New ILO project to strengthen the effectiveness of the Labour Inspection System and social dialogue in Ukraine

The ILO is responding to Ukrainian constituents request for technical assistance to strengthen the Labour Inspection System and ensure labour law compliance in the country.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the project “The effectiveness of the Labour Inspection System and of Social Dialogue Mechanisms is strengthened” and carried out the tripartite seminar “Social Dialogue on labour inspection. The modality for Ukraine based on national and EU practices” on 11 October 2016, in Kiev.

The launching event was chaired by the ILO National Coordinator for Ukraine and introduced by the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Director of the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe, the Chairperson of the Verkhvona Rada of Ukraine Committee on Social Policy, Employment and Pension Security, the Head of the State Labour Service, and the head of joint representative body of employers and trade union Organizations at national level. The Project will last until March 2018 and is being implemented within the framework of Decent Work Country Programme for Ukraine for 2016 – 2019.

Mr. Antonio Graziosi, Director of the ILO DWT/CO-Budapest mentioned: “This Project is an excellent opportunity for the recently established State Labour Service to benefit from the ILO’s support and strengthen its institutional capacity and ensure that workers’ rights are duly respected in Ukraine”.

The Project aims to provide support to the Government of Ukraine to improve the effectiveness of the labour inspection system and ensure better labour law compliance. It will do so by addressing institutional and legal needs of the State Labour Service, improving its capacity to develop actions ensuring the effective respect of labour rights, in the area of occupational safety and health, informal economy, and fundamental labour rights.

The launch was immediately followed by a tripartite seminar “Social Dialogue on labour inspection. The modality for Ukraine based on national and EU practices”. The ILO presented the role of social partners in labour inspection based on ILO standards and EU practices. It was remarked that the ILO Committee on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the platform for collaboration with social partners has to be compatible with the impartiality and authority of labour inspectors in their relation with employers and workers. Findings on current tripartite bodies within the labour inspection in Ukraine were presented to constituents. It is now up to them to continue discussing this issue and propose a new modality for social dialogue that is acceptable to all three parties. The ILO stands ready to assist the constituents in setting up this body.