Practical guidelines for developing and implementing workplace policies and programmes on HIV and AIDS

Based on ILO experiences in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean Countries

These guidelines represent the crystallization of the lessons learnt from ILO’s long partnership with its constituents to develop and implement tripartite-plus workplace policies on HIV and AIDS. While this Guide emerged out of the Caribbean experience, it is a universal tool that constituents in the Caribbean and beyond can use to develop and implement their own HIV policies at the national, sectoral or enterprise level.

The process espoused in this publication is designed to build the capacity and confi dence of tripartite constituents to develop, implement, own, and sustain their workplace response to the HIV epidemic. This process has been applied consistently in the majority of Caribbean countries as has been the ILO framework for responding in the workplace, namely: 1) The ILO Recommendation No. 200 Concerning HIV and AIDS and the World of Work (2010); and 2) ILO Code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work (2001), undoubtedly contributing to the elements that strengthen the regional bond.