Wages Policy Training

The ILO’s INWORK Branch has developed a Minimum Wage Policy Guide, which provides information and advice to ILO constituents to assist with the design and implementation of wages policy. The guide outlines key principles, good practices, and relevant international labour standards, and draws upon examples of wage policies from around the world. The ILO has developed a suite of Wages Policy training materials that draw on the Policy Guide.

The Wages Policy training is relevant to constituents in Cambodia. The training workshop covered a number of topics that are relevant to the current garment sector minimum wage in Cambodia, such as the use of social and economic criteria, an evidence-based approach to minimum wage adjustment, and the principles of monitoring and evaluating the impact of minimum wages. The workshop also addressed issues that may be relevant in the future to Cambodian stakeholders, including the costs and benefits of differentiating minimum wages by sector, geographical region, or other dimensions.

Objective and outcomes

The training provide a broad overview of minimum wage policy options with focus on the principles of effective wages policies, as well as providing some examples of different systems around the world.

The participants were drawn from Cambodia’s Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) 28 members, and Tripartite Working Group (16 members from each party; government, workers, and employers).
Overall, the training was highly appreciated by the constituents. The contents were seen to relevant and useful, and the use of country examples helped to broaden their understanding of the implications of minimum wage policy. The level of technical complexity at times was perhaps too high for some participants. A number of participants expressed their wish to participate in further capacity building on this subject.