Job creation for women and youth through Local Employment Partnerships in Moldova

This new project equips labour market institutions and social partners with knowledge and tools for the implementation of a new, gender-sensitive national employment policy. In addition, through the Local Employment Partnerships, it will create 1,000 jobs, mostly for women.

In 2017, the Republic of Moldova adopted a National Employment Strategy (NES, 2017-2021) placing employment as a central goal in national policies, including economic and social policies. However, implementation was faltering: low employment, high incidence of inactivity, and underemployment being still critical challenges, which were exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

To address these challenges and contribute to a job-rich recovery, the ILO programme equips labour market institutions and social partners with knowledge, evidence and tools to formulate a new, human-centred and gender-transformative employment policy. The new policy focuses on addressing informality and inactivity, particularly in rural areas, including a stronger focus on the demand side of the labour market. 

The programme offers a pragmatic response to the urgent need for job creation, aiming at reaching around 3,000 beneficiaries and creating about 1,000 jobs (at least 50 percent for women) in two districts of the country, through extending the successful and consolidated ILO Local Employment Partnership model, rooted in social dialogue and being a model of descentralization of employment policy.  Young people, informal female workers in rural settings and women returnees are specific targets of the programme.