Financial Education Course for ASEAN Migrant Workers: Guide for trainers

This Financial Education Course for ASEAN Migrant Workers: Guide for trainers (henceforth the “guide for trainers”) is designed in conjunction with the Financial Planner for ASEAN Migrant workers (henceforth “financial planner”) to deliver the Financial Education Course for ASEAN Migrant Workers and Civil Society Organizations, initiated by ILO’s ASEAN Triangle Project in partnership with the Atikha Overseas Workers Initiative, Inc. (Atikha).

The Financial Education Course for ASEAN Migrant Workers: Guide for trainers is developed to assist trainers, facilitators, and moderators in conducting the Financial Education Course. This trainers’ guide details the content in and the methodology for conducting the financial education course. The course objectives, time limits, materials, and steps for conducting the various modules are specified. Key points that should be highlighted in the different topics are indicated, and specific instructions to the facilitators are also provided.