MONEF validated a self-assessment tool kit to boost business compliance with fundamental principles and rights at work

The ILO is supporting the efforts of the Mongolian Employers’ Federation (MONEF) within the framework of the EU-funded project “Sustaining GSP-Plus Status by Strengthened National Capacities to Improve ILS Compliance and Reporting – Mongolia (GSP+ Reporting)” to improve Mongolian businesses’ labour and business practices. In turn, this will enhance their ability to export goods to the EU.

Press release | 19 October 2017
Together, the ILO and MONEF developed a self-assessment tool kit for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Mongolia to review their practices and identify areas for improvement. On October 19, 2017, representatives of 18 export-minded businesses in Darkhan-Uul aimag, Mongolia’s industrial hub, reviewed the revised draft tool kit. A participant from a leather processing company remarked that the tool kit provided “simple, useful and practical guidance” to companies to ensure compliance with the ILO’s fundamental labour standards concerning child labour, forced labour, discrimination, equal remuneration, freedom of association and collective bargaining.

The tool kit had previously benefited from comments and inputs from a review workshop with companies in Ulaanbaatar in September 2017. MONEF plans to publish the tool kit at the end of 2017, and further assist its members in realizing decent work and enhancing business efficiency, thereby meeting the EU’s import rules.

Mongolia is a beneficiary country of the EU’s Generalized Schemes of Trade Privileges. In 2016, it registered EUR 67 million of export products to the EU. It has ratified all eight ILO Fundamental Conventions concerning child labour, forced labour, discrimination, equal remuneration, freedom of association and collective bargaining. Mongolia is currently in the process of revising its Labour Law to close the gap between national laws and the requirements of these Conventions.