Seminar on Forced Labour Convention,1930 (No.29)

A workshop will be jointly organized by the ILO and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) under the EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project. The workshop aims to support the decision for China to endorse the ratification of the ILO Forced Labour Convention (C29).

C29 Workshop in Kunming
The workshop is organized under the EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project, funded by the EU and jointly implemented by the ILO and IOM. The workshop aims to support the decision for China to endorse the ratification of the ILO Forced Labour Convention,1930 (No.29) by providing an international exchange platform for government officials, social partners and other stakeholders working on forced labour issues in China to exchange ideas with international experts for recommendations to reduce the obstacles for China’s ratification and develop sound national policies and practices to eliminate forced labour.

The workshop is structured around the following objectives:
  • Decision for China to endorse the ratification of Convention No.29;
  • Awareness-raising of ILO Fair Recruitment Principles and Operational Guidelines and its role in forced-labour conscious migration management;
  • Awareness-raising of the significance of forced labour standards for global supply chains;
  • Discussion of the complementary roles of the labour inspectorate, law enforcement authorities and state prosecution in ensuring compliance with forced labour standards;
  • Introducing prosecution guidelines on forced labour.
Around 50 participants from EU, ILO, MOHRSS, State Council Legal Affairs Bureau, National People’s Congress Legal Affairs Committee, Ministry of Public Security (MPS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), China Enterprise Confederation (CEC), and State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) will attend the workshop.