Roundtable: Iraqi Labour Force

A two-day workshop to review the recent Iraqi Knowledge Network Household (IKN) labour force report.

Together with the UN's Joint Analysis Policy Unit (JAPU), the ILO will host a two-day workshop to review the recent Iraqi Knowledge Network Household (IKN) labour force report and finalize its policy recommendations with stakeholders, in line with national labour force policies (such as the National Development Plan for Iraq 2010-2014).

Participants include officials from the Central Statistical Office (CSO), Kurdistan Statistical office (KRSO), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Youth Baghdad and Kurdistan, as well as academics and representatives from the UN.


• To discuss the IKN analytical report on the Iraqi labour force and to agree on key conclusions and policy recommendations
• To discuss employment-related aspects of various national policy documents
• To identify mechanisms for improving the implementation and impact of employment outputs in various policy frameworks


• Jobs for Iraq: An employment and decent work strategy
• Jobs for Iraq (Arabic)
• Social Justice for a New Arab Era
• Iraq Knowledge Network Labour Force Factsheet