Biennium Report: Asia-Pacific Labour Migration Programme

This report outlines the results and highlights from 2012-2013 of the ILO Asia-Pacific labour migration programme to protect women and men migrant workers and promote effective governance of labour migration.

In Asia and the Pacific, within the overall objective of increased protection of migrant workers and more effective governance of labour migration, the ILO had the following priorities on labour migration for 2012 – 2013:
•To improve the knowledge base and policies in labour migration
•To build capacity of governments and social partners in managing labour migration
•To promote bilateral and regional cooperation on labour migration

This report summarises key activities and achievements over the two years from 2012 to 2013. Highlights include the development of two MOUs between trade unions in the GMS region; 16 research reports completed; 24 capacity building trainings, workshops and study tours; 5 regional conferences and seminars; 23 Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) providing information, counselling and legal support; almost 40,000 migrant workers accessing these services (since their inception in 2010); and over US$1 million in compensation ordered to 2,444 complainants in Malaysia and Thailand.