Bosnia and Herzegovina resources

  1. MEET THE DIRECTOR: What has been the impact of the pandemic in the region?

    15 September 2021

    Markus Pilgrim, Director of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe talks about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on labour markets in the region, what the ILO has done to mitigate the impact and what the emerging trends are in employment. The pandemic led to a severe economic recession in the region, with about 8% of working hours lost in 2020, an equivalent of 10 million jobs. These losses translated into an increase in inactivity, many people dropping out of the labour market. The ILO CEE Office started to collect solid evidence on the impact of the pandemic in spring 2020, and produced assessment reports in four Western Balkan countries, which led to several policy changes in these countries. In addition, the office designed job and income protection measures, such as a cash transfer project for dismissed Albanian textile workers. The next big thing is the ongoing technological transformation, fair transition towards a digital and green economy, which means a major shift from traditional to new sectors and re-skilling.

  2. MEET THE SPECIALISTS: Alessandra Molz, Skills

    16 August 2021

    Alessandra Molz, ILO Skills Specialist explains how she assists governments, worker and employer organizations in developing quality vocational education and training for young people, and lifelong learning opportunities for adult workers in Central and Eastern Europe. Her work includes skills needs anticipation, identifying skills mismatches, development of new methodologies, such as e-Learning and blended learning, and building bridges between employers and workers, or employers and education. The world of work is changing, young people and adults equally need new skills that prepare them for the future of work.

  3. © AFP/Europress 2024

    ITUC Global Rights Index for 2021 shows that COVID-19 impacted workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe

    10 August 2021

    The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has released its yearly Global Rights Index for 2021. The report shows that the COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in violations of workers’ rights across the globe. In Europe, the most frequently violated rights have been the rights to strike, to go for collective bargaining, and to establish and join a trade union. For Central and Eastern Europe, the index shows a mixed picture. While some countries increased workers’ access to rights, other countries moved in the opposite direction.

  4. © ILO 2024

    Meet the Specialists: Kenichi Hirose, Social protection

    03 August 2021

    Ken Hirose, Senior Technical Specialist for Social protection, Occupational Safety and Health, and Labour inspection shares how he assists ILO partners and constituents in improving the quality of work and safety of workers in Central and Eastern Europe. The challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic at workplaces made ILO services in these areas sought after. In the post-pandemic period, extending social protection coverage to workers in non-standard forms of employment (part-time, undeclared, platform etc) will be a priority.

  5. © ILO/Milos Vujovic 2024

    The European Commission and the ILO join forces to support young people

    18 July 2021

    A new EC/ILO Technical Assistance Facility set up to pursue youth employment in the Western Balkans.

  6. Meet the Specialists: Iulia Drumea, Employers' organizations

    16 July 2021

    Iulia Drumea, Employers' Organizations Specialist explains how she supports ILO work with Employers organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. Employers organizations work to create a business-friendly environment for their members. The ILO service offer focuses on recommendations Employers can use to influence national policies and regulations on entreprises; assistance to develop better services to members; and advising Employers on how to improve performance and grow their membership.

  7. Three essential questions to Mihail Arandarenko, Professor at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics

    02 July 2021

    Welcome to our first issue of short interviews with important researchers and practitioners from Central and Eastern Europe on burning questions concerning labour and social policies. The interviewee is Mihail Arandarenko, a leading researcher on labour markets and employment and social policies.

  8. ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 June

    15 June 2021

    This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces beneficiary stories, programme results and new projects, and features ILO CEE collaborations, fresh publications and new staff.

  9. Meet the Specialists: Daniela Zampini, Employment creation

    14 June 2021

    Daniela Zampini, the Employment Specialist of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe explains what she does to create more and better jobs, how she works with governments, employers, workers, civil society organizations or municipalities, and what achievements she is most proud of. In 2020, due to COVID-19 related lockdowns, confinements, and other restrictions, CEE countries lost on average 8 per cent of their total working hours. Daniela explains how the ILO responded to the crisis.

  10. Meet the Specialists: Magnus Berge, Workers organizations

    14 June 2021

    Magnus Berge, Senior Specialist for Workers' Organizations explains how he supports ILO work with Trade Unions in Central and Eastern Europe. He promotes Trade Unions so that they can work more effectively to improve working conditions of workers and to protect workers' rights across the region. He advises Trade Unions when their rights are violated. ILO work with Workers organizations focuses on four areas: 1) helping Trade Unions modernize their operations and structures, 2) improve their service delivery to members, 3) helping them to communicate better about laws, workers' rights and services available for them, and 4) helping to draft good policy proposals on labour laws based on International Labour Standards.