ILO Caribbean NewsLink April-June 2015

The April to June issue of ILO Caribbean Newslink covers the adoption of historic the labour standard to tackle the informal economy; the Labour Market Reform Commission which was launched in Jamaica; Youth employment and informality; among other things...

104th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) concludes with the adoption of historic labour standard to tackle the informal economy; Caribbean Delegates address the 104th Session of the ILC; Brussels Study Tour launches CEC and CCL activities under ILO-EU Project; Jamaica launches Labour Market Reform Commission; Training of tripartite constituents by ILO Research Department; Youth employment and informality a major focus at ILO regional Meeting; Caribbean countries join in building a culture of prevention on occupational safety and health (OSH); Trinidad and Tobago - Developing a labour migration policy; Bahamas Trade Unions examine freedom of association... and more