Decent Work Country Programme for Ethiopia signed

The International Labour Organization and its tripartite constituents signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement the Decent Work Country Programme for Ethiopia.

News | 07 August 2014
The International Labour Organization and its tripartite constituents, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA), the Ethiopian Employers Federation (EEF), and the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) signed on August 7, 2014 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement the Decent Work Country Programme for Ethiopia.

The 2014/2015 Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) sets the framework and identifies the priorities of the ILO cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia in the areas of labour administration. It aims at facilitating the delivery of ILO’s financial and technical support towards the achievement of sustainable reduction of poverty through the integration of decent work priorities in support of the national development agenda as set out in the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-2010/11—2014/15).

The Decent Country Programme priorities contain three major areas:
  1. Improving implementation of international Labour standards and social dialogue: the objective is to enhance labour market governance through the ratification and implementation of relevant conventions, and strengthen the capacities of social dialogue, labour dispute resolution and collective bargaining institutions.
  2. Promoting decent employment for poverty reduction especially for the youth and women: the goal is to strengthen the on-going national efforts to facilitate an enabling policy environment for the expansion of decent employment creation, the expansion of labour market information services by setting up data base system and capacity building support to develop the national skill base.
  3. Improving social protection for sustainable development: aims to improving social protection coverage and the implementation of occupation safety and health programmes. Nine Specific measureable outcomes have been identified to gauge the achievement of this programme.
The DWCP is the result of a series of consultations between the ILO and its tripartite partners and other stakeholders.