lower back pain are more overweight than backache-free subjects, and the problem is aggravated by movements of the ship at sea (which place an extra load on the spine) and by 2-20Hz vibrations produced by ships' engines.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, 1985, Vol.46, No.3, p.189-192. Illus. 11 ref.

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