Events and news

February 2015

  1. Course "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"

    The main objective of the course is to train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour, including trafficking for labour exploitation. The course addresses the different stages of the process (inspecting workplaces, interviewing victims, gathering evidence), with a focus on the private sector (textile, agriculture, domestic work, etc.).

October 2014

  1. Bondage, rights and voice in the Indian Ocean world, 16th century to present

    International workshop from the France-Quebec program, sponsored by ANR and FQRSC and coordinated by Alessandro Stanziani (CRH-EHESS) and Gwyn Campbell (McGill University). Scholars, activists, representatives of international organizations and NGOs will explore the relationship between historical and contemporary forms of servitude and human trafficking in the region and will interact to set a new research agenda and new policies orientations. Beate Andrees, head of the ILO Special action Programme to combat Forced Labour will give a presentation on “The Price of Having a Job. Labour Recruitment Practises in Global Markets”.

September 2014

  1. Eradicating forced and child labour from the supply chains: How to institute real change?

    The AP-Forced Labour Net invites participants to share experiences on different approaches to address forced and child labour in supply chains and to discuss the way forward to tackle remaining challenges.

June 2014

  1. Jordan reviews the state of collective bargaining at national and sector-specific levels

    Government officials as well as workers’ and employers’ organizations discuss progress and challenges facing freedom of association and collective bargaining in Jordan.

April 2014

  1. Workshop on the Fair Recruitment Initiative

    This workshop aims at reviewing and discussing recent evidence on the nexus between recruitment, labour migration and human trafficking. The overall framework and objectives of the “Fair Recruitment Initiative” will also be discussed, including benchmarks for Fair Recruitment based on International Standards and the development of policy guidance. The meeting is held under the auspices of the Taskforce on Migration and Decent Work of the Global Migration Group (GMG), which is chaired by the ILO in 2014.