Monitoring and evaluation training manual for migrant worker resource centres

This manual provides tailored training materials to support effective monitoring and evaluation of activities at migrant worker resource centres.

The ILO TRIANGLE in ASEAN programme supports migrant worker resource centres (MRCs) and implementing partners in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam to provide services to men and women potential migrants, migrant workers and members of their families. Through implementation agreements with governments, trade unions, and civil society organisations, MRCs are in operation at 27 target sites across the region.

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is critical to ensuring the effectiveness and impact of these centres. However, capacity restrictions have limited the ability of migrant worker resource centres to apply a results-based approach to their work.

To address this issue, tailored trainings have been delivered to implementing partners to provide them with practical tools and coaching on M&E. The long-term benefits of supporting capacity building on M&E include enabling the MRCs to obtain a detailed understanding of how their activities have protected migrant workers, and nurturing their ability to make evidence-based adjustments to their interventions.