The one stop shop: The Mongolian experience for delivering social protection and employment services

The video shares the Mongolian experience for delivering social protection and employment services through the one-stop-shop.

Date issued: 08 November 2016 | Size/duration: 00:12:28

With a population of 2.8 million inhabitants and a density of less than two people per square kilometre, Mongolia is the most sparsely populated country in the world. Mongolia has a well-developed social protection system providing social benefits and employment services to people at each stage of life. However, delivering social services and transfers across a very sparsely populated country is challenging. Launched in 2007, the One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Project established facilities where citizens can receive several kinds of public services and a number of privately delivered notary and banking services. These accessible and customer-oriented “one-stop shops” aimed to increase accessibility, transparency, and efficiency of public service delivery, as well as reduce corruption and transaction costs. Gathering representatives from different government agencies (including social insurance, social welfare, and employment departments), the OSS has offered the Government an opportunity to enhance the legal framework of public service provision and improve accessibility, awareness, and transparency of services provided. Now commonly used by the population, the OSS provides an opportunity for local administrations to improve coordination and the quality of public services provided to their population.