Palestinian Healthcare in Lebanon: Financial and Legal Challenges

A preliminary financial assessment on the cost of providing healthcare coverage under the Social Security Fund for Palestinian refugees working in the formal economy in addition to the proposals for legal amendments relating to social security will be presented and discussed in an expert meeting on 19 April 2013.

An experts meeting will be held in Beirut on Friday (April 19) on the financial and legal challenges to the provision of healthcare coverage to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

The ILO and the Committee for Employment of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (CEP) will present a preliminary financial assessment titled “The Financial Assessment of the Cost of Providing Health Care Coverage for Palestinian Refugees and the Legal Obstacles of law 128/2010” on the cost of providing healthcare coverage under the Social Security Fund for Palestinian refugees working in the formal economy in addition, and with support from the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee (LPDC), proposals for legal amendments relating to social security for Palestinian refugees were developed.

The meeting aims to promote evidence-based deliberations on healthcare coverage for Palestinian refugees and conclude with a set of practical recommendations.

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