Garment industry in Bangladesh

Employers’ Seminar on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining emphasizes training on rights and responsibilities.

Dhaka – Employers’ organizations expressed their full respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining at a high-level meeting here, organized by the BGMEA, BKMEA and BEF, with senior representatives of the Government of Bangladesh and the ILO.

Press release | 24 April 2014
Engineer Khandker Mosharraf Hossain MP, Bangladesh Minister of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment said, “the principle of freedom of association is at the core of human values.”

Participants to the meeting highlighted the need for training for both new RMG sector unions and employers to ensure well functioning social dialogue.

BGMEA president, Mr. Md Atiqul Islam said “a priority is to educate both workers and employers on their rights and responsibilities.”

Over 140 new ready-made garment factory unions have registered since 2013 compared to just three in the past two years.

ILO Deputy Director-General for Field Operations and Partnerships said, “freedom of Association is part and parcel of a new way of doing business in Bangladesh.”