
  1. Declaration Overview

    An overview of the ILO declarationo on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

  1. Intersecting risks: HIV/AIDS and child labour

    01 June 2002

    Dr. Rau was commissioned by the ILO to write this working paper, as one of the inputs into preparation of the ILO Director-General's report to the 2002 session of the International Labour Conference, under the follow- up to the ILO Declaration, entitled A Future Without Child Labour. Based on a review of the secondary information currently available, this paper sheds new light on the direct links between HIV/AIDS and child labour, as well on the common factors, driven largely by deep inequalities between social groups, which increase children's vulnerability both to HIV infection and to being draw into child labour, especially its worst forms. Hence the title of this Paper: Intersecting Risks.

  2. Child Labour in the Russian Federation

    01 June 2002

    Dr. Stephenson was commissioned by the ILO to write this Working Paper, as an input into preparation of the ILO Director-General's report to the 2002 session of the International Labour Conference, under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration, entitled A Future Without Child Labour. Based on the author’s own research, as well as secondary information sources, the paper reviews emerging trends and issues in child labour in the Russian Federation over the transition period. It highlights some of the key challenges to be faced, if vulnerable groups of children are to be protected from child labour, and particularly its worst forms, in a period of rapid and profound change in economic and social structures.

  3. A future without child labour. Global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Report of the Director-General, 2002

    06 May 2002

    Folder containing flyers, fact sheets, the report "A future without child labour", and resource lists of contact persons by region.

  4. Minimum wages and pay equity in Latin America

    01 March 2002

    Dr. Damian Grimshaw and Dr. Marcela Miozzo were commissioned by the ILO to write this Working Paper, as an input for the preparation of the ILO Director-General’s Global Report to the 2003 session of the International Labour Conference.2 Their study examines the experience of minimum wage policy in Latin American, in respect of its effectiveness in reducing gender pay inequalities, especially at the bottom of the occupational hierarchy. The main goal of this study was to see how a minimum wage policy may be used as a tool to promote pay equity, as women are represented disproportionately among the low paid.

  5. A Perspective Plan to Eliminate Forced Labour in India

    01 July 2001

    The problem of debt bondage in India is linked to the phenomenon of poverty, which is closely linked to the absence of land and assets. There is a strong commonality between the community of rural poor and victims of debt bondage, in as much as an overwhelming percentage of these belong to the category of landless agricultural labourers, a majority of whom also belong to the community of SC and ST.

  6. Bonded labour in Pakistan

    01 June 2001

    This paper, based upon interviews with Government and non-governmental sources in Pakistan, as well as a survey of several thousand sharecropping tenant families in rural Sindh, was written as background material for the first ILO Global Report under the Declaration Follow-Up on the subject of Forced Labour.

  7. Bonded labour in Pakistan: An overview

    01 June 2001

    This paper responds to some queries about the situation of debt bonded labour in Pakistan. Due to limitations of time, the paper is largely based upon a small set of interviews with government and non-governmental organizations in Sindh and Punjab, and upon some secondary material.

  8. Stopping forced labour : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. Report of the Director-General, 2001

    08 May 2001

  9. Stopping Forced Labour

    01 January 2001

    Forced Labour is universally condemned. Yet the elimination of its numerous forms — old and new, ranging from slavery and debt bondage to trafficking in human beings — remains one of the most complex challenges facing local communities, national governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations and the international community. Tackling this denial of human freedom calls for multidimensional solutions to address the disparate forms that forced labour takes.

  10. Your voice at work. Global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. Report of the Director-General, 2000

    25 May 2000

    Reports on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in ILO member States. Reviews the challenges and opportunities that globalization and social change present to the world of work, and their implications for freedom of association and collective bargaining and summarizes major trends in respect of these principles and rights. Assesses ILO assistance in their promotion and suggests a framework for future ILO action.