The ILO’s LEED+ Approach

Strengthening women's economic empowerment and access to Decent Work in Sri Lanka's Northern province

At the core of women's economic empowerment is access and agency; while access to skills, resources, services, and market opportunities is one aspect of advancement, the other, agency is about the power of decision-making. This document provides a snapshot of different approaches implemented by LEED+ towards achieving the above.

Inclusive economic growth is about equality of opportunity and participation in growth by all. In expanding a nation's economy and development , these hold especially true with regards to reaching the most vulnerable groups, especially women. The Local Empowerment through Economic Development and Reconciliation (LEED+) Project has specific outcomes that focus on improved decent work opportunities for, and enhanced participation in decision-making by, women. While taking into consideration the unique cultural and social nuances that exist in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, LEED+ continues to implement and explore practical, context-specific, and innovative approaches for gender empowerment and inclusion.